I am currently tidying my bedroom (I sound like a teenager), and ironing to a rather awesome Spotify playlist. I know all the words to the songs and I
am belting them out.
When hoovering I do like putting on a bit of Celine Dion/ Barbara Stresisand/ Cher so I can sing to my hearts content knowing that the hoover it
drowning out my voice.
When you are on a cleaning mission what do you like to put on?
edit on 4/4/2016 by MrsNonSpecific because: spelling mistake
Being a slovenly housekeeper, I'll let the place get really trashed, then I'll go on a marathon cleaning session.
I always crank up the music! With Bowie, I breeze right through it.
Pretty much always 70's rock on Pandora, because that's what was on the radio when I was a kid, cleaning the house with my mom. Thus, it's the music I
associate with cleaning (and also working on cars, as it was the same music playing in the garage with dad.) I'm pretty sure she did 98% of the
cleaning and us kids just played with the vacuum, as mine do now.
Because 'housework' isn't just "Ladies work" will You take a couple off of My "playlist"? Now before I dump them to You/Yours You need to know that
I've whittled My day down to the D's. And there are only 2 of these Ds and if I can do these 2 Ds each day, then each day is "complete". Those 2 Ds
are this:
#1) Dogs. If I can feed the dogs and take them to the Dog park then I'm 'halfway' there..
#2) Dishes. I do any dishes that SWMBO may have left over. (SWMBO= She Who Must Be Obeyed)
Today, I was Done by 09:37 hrs. You always want to end on a Prime number..
I prefer Jazz when I cook, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, John Coltrane, Django Reinhardt, Count Basie, Benny Goodman, Miles Davis and Duke Ellington
usually get the job done.