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Show Me Islam In The Stars?

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posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: Mannegishi
a reply to: TechniXcality

then i recommend opening a book or two and share your wisdom afterwards instead of a narrow p.o.v

start with sufism

Genesis 1:14-19 reveals the fact that they were created, not only “to divide the day from the night, and to give light upon the earth”; but, they were set “for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years”. “And” is the figure of speech Polysyndeton or Many Ands. The repetition of the word “and” at the beginning of successive clauses, each independent, important, and emphatic, with no climax at the end. The figure emphasizes these four purposes, and bids us to single them out and consider them separately and independently. 

They are for signs. The Hebrew word oth, from athah, means to come. Signs, therefore, of something or some One to come. Those who understand them are enlightened by them. Those who do not may well be “dismayed” Jer. 10:2. For more than 2,500 years, the revelation of the hope which God gave in Genesis 3:15 was preserved in the naming of the stars and their grouping in Signs and Constellations.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: Ericthedoubter
a reply to: newnature1

I'll just place this here:

China got there first

What literal words could portray these literal facts so wonderfully as these expressive figures of speech?

Let’s look at the beginning of Genesis, “And” is the figure of speech Polysyndeton or Many Ands. The repetition of the word “and” at the beginning of successive clauses, each independent, important, and emphatic, with no climax at the end. 34 verses of this introduction, each one of 102 separate acts is emphasized; and the important word “God” in versus 1 is carried like a lamp through the whole of this Introduction. 

“The earth” is the figure of speech Anadiplosis or Like sentence endings and beginnings. The word or words concluding one sentence are repeated at the beginning of another. 

“Without form” the Hebrew word is ‘tohu va bohu’ and is the figure of speech Paronomasia or Rhyming words. The repetition of words similar in sound, but not necessarily in sense. Without form, one of the Hebrew words is ‘tohu’ and is used as a subsequent event. Not created ‘tohu’ (Isa. 45:18), but became ‘tohu’ (2 Pet. 3:5-6). The other word is ‘bohu’ and is rendered “void”, means desolate. The two words together occur in Gen. 1:2a; Isa. 34:11; Jer. 4:23. 

“Face” in Genesis 1:2a is the figure Pleonasm or Redundancy. Where what is said is, immediately after, put in another or opposite way to make it impossible for the sense to be missed.

In Genesis 1:2a, the two verbs ‘was’ should be the verb ‘to become’. The Revisers ill-advisedly decided that “all such words, now printed in italics, as are plainly implied in the Hebrew, and necessary in English, be printed in common type. One of the consequences of this decision is that the verb “to be” is not distinguished from the verb “to become”, so that the lessons conveyed are lost.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: newnature1

Well, since you claim its over a hundred, im all ears.. Cause i cant get it over a hundred.. I have a book next to me, its called ptolemys almagest, written a long time ago.. Its very useful for navigation and farming, well depending on where you live.. Up north we have the sunwheel, its called the little dipper and polaris.. It told the northerners when different season were..

Our brain is hardwired for pattern recognition.. Or we can go by your divine thoughts and call it something else..

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: Mannegishi
a reply to: Ericthedoubter

Im a idiot sometimes, of course the rice came from china and not, milk honey and dried fruit came from india. However the merchants were pakistani on colorful wagons. The first who probably understood how to build a neolithic society with rice/grain was the chinese by using a calendar.

Weather that is comfortable for humans is also good for wheat. Wheat needs 12 to 15 inches (31 to 38 centimeters) of water to produce a good crop. It grows best when temperatures are warm, from 70° to 75° F (21° to 24° C), but not too hot. Wheat also needs a lot of sunshine, especially when the grains are filling. Areas with low humidity are better since many wheat diseases thrive in damp weather.

wow im retarded, im soooo retarded sometimes..

Extend this to the regions of the nile, and egypt and.. yeah its a gigantic working, wheat field. me stupido

Now at one point in time in God’s life, he chose to create some kind of structure that separated him from the empty place outside of that structure. But God was not alone, because God rode around on a kind of throne chariot. God’s enthroned above four magnificent creatures. Each of these has a human body and then four faces: the face of a human, the face of a lion, the face of an ox, and the face of an eagle. These 4 magnificent creatures have the same kind of eternal life that God has within himself, but what these magnificent creatures bodies are made of, is unclear. Not only were these 4 magnificent creatures with God, but there were 24 other individuals with God. These 24 individuals are named Elders and they also have the same kind of eternal life that God has within himself, but these Elders have that eternal life in some kind of flesh and bone body. Now God’s body is different then these 24 Elders and these 4 magnificent creatures. 

We know that God did indeed create some kind of structure around him, because he went to the north side of that structure and laid the north side of it over the empty place that is outside of that structure. It is in the north of the north of that new addition to that structure, that God established a different throne to sit on, because his throne (the Ark) is in the tent that God pitched in the north of the north also. Now the reason God created this structure, it was for the beings he was about to create within it.

Isaiah 14:13 - The north, this helps us to localize the dwelling place of God.

Psalms 75:6 - It comes not from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south, therefore promotion comes from the north. The immediate place of God’s throne, to which Lucifer aspires. 

Job 26:7 - In order to stretch out the north over the empty place, there has to be a structure in place separating whatever is inside it from the empty place outside of it.

John 4:24 God is a spirit, not flesh or material substance.

John 5:26 God has eternal life in himself.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: newnature1

If you look through history, nomadic tribes are underdeveloped, lower IQ, they use dogmatic and cultural ideals to make a sustainable and working society. Mostly cause, well, the dumber you are, the more you need to prove something.. Brawn before a brain.. In a colder climate, people tend to develop by natural order.. something called survival of the fittest, not the sneakiest, loudest, most abnoxious persona.. If you did it that in Scandinavia, they killed you..

Thats what i love about the practicality of having the four seasonal swastika as a guiding light ( the polaris and the little dipper ), it just tells anyone who tries to much, will end up buried..

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: newnature1

Ok: Arabic Star names, A Treasure of Knowledge Shared by the World

Ptolemy's book was translated twice into Arabic in the 9th century and became famous. Many of the Arabic-language star descriptions in the Almagest came to be used widely as names for stars. The leading expert on star names in Islamic astronomy, the German historian Paul Kunitzsch, has identified two traditions of star names in Muslim heritage. The first is the traditional star folklore of the Muslim peoples which he has named "indigenous-Arabic", the second being the scientific Islamic Arabic tradition, which he designates "scientific-Arabic".

If that was not exactly what you are looking for, Ghost147 has used this pic before:

Link to bigger image link

Genesis 1:1 shouldn’t have happened. The bible assumes that Lucifer exits and never questions that assumption. The earth flooded out proves Lucifer is not an unfounded assumption. The beginning of the universe is in Genesis 1:1. Darkness was upon the earth, because it appears the earth is now in some kind of black structure now. Lucifer and those who helped him out are swimming around on the earth. Now the earth, the opposite of the created order is ‘nothing,’ (water). But to the ancients, the opposite of the created order was something much worse than ‘nothing’ (chaos).

Let’s look at the beginning of Genesis, “And” is the figure of speech Polysyndeton or Many Ands. The repetition of the word “and” at the beginning of successive clauses, each independent, important, and emphatic, with no climax at the end. 34 verses of this introduction, each one of 102 separate acts is emphasized; and the important word “God” in versus 1 is carried like a lamp through the whole of this Introduction. 

“The earth” is the figure of speech Anadiplosis or Like sentence endings and beginnings. The word or words concluding one sentence are repeated at the beginning of another. 

“Without form” the Hebrew word is ‘tohu va bohu’ and is the figure of speech Paronomasia or Rhyming words. The repetition of words similar in sound, but not necessarily in sense. Without form, one of the Hebrew words is ‘tohu’ and is used as a subsequent event. Not created ‘tohu’ (Isa. 45:18), but became ‘tohu’ (2 Pet. 3:5-6). The other word is ‘bohu’ and is rendered “void”, means desolate. The two words together occur in Gen. 1:2a; Isa. 34:11; Jer. 4:23. 

“Face” in Genesis 1:2a is the figure Pleonasm or Redundancy. Where what is said is, immediately after, put in another or opposite way to make it impossible for the sense to be missed.

In Genesis 1:2a, the two verbs ‘was’ should be the verb ‘to become’. The Revisers ill-advisedly decided that “all such words, now printed in italics, as are plainly implied in the Hebrew, and necessary in English, be printed in common type. One of the consequences of this decision is that the verb “to be” is not distinguished from the verb “to become”, so that the lessons conveyed are lost.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: Mannegishi
a reply to: reldra

scientific islam = Sufism

scientific Judea = Kabalah

scientific Chrisianity = Atheism

and so it goes on..

I have ptolemys almagest book next to me

The roots of what was being taught in the Tower of Babel.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: newnature1

well, yes and no.. Taught yes, roots no.. Or you trying to tell me a hunter gatherer semitic nomadic people, just all of a sudden figured out stuff... "sure" the bible says so.. "sure".. When you grab for to big of a chunk, there is always a possibility you might choke..

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:28 PM
All I can say is God said that the stars were for signs and for days and years. so look to the stars for signs, use the sun and the moon do tell the seasons, the days and years. Not just astrology used them but so did the old farmers in their Almanac's.

Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:41 PM
Ever read the Gospel in the stars?

I read a few versions form three authors on it. One from Bullinger 1800's, one from Seiss, and James Kennedy. All basically saying the same thing.

Here is one form the Bible in the stars based on Seiss's work. Here is the link

Here is a snippet from that site.

Not many folks have heard about the Bible in the stars. This is definitely NOT astrology. Astrology can't even put three signs together to make a story, whereas, the 48 constellations that make up the true Zodiac all go together to tell the story of Jesus, the Redeemer. The story includes His birth and life prophesy(the first four major Signs; 16 constellations), His dealings with His elect people(the second four major Signs), and His coming in triumph over Satan( the last four major Signs). You can listen to an introduction, a detailed account of the first sign, Virgo, and a summary of the whole Zodiac by going to the Zodiac section of the Straight Talk Archive .

This page also includes the Lunar Zodiac, which, while approaching the subject from a totally different place, still tells the same story of the Redeemer.

Below, I've included a Harmony that resulted from my study of this subject. As it was complete, even if minimal, I chose to include it now. I've presented each major Sign, with it's three decans, in a table. The table includes the name and meaning of the constellation, the names for that constellation in other languages, and any pertinent scripture references. The audio version of this harmony is in the Zodiac section of the Straight Talk Archive

Most interesting is the fact that a Zodiac can be found built into the landscape around the town of Glastonbury, England. This "Star-Temple" covers some 77 square miles, being thirty miles in circumference.

Joseph A. Seiss has written a very good book called The Gospel in the Stars in which he gives an enlightening account of Primeval Man. I've included it below. You can also hear the radio presentation of the origin and message of the Zodiac plus Mr. Seiss' version of Smart Adam by going to the Straight Talk Archive

However I have never seen or read anything of Islam in the stars. Except some mentions of extra-terrestrials with mother ships and smaller craft here to kill the white devils by the Nation of Islam

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: Mannegishi
a reply to: newnature1

Well, since you claim its over a hundred, im all ears.. Cause i cant get it over a hundred.. I have a book next to me, its called ptolemys almagest, written a long time ago.. Its very useful for navigation and farming, well depending on where you live.. Up north we have the sunwheel, its called the little dipper and polaris.. It told the northerners when different season were..

Our brain is hardwired for pattern recognition.. Or we can go by your divine thoughts and call it something else..

The sign of Cancer, in the centre of the Sign there is a remarkably bright cluster of stars, so bright that they can be sometimes seen with the naked eye. It looks like a comet, and is made up of a great multitude of stars. Its ancient name has come down to us as Praesepe, which means a multitude, offspring. The brightest star is called Tegmine, means holding. The star in the lower large claw, is called Acubene, means the sheltering or hiding-place. 

In Cancer we see it with reference to his redeemed. The three constellations develop the truth. What is now called Ursa Minor is the Lesser Flock; Ursa Major gives us The Sheepfold and the Sheep; while Argo, The Ship, shows the travelers and the pilgrims brought safely home, all conflict over. 

Ursa Minor. The little Bear - the lesser sheep-fold. A grievous mistake, or ignorant perversion of primitive truth, as shown in the ancient names of these two constellations. No bear was ever seen with such a tail! No one who had ever seen a bear would have called attention to a tail, such as no bear ever had, by placing in its very tip the most important, wondrous, and mysterious Polar Star, the central star of the heaven, round which all others revolve.

The brightest star, at the point of the tail,is the most important in the whole heaven. it is named Al Ruccaba, which means the turned or ridden on, and is today the Polar or central star, which does bnot revolve in a circle as does every other star, but remains, apparently, fixed in its position. But though the star does not revolve like the others, the central point in the heaven is very slowly but steadily moving. When these constellations were formed the Dragon possessed this important point, and the star in Draco, marked this central point. But, by its gradual recession, that point is sufficiently near this star Reccaba, in the Lesser Sheepfold, for it to be what is called the Polar Star. The Polar Star has been removed from the Dragon, and is now in the Lesser Fold.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: Mannegishi
a reply to: newnature1

well, yes and no.. Taught yes, roots no.. Or you trying to tell me a hunter gatherer semitic nomadic people, just all of a sudden figured out stuff... "sure" the bible says so.. "sure".. When you grab for to big of a chunk, there is always a possibility you might choke..

Through the “procession of the Equinoxes” the sun gradually shifts its position a little each year, till in about every 2,000 years it begins the year in a different sign. This was foreseen; and it was also foreseen where the sun began its courses, and where the teaching of this Heavenly Book commenced, and where we were to open its first page. 

Hence the “Sphinx” was invented as a memorial. It had the head of a woman and the body and tail of a lion, to tell us that this Book, written in the Heavens, began with the sign “Virgo”, and will end with the sign “Leo”. The word “sphinx” is from the Greek sphinx, to join; because it binds together the two ends of this circle of the heavens.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
Ever read the Gospel in the stars?

I read a few versions form three authors on it. One from Bullinger 1800's, one from Seiss, and James Kennedy. All basically saying the same thing.

Here is one form the Bible in the stars based on Seiss's work. Here is the link

Here is a snippet from that site.

Not many folks have heard about the Bible in the stars. This is definitely NOT astrology. Astrology can't even put three signs together to make a story, whereas, the 48 constellations that make up the true Zodiac all go together to tell the story of Jesus, the Redeemer. The story includes His birth and life prophesy(the first four major Signs; 16 constellations), His dealings with His elect people(the second four major Signs), and His coming in triumph over Satan( the last four major Signs). You can listen to an introduction, a detailed account of the first sign, Virgo, and a summary of the whole Zodiac by going to the Zodiac section of the Straight Talk Archive .

This page also includes the Lunar Zodiac, which, while approaching the subject from a totally different place, still tells the same story of the Redeemer.

Below, I've included a Harmony that resulted from my study of this subject. As it was complete, even if minimal, I chose to include it now. I've presented each major Sign, with it's three decans, in a table. The table includes the name and meaning of the constellation, the names for that constellation in other languages, and any pertinent scripture references. The audio version of this harmony is in the Zodiac section of the Straight Talk Archive

Most interesting is the fact that a Zodiac can be found built into the landscape around the town of Glastonbury, England. This "Star-Temple" covers some 77 square miles, being thirty miles in circumference.

Joseph A. Seiss has written a very good book called The Gospel in the Stars in which he gives an enlightening account of Primeval Man. I've included it below. You can also hear the radio presentation of the origin and message of the Zodiac plus Mr. Seiss' version of Smart Adam by going to the Straight Talk Archive

However I have never seen or read anything of Islam in the stars. Except some mentions of extra-terrestrials with mother ships and smaller craft here to kill the white devils by the Nation of Islam

Bullinger has a good grasp about this subject matter.

posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: newnature1

Great to know, try getting the years right next time

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: newnature1

The teachings Israel came in possession of from the Chaldeans after Babylon were used to make much of the Bible. I don't know what they did with the astrological teachings but they were considered sorcery later.

Abraham and Sara are based on Brahma and Sarasvati at least etymologically. Greek historians and Josephus wrote that the "Jews" came from north India after being driven out and were Semitic as Semitic people are and were more than the Israelites and were spread out all over the ancient world. Brahma is the creator God of the Hindus but only has a few temples and I don't know of any scripture about Brahma so maybe it was used to make the Bible too and its been to long for any of the original Brahma myths to have survived from that era.

And ancient Babylonian myths such as Gilgamesh and Akkadian and Chaldean as well as Sumerian variants of the Eden story have been discovered.

Canaanite mythology was also a source as the early Israelites worshipped El and the author of Deuteronomy even writes that El is the Father of Yahweh. Yahweh was a tribal deity and El was Most High of the Elohim.

But cosmogony of the Israelites lives on in the Kabbalah which is based off in part the Persian Parsi Zoroastrians. Angelology was of Persian influence in the Amashaspends and Yazatas.

Seraphim angels are brilliant serpents and the word comes from the God Serapis who was worshipped in Egypt as late as the early Catholic church. That means Israel knew about Serapis worship in B.C. times and that the books that mention Seraphim were written late because Serapis worship is not an early Egyptian thing it was very late, Greek era I believe.

And the Chaldean tradition was absorbed into the Catholic church and is called the Chaldean Catholic church. I have no doubt that they have the traditions you say are lost somewhere by someone.

What is it that you think is missing? If Christianity and Judaism can last for millenia why not the astrological teachings of the Chaldeans

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: newnature1

How could anyone know what was being taught at Babel? Whatever it was is not being taught today or God would handle like he did with the scattering of nations (myth to explain different and far away nations) and the confusion of tongues (to explain languages).

All the tower of Babel story is about is the creation of Idol worship as the people were not trying to make a name(shem) for themselves but a god (Ha-Shem). It's something you would only know if you were a Jew today but back then it was a story used to explain those 3 things. Different nations, languages and Idol worship. If they had succeeded in building the tower it wouldn't have reached heaven but it doesn't matter because it's a myth.

And I hope you weren't calling Sufism and Kabbalah the roots of what was being taught at Babel because they would be the flower or plant.

And Sufism and Kabbalah are just different ways of gnosis or mysticism, depending on what you think of them. But they have nothing to do with babel or idol worship.

They are different methods of trying to know and understand God. They are awesome. Gnosticism is awesome.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: ElementalFreeze

I believe the AV Bible is true and all others wrong.

Seraphim are not angels. Seraphims are Seraphims, a Cherub is a Cherub, and Cherubims are Cherubims these are not angles either.

Angles only look like men in the Bible and are never depicted as having wings.

Seraphims, Cherubs and Cherubims all have wings. While Cherubims have multiple faces Seraphims have a single face and we are not told what it looked like. While we are told cherubims have legs and feet like a calf. Seraphims are only said to have hands but we are not told if they are like a man's hands as we are told of Cherubims.

The Bible never uses the word Seraphim. It is always in the two uses, Seraphims. Cherubims is always Cherubims never Cherubim. Cherub is always Cherub and never Cherubs.

Seraphims comes from the Hebrew word Saraph and has nothing to do with the Egyptian god Serapis. Saraph means burning and has more to do with their color than being shaped like a snake or serpent. When ever saraph was used it was fiery or burning to describe a serpent sometimes using just the word Saraph without the conjoining terms Nachash, which means serpent. Saraph in Hebrew has more to do with the color of the serpent and not the serpent itself.

Opinions do not fact make.

edit on 21-4-2016 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

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