posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:52 PM
originally posted by: Ddrneville
I see my post is removed, calling someone a lower graduate, substance abuser (what he was) en a follower of steven greer is not done here...
DENY IGNORANCE, yeah right...
I believe on one of his posts he stated that Greer, Bassett, and that crowd were incorrect, though I'm not sure I could find it. But you and the post
above you are bringing up valid points. And one of them has nothing to do with the OP himself:
1. This guy claims to have been "told" some UFO stuff, so immediately all the posters here ask questions about every known UFO story there is, as well
as questions about the nature of the universe. My question about that is, "What is the limit of your knowledge?" Are you now suddenly a UFO expert who
makes Isaac Koi seem like a dabbler in UFO phenomenon?
2. If anyone else ever were to come here and say, "read my book. And, oh, btw, I need $200 million to film a documentary" people would be screaming
"financial gain" to the roof tops. Why hasn't that happened here? Is the fact this guy is a musician make him exempt?
3. Why this guy? Nothing against musicians, but that's a pretty narrow bandwidth to use to disclose to the populace all about aliens. I mean, Carl
Sagan? Sure. ('cept he's dead :-) But why this fairly obscure musician who has done nothing else in the field except dally in science fiction, of all
things. A lot of similarities to Whitley Strieber.
I'll getthe book, regardless, but I'm not expecting any true revelations here.