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Bipedal Reptilians

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posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 07:54 PM
Greeting all,

I have posted before on the Frogs of Loveland, The Demon of Dover, and the infamous El Chupacabra, however, most of those posts are now long gone. This post is an attempt to shed light upon and reveal similarities between these and other myths regarding bipedal reptilians. I apologise in advance for the length of this post however once I began re-reasurching known instances I continually found cases new to myself that I simply could not leave out. Please let me know if anything I state is inaccurate and please share your opinion on the below information, thank you.

The River Demon:

The Shawnee Indians inhabited the area surrounding what is now known as the Little Miami River. There tribe had a legend about The Shawnahooc which, roughly translated means The River Demon. As the legend goes a small group of Shawnee Indians on a hunt stumbled upon a fairly large reptilian on the banks of the river. The Indians attempted move in closer. However, upon doing so, the creature took notice of them, stood up on its hind legs, and retreated back into the river. The Shawnee people became extremely frightened upon hearing this. Believing that this creature was a demon they sent their greatest warriors to vanquish the demon or drive it from the river. The Shawnee Indians never again caught site of the creature and, according to their myths, it is believed that after seeing the warriors approach it fled.


The Cree Indians of Eastern Canada told myths about creatures referred to as Mamnegishi. In their myths they describe the Mamnegishi as small bipedal creatures having: six fingers on each hand, a disproportionately large head, no nose, elongated limbs, no hair, and large eyes. The Cree Indians described the Mamnegishi as Mischievous creatures that took great pleasure in playing tricks on humans. The Cree Indians tell that the Mamnegishi would paint Pictographs on the Rock’s near the Rapids where they were said to have lived.

The Inzignanin:

The Indians of South Carolina that inhabited the Chicora- an area told legends of The Inzignanin, fish like humanoids that were five feet in height, covered in scales, and had fairly inflexible tails approximately 18 inches long. These Fish-men were believed to consume only raw fish and are said to have died out when the areas fish population depleted.

The Frogs of Loveland:

The first sighting of the Loveland frog occurred in May of the year 1955. A resident reported seeing three bipedal reptilian creatures standing by the side of the road as he drove home at 3:30am. Twenty years later in March of the year 1972 a Loveland Police Officer spotted a small animal in the middle of Riverside Avenue at 1:00 am. According to him, as his headlights hit the creature he suspected to be a dog, it reared up on its hind legs. The creature was three to four feet in height and paused slightly before jumping over the guard rail into the Little Miami River below. Several hours later, upon further investigation, scrape marks were found on the guard rail supporting the officer’s unbelievable story.

The story of the first officer gains more credibility when coupled with the testimony of another Loveland Police Officer who claims to have seen the same creature in a very similar incident approximately two weeks later. The Second officer claims that while running patrol on the same stretch of road, he saw the silhouette of what he believed to be a deer or dog that had been struck by a car lying in the middle of the road. The officer parked his cruiser and approached the dying creature on foot. As he neared the prone animal it rose up and limped its way over the guard rail and back to the river. The officer describes the creature as a “strange and unearthly frog-like creature.” As the creature fled the officer retrieved his weapon and was able to take one shot at the creature he believes that he missed and the strange (presumably injured) being escaped. During the same month a resident farmer in the town of Loveland reported having witnessed a strange bipedal frog that matched the description given by the two officers.

Wayne, New Jersey:

In November of the year 1974 a motorist on his way to White Meadow Lake in Wayne New Jersey reported seeing a large green humanoid with large “frog-like” eyes and a wide lipless mouth cross the road in front of his vehicle.

Sightings at Thetis Lake:

On August 19th of the year 1972 a group of young males reported that they had been chased from the banks of the lake by a large scale covered creature. One of the young men who reported the incident had lacerations on his arm believed to have been caused by the creature during the chase.

Four days later, at approximately 3:30 pm, Russell Van Nice and Michael Gold reported seeing a creature that fit the discretion given by the group of young men in that it was "shaped like an ordinary body, like a human being body, but it had a monster face, and it was all scaly." They reported that the creature emerged from the lake, paused to look around, and then returned to the watery depths of Thetis Lake. Both sets of witnesses distinctly remember seeing sharp points protruding from the humanoids head.

Riverside, California:

In November of the year 1958 Charles Wetzel reported being attacked by a scale-covered humanoid with large eyes, a disproportionately large head, and spines protruding from the back of its head while driving by The Santa Ana River. He claims that the creature began attacking his car, that he drove over it, and that it apparently made long scratches in Mr. Wetzel’s windshield. A second motorist came forward saying that a creature matching the description given by Mr. Wetzel leaped from the road side bushes and into the path of his automobile.

Lizardman of Bishopville, South Carolina:

In June of the year 1988 Christopher Davis reported seeing a seven foot tall reptilian humanoid while changing a flat tire at 2 a.m. near the Scape Ore Swamp.

“I looked back and saw something running across the field towards me. It was about 25 yards away and I saw red eyes glowing. I ran into the car and as I locked it, the thing grabbed the door handle. I could see him from the neck down – the three big fingers, long black nails and green rough skin. It was strong and angry. I looked in my mirror and saw a blur of green running. I could see his toes and then he jumped on the roof of my car. I thought I heard a grunt and then I could see his fingers through the front windshield, where they curled around on the roof. I sped up and swerved to shake the creature off.”

After telling these events to his parents that night his father discovered that his side view mirror had been nearly torn off and the roof of the car had large scratch marks in it. After this initial encounter hundreds of residents of Lee County reported witnessing the creature first hand. Several large foot prints were discovered in the surrounding area all bearing three toes. Davis has since passed a private polygraph test regarding his testimony of the attack. Rick Welch, a former Sumter police detective released a few of the questions passed by Davis during the polygraph” "Was the creature that attacked your car green and black? Were you drinking or smoking drugs? Were you really driving 35 mph when a creature jumped on your car? Did it occur immediately following your changing a flat tire?"

Demon of Dover:

The first sighting of the Dover Demon occurred at 10:30pm on April 21st of the year 1977. Seventeen year old Bill Bartlett was driving though Dover Massachusetts with two of his friends when his headlights revealed a small creature creeping along a low stone roadside wall. As his vehicle approached the creature he was able to see it clearly and described it as approximately three to four feet in height, hairless, with a large head, no nose, elongated limbs, and large orange eyes.

Approximately two hours later, fifteen year old John Baxter reported seeing a similar creature on his way home from his girlfriend’s house. He claims that while walking along the side of the road he noticed a small figure walking towards him. Believing it to be someone he knew Baxter called out to the figure. The figure suddenly stopped and darted down one side of the adjacent gully and up the far bank. Baxter pursued the creature and got a good look at it, he describes it as having a large head and a very thin long body. After seeing the creature clearly he became scared and ran home as fast as possible.

The next evening eighteen year old Will Taintor and fifteen year old Abby Brabham were driving home at around 12:00am and claim to have seen a similar creature crouched by the side of the road.

El Chupacabra:

El Chupacabra is commonly described as being between three to five feet in height, having kangaroo-like hind legs, large glowing red eyes, and a row of spines down the center of its back. Its name translated means The Goat Sucker as this is its most common prey. El Chupacabra is famous for draining the blood from its victims using small bite marks; there marks have ranged in number, usually from two to four marks. No foot prints are ever found surrounding the animal’s carcass and there have been several instances where surrounding animals, including guard dogs, do not become alarmed during these attacks which can happen as quickly as fifteen minutes. El Chupacabra’s first reported attack was in 1956 in the town of Oracle Arizona approximately 35 miles west of Tucson; this attack began numerous “kangaroo Vampire” sightings in the Midwest. In the early 1970’s El Chupacabra made its way to Brownsville Texas where a cattle rancher found his bull drained of all its blood, there were no tracks surrounding the body. In the mid 1970’s El Chupacabra moved to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. It was responsible for a large number of cattle mutilations that are often blamed on either condors or Extra Terrestrials again livestock was found drained of all blood with no tracks in the general vicinity. In the year 1993 The Goat Sucker moves up to Jersey where numerous witnesses claim to have seen a kangaroo like beast with red eyes. However these sightings may be more Jersey Devil related but the jury is still out on that. In 1994 El Chupacabra finally lands in Puerto Rico and claims more prey, the sightings and victims are spermatic in nature occurring at odd intervals. In 1995 El Chupacabra attacks are reported in Klamath Falls Oregon and Torriclla Baja Region, not to mention that in this year El Chupacabra fully invades Puerto Rico striking in Cavanos, Cagus, Guanica, Naguabo, and San German. El Chupacabra is spotted over thirty Five times in a three moth period in the territory of Puerto Rico. In 1996 El Chupacabra attacks in Miami Florida where it killed over forty animals, Isabella county Michigan, Klamath Falls Oregon, Rio Grande Valley Texas, Juarez Mexico, Calderon Village Sinalo Mexico, Sonora Mexico, and Chiapas Mexico. In 1999 El Chupacabra is witnessed and reported only in the El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico. In the year 2000, aside from continued attacks in Puerto Rico, El Chupacabra is blamed for the deaths of hundreds of animals in Calama Chile which lies approximately 72 miles from the capital.

So, in case you do not have enough free time to read and analyze the unnecessary amount of information I have presented, here is a quick compare and contrast.

6 have been seen near or at water, 3 have not.
4 stand at three to five feet in height, 5 are either taller or are unknown.
3 have glowing red or orange eyes, 6 do not.
3 have spines protruding from either the head or the back, 6 do not.
4 appear to be violent or territorial, 5 do not.
All stand on their rear legs when moving.
4 have scales, 5 do not.
None have hair.
1 has a known tail 8 do not.

So in looking at all of these fascinating cases, aside from being hairless and standing on two legs I can find no common ground between all of these sightings. Logic would therefore tell you that we are dealing with more then one species. Of all the creatures I would say that El Chupacabra least fits the common mold and therefore may not even be in the same family. The glowing eyes can be accounted for easily, almost all of these encounters happen at night meaning that humans would need assistance to see the creature clearly (Head Lights, Flashlight, Etc.) many animals eyes reflect direct light in a way that makes their eyes appear to glow. Also, I just stumbled upon this while making my last point; most of these attacks have happened at night meaning that whatever these things truly are they may very well be nocturnal. This would explain the need for such large eyes. Before it is stated that these creatures are extraterrestrial I would like to say I find it highly improbable as all of these beings follow behavioral traits found in known animal species.

What are your opinions on the origins of such creatures and how they may or may not be related to one another? Also, if you have any additional information to contribute to these cases, have information on a similar case, or have experience one of these yourself, please post. Thank you for your time and your input.


posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 09:40 AM
I recently watched an episode of "Proof Positive" on Sci-Fi which "examined" the Bishopville SC case.... the sightings were reported in what I thought was a very open-minded way, and casts of the "footprints" that were found were examined by an expert in animal tracks. The prints were found to be hoaxed, but the sightings were all so consistent that they couldn't just be dismissed as easily.
Thanks for this excellent post, hopefully it will start a discussion.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by ID
El Chupacabra:

El Chupacabra is commonly described as being between three to five feet in height, having kangaroo-like hind legs, large glowing red eyes, and a row of spines down the center of its back. Its name translated means The Goat Sucker as this is its most common prey. El Chupacabra is famous for draining the blood from its victims using small bite marks; there marks have ranged in number, usually from two to four marks. No foot prints are ever found surrounding the animal’s carcass and there have been several instances where surrounding animals, including guard dogs, do not become alarmed during these attacks which can happen as quickly as fifteen minutes. El Chupacabra’s first reported attack was in 1956 in the town of Oracle Arizona approximately 35 miles west of Tucson; this attack began numerous “kangaroo Vampire” sightings in the Midwest. In the early 1970’s El Chupacabra made its way to Brownsville Texas where a cattle rancher found his bull drained of all its blood, there were no tracks surrounding the body. In the mid 1970’s El Chupacabra moved to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. It was responsible for a large number of cattle mutilations that are often blamed on either condors or Extra Terrestrials again livestock was found drained of all blood with no tracks in the general vicinity. In the year 1993 The Goat Sucker moves up to Jersey where numerous witnesses claim to have seen a kangaroo like beast with red eyes. However these sightings may be more Jersey Devil related but the jury is still out on that. In 1994 El Chupacabra finally lands in Puerto Rico and claims more prey, the sightings and victims are spermatic in nature occurring at odd intervals. In 1995 El Chupacabra attacks are reported in Klamath Falls Oregon and Torriclla Baja Region, not to mention that in this year El Chupacabra fully invades Puerto Rico striking in Cavanos, Cagus, Guanica, Naguabo, and San German. El Chupacabra is spotted over thirty Five times in a three moth period in the territory of Puerto Rico. In 1996 El Chupacabra attacks in Miami Florida where it killed over forty animals, Isabella county Michigan, Klamath Falls Oregon, Rio Grande Valley Texas, Juarez Mexico, Calderon Village Sinalo Mexico, Sonora Mexico, and Chiapas Mexico. In 1999 El Chupacabra is witnessed and reported only in the El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico. In the year 2000, aside from continued attacks in Puerto Rico, El Chupacabra is blamed for the deaths of hundreds of animals in Calama Chile which lies approximately 72 miles from the capital.

So, in case you do not have enough free time to read and analyze the unnecessary amount of information I have presented, here is a quick compare and contrast.

6 have been seen near or at water, 3 have not.
4 stand at three to five feet in height, 5 are either taller or are unknown.
3 have glowing red or orange eyes, 6 do not.
3 have spines protruding from either the head or the back, 6 do not.
4 appear to be violent or territorial, 5 do not.
All stand on their rear legs when moving.
4 have scales, 5 do not.
None have hair.
1 has a known tail 8 do not.

So in looking at all of these fascinating cases, aside from being hairless and standing on two legs I can find no common ground between all of these sightings. Logic would therefore tell you that we are dealing with more then one species. Of all the creatures I would say that El Chupacabra least fits the common mold and therefore may not even be in the same family. The glowing eyes can be accounted for easily, almost all of these encounters happen at night meaning that humans would need assistance to see the creature clearly (Head Lights, Flashlight, Etc.) many animals eyes reflect direct light in a way that makes their eyes appear to glow. Also, I just stumbled upon this while making my last point; most of these attacks have happened at night meaning that whatever these things truly are they may very well be nocturnal. This would explain the need for such large eyes. Before it is stated that these creatures are extraterrestrial I would like to say I find it highly improbable as all of these beings follow behavioral traits found in known animal species.

I found this information very interesting Id, way to go, great research.
You get my vote for the WAY ABOVE award.
I hope you dont mind if I post this same info on my Chupacabra thread: , and i'll post a link to you topic on my thread.

[edit on 13-1-2005 by beyondSciFi]


posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 02:45 PM
MsCGA: Thanks for the information regarding the Bishopville case, the fact that these foot prints were fake does take away a little from the validity of this case. I really have to catch a few Episodes of Proof Positive; I have heard it is very good. Also, it is possible that the increased number of sightings may simply be people jumping on the band wagon for attention. In spite of all this I still strongly believe the case based on the evidence found on Christopher Davis’ car and the passed polygraph test. If they brought in an expert to analyze and ultimately dismiss the foot prints I feel similar measures should be taken with regard to the scratches on Christopher Davis’ car. If those scratches were exposed as a hoax then this whole incident may loose all credibility as it was the initial sighting.

BeyondSciFi: Thank you for the vote for the W.A.T.S. award, I do not believe I post often enough to win, still I am honored. Please feel free to use any information from this post in your discussion. Hell I did not simply make this to see how long of a post I could make, if the information can help any discussion then by all means use it.

I have heard a rumor of a pygmy alligator man that was once stuffed and on display at the Washington State Museum, please let me know if anyone can confirm or deny this.

If these creatures do exist it raises many questions as to their evolution. How would creatures seemingly related to reptiles or fish evolve into bipedal humanoids? I am not saying it is not possible as we all evolved from single celled organisms it just seems an unlikely occurrence. I feel that the fact that some of these sightings occurred before the arrival of Europeans adds merit to these legends. It is clearly not simply a modern American tradition to create stories of bipedal reptilians. Also, with regard to El Chupacabra, these accounts transcend at least three languages which would make it very unlikely that it is a hoax as the descriptions are virtually identical to one another.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 02:51 PM
Ill get in with this before Lizzardsamok come along Lol

Scarey arnt they!


posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 03:20 PM
Instar: Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that is a picture of Basiliscus plumifrons, a lizard inhabiting Ecuador and the southern tip of Mexico. The Basilisk is able to run on water at speed of over 7 miles per hour. The strength of its legs combined with even distribution of its feet allow the Basilisk to move without breaking the surface film of the water for short periods of time.

Another lizard that should be mentioned is Chlamydosaurus kingii or the frilled lizard that resides in grassy areas of Australia and is able to run on its hind legs at fairly high speeds.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 03:48 PM
You Are indeed correct on both counts! I forgot about frillys. Im hoping to add a frilly to my collection soon!

[edit on 033131p://52013 by instar]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 07:58 AM
"How would creatures seemingly related to reptiles or fish evolve into bipedal humanoids?"

Convergent evolution - I think that's the correct term, it describes when seemingly unrelated creatures develop similar bodies or life strategies. For example, if you know anything about dinosaurs and their near kin, their was a type of marine reptile called the icthyosaur which looked remarkably like modern dolphins, and quite a few dino species developed bipedialism, it's not just a primate trait.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 12:39 PM

The Cree Indians of Eastern Canada told myths about creatures referred to as Mamnegishi. In their myths they describe the Mamnegishi as small bipedal creatures having: six fingers on each hand, a disproportionately large head, no nose, elongated limbs, no hair, and large eyes. The Cree Indians described the Mamnegishi as Mischievous creatures that took great pleasure in playing tricks on humans. The Cree Indians tell that the Mamnegishi would paint Pictographs on the Rock’s near the Rapids where they were said to have lived. ''

Now that just sounds like those pesky Greys again now dont it? I mean, that almost completely matches the description of greys exactly, except that ive never heard of them having six fingers before!?!


posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 01:55 PM
MsCGA: I suppose I had forgotten about the large number of bipedal dinosaurs, I got so caught up in the words “lizardman” and “frogmen” that I did not even consider the possibility. Also, the above mentioned bipedal lizards certainly provide modern day examples of this form of evolution in action.

Zanzibar: I do agree that both the Mamnegishi and the Dover Demon do remind me a lot of Grey aliens. The only thing that makes me leery about this theory is that their behaviors seem a little too primitive. Also, many have compared the Lizardmen to Reptiods but I personally do not like the idea of creatures this apparent in our history to be extraterrestrial. This is not to say I am not open to the idea it simply seems unlikely to me.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 12:45 AM
wanna see what they really look like?

they dont look like this but text is accurate.

this is site is detailed and extremely accurate.

wanna see what they did to the cow

any questions?

this is no hoax!!!!
dont belive me?
thats ok keep eating your grass!
ignorance is bliss...

this is the biggest truth you will ever deny... HL

[edit on 15-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by MsCGA
"How would creatures seemingly related to reptiles or fish evolve into bipedal humanoids?"

Convergent evolution - I think that's the correct term, it describes when seemingly unrelated creatures develop similar bodies or life strategies. For example, if you know anything about dinosaurs and their near kin, their was a type of marine reptile called the icthyosaur which looked remarkably like modern dolphins, and quite a few dino species developed bipedialism, it's not just a primate trait.

some had opposable thumbs too...

not to hard to belive after awhile huh
it becomes self evident eventually...

remember an old show called "lost world"
the reps were called "sleestack"
they ate the older humans and had technology far superior as they were around longer but not smarter you see.

i didnt make the connection to my own story till much later then i laughed at its ubiquidous presence...

lost world
"V" visitors
dinosaur documentries
childrens cartoons, toys, ect
alien mines
much more

reptiles are all over tv nowadays i think its slow desenceitizing of our society for aliens as well as reptiles...

and if i see that f--king lizzard on gieco one more time ill shoot the tv. lol
notice how the dumb human is led by the supposed intelligent reptile...

[edit on 15-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 01:34 AM
wanna see what they did to the cow

Yup There are some sick human beings in this world!


posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 03:15 PM
Lizzardsamok: As it pertains to your first link, I find the picture very confusing as it does not match ANY description that I listed above, that is not to say that it is inaccurate but it is disheartening in that there may be even more sightings to string together.

Second Link: I must admit I feel a little foolish in that I never properly researched the Reptoid theory in depth. I always heard someone post on “space reptiles” and simply passed over it due to its ridiculous sound. However, the introduction on this link showing cryptozoologist John Rhodes theory that has nothing to do with extraterrestrials has opened my eyes to the phenomena of Reptoids. While the whole living under the earth aspect is at first a little hard to swallow it does make a bit of sense when you think about it.

Last link: I have heard of this case before, I find it extremely unlikely that these mutilations are related to reptoids. As far as I have researched I have sound no evidence that these cattle or the rare human mutilations are at all connected with bipedal reptilians. These attacks are however extremely interesting as they show that something out there, be it extraterrestrial or earthy origins has complete disregard for our well being, a comforting thought indeed. There is, as stated in the autopsy quotes provided in that link, nothing about these mutilations that would lead me to believe that these attacks could not have been done by humans. It stated directly from the quotes that he have the ability to extract organs through a similar process.

Second Post:

You give examples of the Iguanodon and the Troodon as dinosaurs that possessed opposable thumbs. To be fair I have to add that the Iguanodon had hard conical spikes for thumbs not fully mobile grasping thumbs. As for the Troodon, this is most likely one of the best examples of intelligent dinosaurs. The Troodon had one of the highest brain sizes in comparison to its body of all dinosaurs. It also, as you mentioned, had opposable thumbs capable of grasping.

Below is a model made by paleontologist Dale Russell and the artist Ron Sequin illustrating what a dinosaur might have looked like if it was able to survive and evolve. On the right of the picture is a Troodon and on the left, well, something that looks very similar to the reports given in my original posts.

I find it interesting that, as you pointed out, the phenomena of bipedal reptilians has been present in our entertainment (movies, books, Television) for quite some time and I agree that this may be an attempt to subconsciously prepare us if one of these creatures if found to be in existence.

Lastly I would simply like to say that I noticed your join date and wanted to say welcome to Above Top Secret.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 04:14 PM
thank you for your intelligentlly open minded approach to my at first seemilnglly ridiculous story as you will see if you research what ive said the more you do the more this becomes self evident.

like ive said if i wished to make up a story i could do much better than leave out the cow. lizards. and electrifed tentacle to start.

take the electrifed tenticle i have desrcibed and match it to all animal mutalations (look at burn char marks on bodies)
notice how cells were cut beteween cells not thru . no cut cells!

and also compare it to indias recently appearing monster tale of a "face scratcher" it comes in the noght with bright lights and a tentice takes them and cuts them up ,but if u wake up in time you have only your face scratched...

it was like a mechanical glowing noodle,string,tentalcle, like a robot snake arm thats highly charged with electricity ... becuase of craft i guess but its white the cradt was green glow and bottom was red.
it picked up the cow with the light not the tenticle.that was used only for the cutting..
and sir if you coulda heard this poor animal scream in horrible agonizing pain that would be enough for you to do something about it,

regardless who is doing it,
check it out lasers didnt exist when first cases were documented and the first case was a farmer who witnessed the cows pain and described 2 grey beings and a REPTILIAN looking after them as supervisor.

thats were we get the term LITTLE GREEN MEN= lizard dudes 3-4 feet tall.

as to my drawing thats the only real likeness of theses things the pictures was his BEST guess...
i wrote him and will be speaking with him soon.

ask yourself whats more logical evolved dinosaurs or space aliens...
ask yourself would said dino evolve a human face or keep its own...
ask yourself how much more time a dino would have to develop
ask yourself would these dinos eat flesh or plants, which do we preffer?
ask yourself would reptiles hide/live in caves and underground.
study the reptilian brain in us and their nature.

go outside look at a common lizard you will be close to the reptilian so called "aliens".

even has the hole in side of head for ear i could look into its cranial cavity alittle.

and i left this out of story... they had patches/insignia on their uniforms

look up GODs throne gaurds = saraphim- winged serpents or saraph.
yes gods right hand men are serpents with legs hands and wings,
what is a snake with legs... lizard
who was in the garden with eve could it be a snake with legs... lizard
look up flying serpents
look up NAGAs

find me a religion that has no serpent or reptile present at our CREATION.
just try .. lol

its self evident after time.

and thank you for the welcoming me, allowing me to spread awareness, and helping me DEFY IGNORANCE.

the devil has many names:
god of underworld
angel of light
serpent race
dino men
flying serpents
chin - lu
and on and on and on...

see the simularities one mans lizard is anothers devil

[edit on 15-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]


posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 12:40 PM

like ive said if i wished to make up a story i could do much better than leave out the cow. lizards. and electrified tentacle to start.

First let me say that this “electrified tentacle” you speak of has never been mentioned before in this tread.

take the electrifed tenticle i have desrcibed and match it to all animal mutalations (look at burn char marks on bodies)

As I mentioned you claim to have described it previously however there is no evidence of an electrified tentacle in any of the above responses. Also, I do not see what an “electrified tentacle has to do with Bipedal Reptilians. I have never heard a report of any of these bipedal Reptilians possessing an “electrified tentacle” as an appendage or as a weapon. I understand that you are passionate about this topic but please attempt to organize your thoughts better if you wish to inform others of information you have gathered.

ask yourself whats more logical evolved dinosaurs or space aliens...

I feel that both are “logical” if you look at how vast the known universe is it would be reckless to automatically assume that we are the only case of intelligent life currently in existence. As for the evolution of dinosaurs, it is possible as they certainly would have had the time to do so, however it would be difficult to maintain a substantially sized breeding population without interacting on some level with humans. This is not to say that it is not possible for such creatures to exist under our noses it would simply be extremely difficult to pull off.

ask yourself would said dino evolve a human face or keep its own...

Naturally if dinosaurs did in fact evolve they would still have latent traits of their ancestors such as we have to ours. However, how can you account for the fact that every example I have given tells nothing of a snout or elongated face? The other thing that is troubling me is the difference in certain large details of these stories, some describe the creature(s) they have seen as having green reptilian scales others claim silver fish scales and still others claim that the creature(s) they saw had no hair and simply had pale skin. The differences in types of scales could be seen as evidence that more then one species has evolved or as cultural differences that have arisen from evolution isolated from the rest of the species. There are however larger discrepancies that would be more difficult to pass off for instance the dramatic differences in height and the presence or lack of spines and tails.

ask yourself how much more time a dino would have to develop technology

This is a very valid statement, depending on the amount of time it took these creatures to develop into their current state it is entirely possible that they have been developing technology far before the human race and thus would logicaly be further along. The only problem with this would be the lack of resources. If you are maintaining a secret species under ground and attempting to make your presence go unnoticed then it would be difficult to obtain rare raw materials or to create the necessary large machinery needed for the fabrication of certain complicated devices. Also, let me say in reference to my original post that none of these cases involves any type of sophisticated technology from these “electrified tentacles” you mentioned to even primitive clothing or weapons. This produces a huge discrepancy in your theory and my listed events.

ask yourself would these dinos eat flesh or plants, which do we preffer?

Dinosaurs appeared as herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores giving no evidence that these evolved versions would prefer simply one or the other. The Troodon, mentioned above as one of the most intelligent dinosaurs also possessing opposable thumbs was a Carnivore from the Cretaceous Period. It is possible that if present day dinosaurs do exist and if they evolved from the Troodon then they may be carnivores, however, this theory has far too many holes at the moment to be confirmed or denied.

ask yourself would reptiles hide/live in caves and underground.

It would seem unlikely; most dinosaurs did not habitually practice burrowing or live in large tunnel complexes so this behavior would go against their basic instincts. Also, six of my nine original sightings happened extremely close to large bodies of water which would make it seem as though these creatures favor open waters to caves.

While I agree that lizards do appear often in many creation myths so to titans, feathered serpents, and various other creatures. I agree that the evidence of lizards in these myths does help the Repoid case however all of these stories must be take with a grain of salt.


posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 01:18 PM
First of all ID does your IQ reach 4 figures? You seem to know everything and explain yourself far more coherently then i would have thought explaining the info you did could be possible. (You can tell that from reading the last sentence of this post, lol). If these lizard people, (alien or earth evolved) live underground for thousands of years, how the hell have we never found any entrances to the 'caves/lairs' or indeed iany evidence of them at all whilst we have as a civilization sprawled all over the planet building roads houses seweres etc.??????


posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 02:28 PM
cecil the lost alien: I appreciate the compliment but I am nobody special, I simply enjoy researching certain topics and this happens to be one of them. I could not agree more with your comment though, it seems highly unlikely (nothing is impossible) that a civilized race of tunnel dwellers could have gone unnoticed for so long. I suppose this also holds true for a non-intelligent group of river dwellers as well. So I am unsure as to what to believe with regard to these creatures. If neither the river dwellers nor Tunnel digger hypothesis hold true then there must be a more logical option.

Is it possible that all of these people are making up these stories? I know in Bishopville their sightings have brought in a tremendous amount of money in both tourism and novelties. For this to be the case though you would have to overlook the physical evidence found as well as the polygraph exam on Mr. Davis. Also, as I mentioned before some of these stories have crossed language barriers and remained virtually identical.

The only other option is that people are misinterpreting what they are seeing. Unfortunately I can think of no creatures currently known to exist in North America that could realistically be confused with these sightings. Crocodiles and Komodo Dragons could be confused but in the case of the later it is not a native to North America and in both cases they are by no means bipedal. Chlamydosaurus kingii could be a candidate as it can run on its hind legs however it is not nearly tall enough at a maximum length of 290mm (11.4173228 inches) to be confused with 3-4 feet and certainly not with some of the seven foot tall accounts given.

I suppose this is why they call cases like this legends as it seems impossible to wrap your mind around any plausible theory. Everyone please share your thoughts on this.

Also cecil the lost alien welcome to Above Top Secret.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 03:22 PM
ive read somewhere on this site people who believe that the reptile dudes have cloaking technology or something like it and can become invisible. But if that is this case why live under the ground when they are obviously so much more advanced than humans and could just tell us to live with them freely (share surface) or get use to been the second dominant species. (aka getting battered if we dont like it).

Also on something someone said earlier about a lot of sightings being made. When we run over animals unfortunate enough to get in the cars way they tend to stay splattered all over the road or near it when they have crawled off. How come no one has ever found spalttered lizardmen or even fossils of lizard men anywhere. Do thier lizard buddies take away the corpses?!

I spose it could be possible that they do to make sure they stay 'secret' but then you have three more looking for thier mates corpse, three more time s the chance of getting caught, all sounds a bit dodgy to me. But tell me if im just completely wrong.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 03:35 PM
Oh yeah thanks for the welcome ID!

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