a reply to:
Okay. That being said I chalk 99% of those examples up to a crappy example of bad telephone.
Mirror, mirror was originally magic mirror, even in Germany.
Unless the peace sign actually originated from the sign you create with your hands and not pagan, that means nothing.
Walmart didn't change "in this timeline" there are still stores with both Wal*mart, Walmart*, and even just Walmart.
But to humor the topic I'll give an example of something that happened to me at my apartment in College.
I had a unopened container box of Maruchan Cup of Soup Ramen.
I opened the plastic container and removed One cup of Soup.
Instead of putting it in the Microwave I impulsively decided to go on a walk, while carrying it.
I walked around my apartments- they were nice I did this a lot, and I strolled by the pool area to see who was there.
Returning to my Apartment, I decided I was no longer hungry and went to put the Cup of Noodles back into the box container, however when I opened the
cupboard, this was what was inside:
More interesting, the package was open, and a single Ramen Pouch was missing.
IMO that's larger evidence to my personal self this might exist just drawing conclusions is pretty rough to say I skipped dimensions. It could have
just as easily been a Practical Joke by an Alien.
My roommate got home later that night and I even accused her of the possibilitiy she somehow did this. She didn't remember what Ramen Package we
bought together at the store. The only evidence to me that Universes Split when we make choices is the fact we buy both, she likes the Pouches, I like
the Cups. We still only bought one though.
I would even say it's possible that I just had an episode of psychosis, not having my special Cups, and went to the store and bought one for 50c and
it was blocked from my mind. I don't think I'm unstable, but it's much easier to have a reaction like that than you think. Once I walked by a Tiki
Torch and inhaled some of the gas; I started seeing things that definitely weren't real.
I feel like if there was ENOUGH evidence of this not mostly being telephone, scientists would be all over it.
You might think it's funny they "look" different, but this has large impact on what biomechanics these organs have and how they would even function.
No biologist would miss that.
Am I also to assume these skips are consciousness or physical? Half of them get eliminated with the idea of physical, like the ribs and anatomy,
because even if we're in another timeline, we would be finding differences in the autopsy. In short, that only means it's YOUR fault for not being on
the same "parallel convergence page" as us if it's a conscious shift.
edit on 10-4-2016 by imjack because: (no reason given)