Just back form my dental hospital appointment. The results from my CT and MRI scan seem to be clear. So apparently no tumor or cancer are present. The
Scan did show that my Sinus tissue is still swollen/inflamed and one of the nerves that transverse the area is also rather inflamed. So its a referral
to the ear, nose and throat specialist. Just glad its nothing life threatening.
Pain is away or at least has not returned to an unmanageable level. Approximately 3 days out the week i do however still experience numbness/cold
shooting pains under my eye and along my cheek. Im thinking with what the MRI scan is suggesting some form of inflamed nerve in my Sinus area is
probably the culprit. Ether that or like my Dr suggested in the first place, possible Neuralgia.
Ether way im still staying away from the Gabapentin.