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Roswell declassified?

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posted on Jun, 15 2003 @ 06:28 PM

Then, amid the clutter, in Box 1, we found what we were after. It was a seemingly unimportant document titled "Morning Reports, July 1947." This was essentially a log of the day-to-day activity at the base.

What'cha think?

posted on Jun, 15 2003 @ 06:40 PM
I have that issue floating around the house somewhere. It was an interesting article at least.

I have to say this though, anything you see in the media, be it on the radio, TV, or printed, it is something someone wants you to see.

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 02:39 PM
My thing is, everybody knows the Army was out there recovering something right? Well let's just say for arguments sake that it wasn't a UFO. Let's say it was a weather balloon or some other secret research project.

There is no log of that either. My point is, if it's something secret they aren't going to put it in the activity logs of the base.

Does anybody agree or disagree?

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 02:48 PM
That's a GREAT point darkmatter. Where's the log entry about the weather balloon? Or the Project Mogul balloon?

When you read the PM story, which, in terms of text, is only about 1/2 page long, you realize that it isn't really much of a story at all. It doesn't even bother to describe the events which it is trying to debunk... nor does it mention how a simple log nullifies an official press briefing ("RAAF Captures Flying Disc") that was released later on that afternoon.

I have no problem with debunkers who are thorough and present all the evidence... The PM article was a snowjob, though.

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 05:35 PM
I tend to agree with you guys...This info may be declassified...but it has holes.

IT's quite easy to add a few files containing bits of the weather ballon in the files to add to the snowjob the government wants us to believe.

It's just another way to cover up the truth...

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 06:18 PM
Like always, the government would cover up anything vital to secracy.........

By the way, do you people think PM is bad at making stories on government conspiracy stuff? For example their story on "UTAH'S GREEN RIVER COMPLEX CALLED 'NEW AREA 51.'" was off. There were many other stories.

posted on Jun, 17 2003 @ 08:05 AM
"Falsified" would be the more accurate word. And Friedman is the ultimate unwitting disinformation officer.

Civilians saw the barricades when they blocked access to the surrounding roads. Civilian and military witnesses, including THE military intel officer of the base support that something crashed there. Trucks were sent, and seen by civilians. Civilians were visited by military officers. These are not suppositions. These are FACTS.

Therefore, any documents that purport otherwise are simply fabricated. way that MAJ could control what goes into the national archives, huh? As was mentioned, even their own cover story isn't even supported by their own paperwork (i.e. no mention of Mogul). This wouldn't be the first time that Popular Mechanics appeared to be more "anti-alien" or make light of it...and I doubt it will be the last....

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 12:27 PM
In the late 40's, early 50's, the US was very secretive about it's projects. When those reports were written, the people who wrote them weren't worried about the American people seeing them in 50 years. It wouldn't have even crossed their minds once. The object that crashed WAS NOT a UFO. How ignorant would an alien race be to fly billions of miles through space only to end up screwing up a landing pattern and crash...and next to a known TOP SECRET US Military installation? I can't believe that people still think that aliens crashed there.

When the US Gov't wants to build a project that they want to keep secret until the right time, they'll deny it's existance by all means. That is because it effects National Security. It's how we've been ahead technologically throughout US History. When they have a new technology, they want to keep it quiet. It's not an Alien spacecraft.

For the 50's and early 60's..the US developed the SR-71 "Blackbird" Airplane. It's the fastest and most powerful aircraft ever built. Period. And it was built way back then. Just based on the facts of how US Engineers could create something so intensely advanced above anything that had ever been created before speaks for itself. This dispells "Hoax Moon Landings" as well as "UFOs crashing on earth"

The weak minded who fail to use common sense and basic judgement are blind to the truth, and choose rather to believe in something so outrageous, that it becomes a joke rather than anything else.

There is lots of unexplained phenomenon on earth...subjects which are being investigated everyday. It's naive to think that the US Military is the most powerful force in the Universe, even more powerful than creatures that are light years ahead of us in technology.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 05:14 PM
well if it was a top secret airplane why don`t they declassify it? If it was a weather ballon why not declassify it? There are many things it could have been and only one which it was but if everything is above board why has the incident, along with many others, not been declassified? It is now over 50 years since this happened, how long will it be a matter of national security to keep a ballon or plane crash secret.

I have to agree that it does seem pretty silly that something capable of flying light years or inter dimensionally would crash ever but please tell me why these events are kept from the public after more than 50 years.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 08:53 PM
because it would scare the sh** out of people.

Yes, the truth is better in my opinion, but for some reason the government assumes that people want to live mundane, sh**y little lives in the dark. There are people that know the truth, you just can't know that they exist... and many of them won't be alive much longer. I think the whole situation has become a tragedy of information and loss of freedom for the American public and the world. Who cares what I think, right?

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:01 PM
Well the government sure doesn't.

The government still does not follow the Freedom of Information Act at all. How do I know? They will give you a map of Nellis, but they won't mark places they don't want you to know about. Even after getting it through the Information Act.


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