I felt like I could conquer my sickness after reading Joseph Murphy. I read all his passages and in them, he has methods for prayer.
One of the things you must do is say the prayer when you wake or just when you’re about to fall asleep. It has to do with the brainwaves and going
straight to the subconscious mind. In trying to get help, I went to an acupuncturist who would help me relax and for the half hour I was in the room
with needles, I would quietly repeat my prayers--not loud enough for anyone to hear me.
The first CWG book details how you can’t be thankful for something that isn’t in your life. You can’t trick the universe like that. But I
gleaned that I could start with things that were happening and I was thankful for.
We were looking for a house to buy, so I’d say: “Thank you, Father, for helping me to find the right house for us as a family.”
I was trying fix my skin sensitivities, so I’d say: “Thank you, Father for helping me get rid of my …..”
And I’d search my mind for things I had already been given and I was extremely grateful for. By the time I got around to saying the prayer I really
wanted help with, I was just about quietly crying with extreme gratitude. I was completely relaxed in acupuncture—stuck in those relaxation brain
waves that got straight to my subconscious mind.
After about a month and a half of going to visit once a week and saying those prayers daily in a bath or upon waking, I had a really odd experience
during acupuncture. At least, I think it was acupuncture. I lost days or hours somewhere along the line.
What I can remember . . . I dropped my body during acupuncture. This happened quite often as I was so relaxed. My breathing sounded ragged. It was all
I could hear, as loud as ocean waves on a shore. And then suddenly I noticed my breathing, and I shot out of my body, floating above and off to one
side. I looked around me and all the cabinets, chairs, walls, the table under my body, and even my body were made of the same molecules, and those
molecules were moving.
I had the realisation that’s why my body couldn’t fall through the table. The table looked just like moving dots, hardly enough to hold me up. But
my body was made of the same molecules. I looked all around me. It was kinda like the moving green stuff in the movie, The Matrix, but that is only
has a very slight similarity, just to give you the idea. This wasn’t computerised. These dots made up my reality.
Then suddenly I realised who I was. I felt male, not female. And I felt invincible. In fact, I felt so powerful, the only word I can link it to is
‘arrogant’ and I am simply not the arrogant type. I felt arrogant in my total power. I knew then I was a part of God. It’s hard to explain, but
I must’ve stayed only a short time like that, but the knowledge came instantly. I was like God’s hand, or arm or leg. A part of the whole.
Something nagged in the back of my mind. I was still linked to the body on the table. Something was hurting it and wanted something changed. “Oh,
that’s right,” I remembered. “Those rashes/hives/eczema.” I just looked down at my body and decided to no longer have hives.
I entered my body again, and lay there for a while in the acupuncturist's room, just trying to take everything in. Leaving after my half hour, I
didn’t say what had happened. For the rest of the day, everywhere I went, people had the same cloud/energy floating around them. They were all the
same. It was odd. I lay down on the couch at home while waiting to pick my kids up from school, and I think I was reading again. I did my prayer
again, “Thank you….” I think I was reading the first book from CWG, but it’s just a bit fuzzy.
Anyway, I felt an electrical current zing from my toes and move up like a current to the top of my head. I shifted sideways in mid-air, off the sofa
cushions and hovered over the living room rug. I floated there as molecules and then shifted back to the couch where my body had reformed and I opened
my eyes and felt that something about me had changed.
From that moment, all my skin sensitivities went away. It took two days for them to disappear completely. But it started from that moment. It feels
like I lost 3 days or 3 hours. Can’t be sure.
How I know I jumped? The vibrations around me felt totally wrong. They still do. I mean really wrong. Even the people I lived with were different. My
husband who had been happy in his work, was extremely frustrated with his work and no longer wanted to stay with the company. People were changed.
Some told me I did things like went somewhere, when I know for a fact I didn’t. I had to go along with what people were saying I did, or their
different personalities. I wondered if their personalites matched up to the new reality.
I cannot really express how awful the consequences were at first. But to give you an idea, imagine the worst homesickness you’ve ever experienced
and times it by a million. It’s kind of like that. I was healed, yes, but in this different reality, people didn’t act like they used to. Some
people were doing better, others far worse, and through it all, I could sense that nothing was the same, nor ever would be. Not even my children.
It was like being cut adrift, and I explained how I felt to a few people. Most didn’t believe me (story of my life), while my eldest daughter
started paying more attention. She noticed how quickly I healed (she wants to be a doctor) and my mother noticed things only when I pointed them out
to her. But everyone else just thought I was crazy, I bet.
It’s been hard to adjust and I’m pretty sure I’ve jumped since, but nothing quite as big as the jump when I healed myself. The rest have been
smaller. Fine tunings, I guess. And what the experience taught me is that God or whatever power it is, doesn’t heal me, it’s just waiting to show
me that I have the power to heal myself. In my saying “helping me to get rid of ….” God didn’t get rid of it for me. I was taken out of my
body, made to realise what I am, and then was able to heal myself.
I didn’t mean for this to be so long. I’d simply like to find others who have had the same experience. How do you cope? I’m getting used to it
now, it’s starting to feel more familiar, like a house you’ve moved into, then still live in after a year.
Has this happened to anyone else?
edit on 15-4-2016 by pacific because: (no reason given)
edit on 15-4-2016 by pacific because: (no reason
edit on 15-4-2016 by pacific because: (no reason given)
edit on 15-4-2016 by pacific because: (no reason