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How to tell if your overweight because of genes/medication or your just fat cause you eat.

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posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: Restricted
Another thread in very poor taste. Let sleeping dogs lie.

No one has any business telling others why they are overweight. It is presumptuous to dictate to others how best to manage this problem.

All you've done by starting this thread is to provide yet another platform to bash people already ostracized by society.

Not sure where I have personally attacked any members.

If your 400lbs and happy good on you.

Just dont claim its down to anything but over eating and under exercising.

It was this one which inspired my reply.

Ok I'm off. Sorry to spam your thread.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: crazyewok

Sorry, I read only your opening post.

To be honest, I was shocked when I saw it was your user name making this post and overlooking such a matter.

No worries.

I was many focusing on the metabolism side in my OP but I recognise some people have actually eating disorders because of psychological conditions.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: and14263

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: Restricted
Another thread in very poor taste. Let sleeping dogs lie.

No one has any business telling others why they are overweight. It is presumptuous to dictate to others how best to manage this problem.

All you've done by starting this thread is to provide yet another platform to bash people already ostracized by society.

Not sure where I have personally attacked any members.

If your 400lbs and happy good on you.

Just dont claim its down to anything but over eating and under exercising.

It was this one which inspired my reply.

Ok I'm off. Sorry to spam your thread.

No worries.

Im in right in a way because even if its is down to psychological reasons for the weight gain is still overeating.

But yes that overeating could be symptom itself of something more sinister.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: crazyewok
So whats the problem?

there is no problem, its other peoples problem, not yours. Just more body facism from an increasingly mean society

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:17 PM
Here is a simple formula for losing weight...calories burned must exceed calories consumed...simple get off the internet and get on the tennis court, basketball court any court!
Limit the computer time, use the phone for phone calls, #yourbutt will not do...exercise your butt will do.
No it.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:33 PM
I think what these threads need to boil down to is, whether someone can or cannot help being fat is irrelevant, NO ONE should be ridiculed for their personal appearance, lifestyle choice, etc.. Especially on this site. Everyone going on about how ATS'ers are more intelligent, open minded and awake, you'd think they could be a little more mature

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: JaMeDoIt
Here is a simple formula for losing weight...calories burned must exceed calories consumed...simple get off the internet and get on the tennis court, basketball court any court!
Limit the computer time, use the phone for phone calls, #yourbutt will not do...exercise your butt will do.
No it.

Obviuosly someone reading comphension skills are lacking.

O and keep your court I prefer the swimming pool and Judo myself.

And its not as simple as calories burned must exceed calories consumed if it was there would be nothing left of me as I have been strictly on 1800- 2000 cals the last 4 years.
Yes you lose weight. Then your body to prevent more weight being lost slows down how much energy it uses. It why diets plateau.
I went from 260/270 and now stabilised at 240 which I’m happy with.
I’m not going spend 6 hours excising a day and starve myself at 1500 cals just to lose another 10 or 20 pounds.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: JaMeDoIt
Here is a simple formula for losing weight...calories burned must exceed calories consumed...simple get off the internet and get on the tennis court, basketball court any court!
Limit the computer time, use the phone for phone calls, #yourbutt will not do...exercise your butt will do.
No it.

I don't want to go to court to lose weight. In fact I'm sweating now just thinking about it!

Magistrate: Do you know the severity of your crime Mr Ray? I hope some of it has sunk in.

Me: Well your honour I do know the severity of the case and to be quite frank you know it has set in... I can barely make the stand let alone stand!

Obesity is not a crime!

But in all honesty some people hate "working out" I much prefer re-landscaping my garden for the 50th time, each to their own though.
edit on 11-4-2016 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: mymymy
I think what these threads need to boil down to is, whether someone can or cannot help being fat is irrelevant, NO ONE should be ridiculed for their personal appearance, lifestyle choice, etc.. Especially on this site. Everyone going on about how ATS'ers are more intelligent, open minded and awake, you'd think they could be a little more mature

No one should be ridiculed for personal traits that's true and to be honest ATS usually stands up against prejudice and name-calling. In this thread I've seen little offensive material and any that would seem to be has been of personal opinions.

I'd say this thread is doing ok to stand up for the manners and decorum stance ATS strives to achieve. I've seen far worse slip through the cracks and ATS mods are good at keeping the boards civil, all one needs to do is report a post and the mods will respond fast.

Again I've seen mostly civility in this thread and some understanding.

IMHO of course.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

Oh I agree, this thread has pretty much been outstanding in that regard. The original thread about the airline customer and the one to SO, not so much. At least in this aspect I expected much more from members here, especially the veteran posters.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:25 PM
I figured I would be okay as long as my breasts were bigger than my belly.
Unfortunately my belly caught up with my breasts.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

There's no such thing as a Fat genes, only people with no self control.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: reddragon2015
a reply to: crazyewok

There's no such thing as a Fat genes, only people with no self control.

And you base that on?

Because science says people do have diffrent metabolic rates. And those metabolic rates can change and vary through out ones life through various facyors, genetics being one.

For one person 2500 cal (the recommended for a average adult male ) will be fine, for others its to much. For some its fine then can drop too 2000 cal (which it did for me).

Its a lot more complicated .

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: amicktd

Or maybe they've previously suffered a trauma when younger and it's a subconscious coping mechanism? Maybe deep down they don't want to be fat but can't stop eating. Like an anorexic can't eat.

Look, I hate to preach but this thread is like a primary school piece of graffiti. Very superficial and simple.

For the record I'm 5'8" and 11-12 stone. But I understand why some people become fat.

Don't take it the wrong way man, was just making a joke. Especially since I seen 2 of the biggest jokesters in here.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: reddragon2015

Hey there,I resemble that statement! I can't help myself whenever I see a cookie,
I just have to take a bite.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 01:38 AM

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: new_here

originally posted by: BIGPoJo
a reply to: crazyewok

Its simple really, unless you have a thyroid problem. If you take in more calories than you use then you will deposit those calories as fat. Simple as that. I don't wont to hear any excuse because that is all it is, excuses.

Close, but no cigar...

The TYPE of calories consumed is paramount. Drop the sugar & refined carbs. They up the body's insulin production which is the 'fat-storing' hormone. Go low carb, and get most of those carbs from healthy veggies. The excess weight will begin to fall off. I've lost almost nine pounds since March 11th. It is not the fat you eat that makes you fat. It is the sugar & refined carbs.

...and also what crazywok said about some medications. Totally true.

The type of calories actually don't matter when doing a calculation of how many calories a person needs to maintain, lose, or gain weight.

If you give me your current weight, height, gender, activity level, your target weight, and target date, I can tell you how many calories you can consume and hit that goal. It doesn't matter if those calories are Twinkies or salads. Weight loss can be achieved in healthy or unhealthy ways but it doesn't mean the basic caloric math is wrong.

This has been proven in labs time and time again. All of what you said is fantastic and you can lose more weight at a faster pace but the math doesn't lie and is a definite way to achieve your goals, no matter what.

aaahhh, but the type of food these calories +consist of does have an effect....depending on the composition, it will or will not spike your blood sugar....if I eat some decent protein and good amount of fiber I get full faster and stay full longer....if I open a package of entenmann's crumb cake..I cut off a small piece and eat it, I will end up going back throughout the day keep taking I don't buy them...I know

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: JaMeDoIt
Here is a simple formula for losing weight...calories burned must exceed calories consumed...simple get off the internet and get on the tennis court, basketball court any court!
Limit the computer time, use the phone for phone calls, #yourbutt will not do...exercise your butt will do.
No it.

so, a person who has 1 leg 3 inches shorter than the other is supposed to get out on the court? (tennis basketball, whatever) and you can't use a treadmill or an ellyptical or jog or go backpacking either....using the pool was the best thing for her (my friend) 20 minutes in the pool is like 40 minutes on dry land and not so hard on the joints....made her muscles strong and good aerobic workout....I always ate MORE than her and I was naturally on the skinny side, she was always on the heavy side around 180.

my husband was really thin, he could eat anything and never gain an ounce..he could eat a whole large pizza in one sitting in college and not gain weight...I agree with you, mymymy no one should be ridiculed

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 02:50 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: reddragon2015
a reply to: crazyewok

There's no such thing as a Fat genes, only people with no self control.

And you base that on?

Because science says people do have diffrent metabolic rates. And those metabolic rates can change and vary through out ones life through various facyors, genetics being one.

For one person 2500 cal (the recommended for a average adult male ) will be fine, for others its to much. For some its fine then can drop too 2000 cal (which it did for me).

Its a lot more complicated .

I have nothing to back this up but I think that obesity is man made through the abundance and processing of foods for financial gain and the advent of medications and the side effects.

Given that this is a CT site is it really that implausible that "big pharma" is making "medicine" that causes people to eat more therefore spending more money with "big food"?

If it is genetic then would we not have tribes and regions of predominantly obese people in the same way we had pygmies and African tribes where everyone was about 6 foot 6 tall?

I would need to see some historical evidence of whole tribes or villages with weight issues for me to think that it could be genetic.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 03:41 AM

originally posted by: research100

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: new_here

originally posted by: BIGPoJo
a reply to: crazyewok

Its simple really, unless you have a thyroid problem. If you take in more calories than you use then you will deposit those calories as fat. Simple as that. I don't wont to hear any excuse because that is all it is, excuses.

Close, but no cigar...

The TYPE of calories consumed is paramount. Drop the sugar & refined carbs. They up the body's insulin production which is the 'fat-storing' hormone. Go low carb, and get most of those carbs from healthy veggies. The excess weight will begin to fall off. I've lost almost nine pounds since March 11th. It is not the fat you eat that makes you fat. It is the sugar & refined carbs.

...and also what crazywok said about some medications. Totally true.

The type of calories actually don't matter when doing a calculation of how many calories a person needs to maintain, lose, or gain weight.

If you give me your current weight, height, gender, activity level, your target weight, and target date, I can tell you how many calories you can consume and hit that goal. It doesn't matter if those calories are Twinkies or salads. Weight loss can be achieved in healthy or unhealthy ways but it doesn't mean the basic caloric math is wrong.

This has been proven in labs time and time again. All of what you said is fantastic and you can lose more weight at a faster pace but the math doesn't lie and is a definite way to achieve your goals, no matter what.

aaahhh, but the type of food these calories +consist of does have an effect....depending on the composition, it will or will not spike your blood sugar....if I eat some decent protein and good amount of fiber I get full faster and stay full longer....if I open a package of entenmann's crumb cake..I cut off a small piece and eat it, I will end up going back throughout the day keep taking I don't buy them...I know

I totally know what you mean. There are food staples that really help me strategize. With those (pickles, mustard, kale, radishes, rice, etc), I can maintain an 800 calorie/day diet for a couple of weeks without feeling unfulfilled. If I don't plan like that, I have a difficult time staying under 1,500 while feeling full.

My point was that your body consumes a certain amount of calories and if you consume less calories than your body does, you will lose weight, no matter what other issues you have and no matter where those calories come from. It's impossible to not lose weight if you do this.

Unfortunately, a lot of people who understand this will end up on some seriously unhealthy diets trying to achieve it.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

The popular explanation is multi-layered and has its roots in our recent past. We've spent ~95% of our existence as hunter/gatherers and would be always mobile and always fit. Only a few thousand years ago, we put down roots to cultivate rices and wheats etc. High-carb, starchy foods that are now staples of our diet.

The argument goes that our genetics haven't had the time to adapt to the new lifestyle. It was okay to crave sugars when we were marching and chasing through the grasslands and forests. Back them we could eat plenty of fruit and burn it off and we could store up fats through winter.

Here we are today and the hunter/gatherer in us wants to eat sugars when it gets the chance. It no longer needs them for energy so our bodies store it as belly fat. Of course, we aren't just eating fruit. It's fructose syrups and pints of soft drinks. Food all processed and lots of those high-carb, starchy foods from rice, potatoes and wheat.

Driving to the store to get a 3litre bottle of coke and washing down a burger must burn about 30 calories and we store another 900 off the burger and drink.

If there's a conspiracy, it's that we live in a society that's slowly killing us off and we love it. One day, sugar will be the next tobacco industry and have to be taxed or something...

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