My name is Adam. I used to live inside an old cathedral somewhere in eastern Europe. I grew alone - there was not much people left after the
Bottleneck. The cathedral was abandoned, void of life, but its walls had survived the Bottleneck - and that was enough for me.
The Bottleneck is the nickname humanity gave to 2036 - the year where Earth burned. There had been so much deaths, most species on Earth experienced
extinction - and Earth was plunged into an Evolutionary Bottleneck.
My cathedral was mostly empty, except for a small library, a few rubbish, and the statue an angel.
I spent long hours just gazing at the statue, wondering what it meant. A legend as old as the empty Cathedral says that the angel's name is Kyyryel,
and that Lucifer bound him to the ground with a chain made of solid lightning. Maybe the angels have forgotten me. Or maybe they are just as weak as
I have removed all the cherubs from the Empty Cathedral. The Cherubs have been of no help during the Bottleneck.
This world has burned. How could they let this happen? Were the servants of God unable to even carry out His omnipotence? Maybe that in their
conflicts with one another, no angels could be trusted with God's power, lest the world would be torn apart. But then, if that was the case, what
made angels any better than Men?
I walked to the wall. There was a round window, and a spider had woven a web there.
I watched the world through the web. It was grey and bleak. There was no longer beauty left on the physical world. Maybe this is why I dwell in the
metaphysical. All those philosopher's books I have read, they did not just weave a web in some window - they weaved entire worlds in everyone's
The kingdom of ideas was the most important of the two worlds. When you think about it, territories were run by political ideologies. Revolutions were
created when some man founded a new ideology in his mind. This ideology would gain metaphysical territory by propagating through other minds. The man
who created the idea became the highest authority over this expanding ideological kingdom. It is ideas which motivate men to take arms. True enough,
history is a testimony of how the physical world would then change to match that of the metaphysical. The intentions became actions, the metaphysical
territory materialised into a physical kingdom with borders of stone, and the highest ideological authority became king over the new physical domain.
Maybe the ultimate weapon is not one which is physical, but one which targets the mind instead. A virtual missile which no physical devices can fend
off. A missile with a body of ink and paper, a warhead of words, and an idea at its heart. The last weapon Man will ever make.
Maybe such weapons already are yielded by the angels. Maybe this is why their conflicts never end - their weapons cannot be destroyed.
Darkness is falling. I think I will go take a look outside. The Cathedral's doors are shut but I care not, I can pass through them. There are some
trees outside.
My it is beautiful. It has been years that no sap has ever flowed through the trees though. The ashes has burned all the leaves long ago. But the
trees nevertheless stood, as shrines of their former selves.
I went back inside. It was getting pretty dark now. Ice was beginning to form on the Empty Cathedral's columns and its windows. But I felt not the
cold. Souls have many weaknesses but sensing cold was not one of them.
I looked up at the heavens, this fifth night of the year 4059 A.D. Maybe one day I will have the courage to ascend there. But for now the silence, the
emptiness of my cathedral was the better companion.
I had eternity to wait anyway.