posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 02:46 PM
Play on words... that is punny!
'Abduction' can also apply to thought processes. So there is 'deduction' where you see, if you kick a ball the ball will fly off so the next time you
want to move something you can kick it. Then there is 'induction' which is you have seen/heard/read about other people doing other things to impart a
force upon a ball then it goes flying off--and if you are a good golfer, in the direction you want! Then there is 'abduction' which is the reasonable
expectation that if one applies any force to a ball there is an expectation it will go flying off somewhere.
Therefore, "unresolved abduction," means, I think, you're still in the dodge ball game!
Welcome to the asylum! And DUCK!