It would not surprise me if the draft was re-instated by our Gov't, their nothing but a bunch of liars. Bush said there wouldn't be,....... but Bush
has told us a lot of things that ended-up as lies, but alas, there's nothing anyone can do about it, unless they want to be called a "Radical", as
some did back in the 60's and 70's to fight the Gov't, hey, might have to come to that again
Here's an old clipping I found;
With the Pentagon straining to find troops to confront the popular resistance in Iraq, and over 100 US soldiers killed since the beginning of this
month, a senior Republican legislator has called for the reinstitution of the military draft, abolished during the Vietnam War more than 30 years
Senator Chuck Hagel (Republican from Nebraska), appearing on NBC television’s “Today Show” on Wednesday, said that mandatory military service
had to be considered in the face of what he described as a “generational war against terrorism.”
He added that the “middle class” and the “lower middle class” should not be forced to bear the burden of “fighting and dying if, in fact,
this is a generational—probably 25-year—war.”
Hagel’s remarks on the “Today Show” echoed his statement to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee the day before, when he argued that
conscription would force “our citizens to understand the intensity and depth of challenges we face.”
While denying that they are even considering a revival of the draft, the Bush administration and the military have been conducting a low-profile
recruitment campaign in recent months to staff the country’s Selective Service boards with more than 10,000 volunteers. If the draft were
reinstated, these boards would have the authority to accept or reject appeals by young men seeking deferments from military service.
Nonetheless, both parties have made it clear that they have no intention of ending the occupation of Iraq. With little prospect of significant forces
coming from other countries, and with no indication that popular resistance to the US takeover of Iraq is abating, Washington will inevitably find
itself compelled to increase its troop strength there. Under conditions in which the military is already over-extended, the US government, whichever
party wins the November election, may conclude it has no choice but to revive the draft in order to maintain the occupation.
The current talk about reviving the draft represents the initial trial balloons, to be followed at some point by a media offensive aimed at depicting
conscription as both a patriotic and democratic initiative. Thus, a cynical campaign has begun to dragoon many thousands of American youth, who are to
be used as cannon fodder in an illegal colonial war, launched on the basis of lies for predatory aims that have been concealed from the American
Here's a second article I found on the draft;
U.S. Preparing For Military Draft in Spring of 2005
Legislation in the works: Selective Service System already mobilizing
—By Adum Stutz / Bob Keeler / Connor Freff Cochran, Vancounver / Newsday / AlterNet
May 6, 2004 Issue
After the champagne popping from Washington to Crawford, Texas subsides, a re-elected President George W. Bush would reinstate the military draft
sometime next spring. Legislation is already on the table in both the House and the Senate, in the form of twin bills S 89 and HR 163, "in order to
staff up for a protracted war on terrorism," writes Adam Stutz, from Project Censored. Meanwhile, the Selective Service System has received an extra
$28 million in funds for this year's budget to fill all 10,350 draft board positions and 11,070 appeals board slots nationwide and put "troops on
the ground in 85% of all American high schools to make sure no one between 18-25 years old slips through the cracks. Schools cannot very easily claim
conscientious objector status, by the way. "Buried deep in the 670 pages of the No Child Left Behind Act there is a provision which requires that
public high schools give military recruiters access to facilities and also contact information for every student -- or else face a cutoff of federal
aid," writes Connor Freff Cochran of AlterNet.
It sure sounds like the workings of an up-coming draft to me, even though Bush swore there would be no draft,.......... can't trust the Gov't