After watching last night's Wisconsin primary results where Bernie Sanders beat out Hillary Clinton by 14 percentage points and waking up this
morning to hear MSM news sources reporting that the state's 10 super delegates are still committing their support to Hillary, I came to realize that
for the "Political Revolution" that Bernie Sanders is promoting to have any chance of success, it must start NOW and it must start with the super
delegates. More specifically, I'm talking about the super delegates who currently hold political office and who are subject to future re-election
We've all heard Hillary boast, on numerous occasions, about the vast amount of money she and her campaign raises for the DNC while she shuns
Bernie's reluctance to do the same. She's talking about her commitment to contribute a substantial portion of all her fundraising to support the
DNC and Democratic candidates running for election and/or re-election. Keep in mind that every Democratic politician who currently holds office in
the House and Senate are super delegates who will be seeking monetary support from the DNC as they come up for re-election. Kinda explains why
Hillary is contributing money, now doesn't it?
Hillary contributes large sums of money to the DNC. The same DNC currently headed up by Debbie Wasserman Schultz that has done everything in her
power to limit debates while constantly portraying Hillary as the inevitable nominee. The DNC then has sole discretion on which Democratic candidates
actually receive future campaign funding from the committee and how much.
Now, does anyone here actually think that a Democratic politician/super delegate who's facing re-election wouldn't be influenced by the threat of
losing their DNC funding & support?
So, when a state like Wisconsin, (or any of the other states Bernie has won) has it's elected super delegates openly committing to continue
supporting Hillary despite their state's election results, what does that say?
The time has come for those of us who support Bernie Sanders campaign to contact our respective super delegates and inform them that they have a
choice to make. They can either choose to maintain their current role as puppets of "DNC Establishment Politics" by backing Hillary against the
will of their constituency, or they can be part of the "revolution" to get big money and it's influence out of politics.
They need to know that going against the will of the voters in exchange for future campaign contributions and support from the DNC,
will only serve
to verify their identity as "establishment politicians" and result in their names being placed on the "revolution's" target list of politicians
who need to be replaced ASAP.
Here's a link to a Wiki page that has the current Democratic super delegates listed by state, including who they are currently supporting in the
presidential primaries.
I'm hoping that voters will use this list to identify and contact their respective super delegates to inform them that rejecting the will of their
constituency and voting for Hillary will NOT go unnoticed and that they will lose voter support by doing so. They need to know that they will NOT win
re-election in the future if they continue to be puppets for the "Establishment." This is how a "Political Revolution" takes place.
Everyone knows that regardless of who gets elected POTUS, none of them can accomplish their goals alone. They're going to need either the
"establishment" on their side, or the continued outspoken voice of the electorate backing them up.
In order to orchestrate a "Political Revolution" where the goal is to eliminate big money establishment politics, it's going to take the "people"
standing up and putting their representatives on notice and it's going to have to be done time and time again, on issue after issue. Those who
choose to continue supporting establishment politics must be put on notice and/or voted out of office at the earliest opportunity. It's not a speedy
process, but few things really worth having come easy.
This is what a "Political Revolution" is all about folks and it starts here & now!! Step one is getting Bernie Sanders elected and if the "DNC
Establishment" gets their way, it ain't gonna happen.
Look up your super delegates and make your voice heard!! Let them know that we know who they are, we're watching what they're doing and that
they'll pay a price for voting in a manner that is contrary to the will of their constituencies.
I've heard Bernie's campaign manager talk about how the campaign is actively reaching out to the super delegates in an attempt to get them to be
reflective of the will of their voters, but I would just imagine that this is one of those things that no man or woman can do alone. This is going to
be one of those times when Bernie needs our voices to be heard,
loud & clear. Our super delegates need to know that it's NOT the DNC
establishment they need to fear, it's us the "people."
Let's start this "Political Revolution" now and let's start with our super delegates!