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Isis 'bans all Christians from leaving Raqqa'

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posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 06:54 AM
Last gasping, thugs are taking hostages. Meanwhile the Syrian army has cleared the way to Raqqa, 'Capital' of ISIS by recapturing Palmyra, Syria's ancient historical site four days ago.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 06:59 AM
this 'marshal law' decree by ISIS for the Capital City of the caliphate is just a delay Tactic...

everyone supposes that Raqqa was long ago purged of Christians or any/all non Jihad Sunni
that is likely a correct status... unless those 43 families have been kept as a captive group for a future atrocity

and now is the time to 'purify' the city, so the defense of the stronghold will succeed as the final victims are sacrificed to the death-cult

the leadership is giving the troops a morale builder & inspiration by completing the genocide of non Muslims at least in their informal capital city

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka
a reply to: Grimpachi

They want as many civilians as possible in the city when the Syrian army attacks.

And you know what?

I bet that the media will focus on the accidental civilian casualties from the Syrian attack.

Only they won't be called accidental. The msm will just use it as another way to demonize Assad.

Anyway, my best wishes go to all the families stuck there, not just the Christians.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

They let them live, because they pay tolls, the human shield suggestion is not outlandish either.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: markosity1973

This is an act of cowards. They aren't men. They are weak, pitiful scum.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: neformore
a reply to: MysticPearl

Methinks you see the world with political blinkers on, because last time I checked there is no confirmed and definite way telling if someone is left or right leaning in their political affiliations and beliefs on an internet forum.

You are kidding, right?

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: markosity1973

So, just like when the Jews were being persecuted, it's not enough to strip their rights, treat them like cattle, crucify the men and rape the women any more. ***snip***

I thought that they already had killed all the christians.

Anyway. Perhaps once ISIS has been defeated we can steal some land and give it to the Christians.
Thailands seems a nice enough place.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Rocker2013

"Religious delusion needs to end. It needs to be replaced by eduction, by science, by the desire to further a community and a nation."

Not get any argument from me on that score!

However replacing these persons religious ideologies with cold hard logic is a battle that possibly cannot be won. Especially so considering just like you said "These men are a direct result of religious ideology within their own communities". People tend to believe what they are brought up with and will challenge, sometimes to the death, any other concepts they are presented with.

Change is painful and generally requires blood im afraid.

I don't want to get into my long-winded plan of how I would start to change things, but it comes down to a few things in my opinion:

1. We need to put pressure on nations to evolve. We need to stop placating the religious leaders of authoritarian nations and tell them that if they want the riches of international commerce they play by international rules of freedom and democracy. There should be no exceptions to this rule.

2. We need to make sure that every child, and I mean EVERY child in this world has access to a free source of science based learning. No religious bs, no corporate sponsors, no biased opinions. Science only, 24 hours a day, free of charge. Education should be the one single thing we invest in for every child on this planet. Any adult attempting to restrict or limit that child's access to international science based learning should be punished.

3. No school on this Earth should be permitted to teach any specific religious ideology to anyone. A school should be without biased opinion, without brainwashing, without any drive to lead any student down any particular path of ideology. Schools should be legally required to teach the HISTORY of all religions, or none.

That would be a start, and it's something the UN should be working on for all kids. Nothing will change while we allow the religiously insane to infect their offspring with delusions of God, nationalism, tribalism or other cult-like ideas.
edit on 1-4-2016 by Rocker2013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: neformore

Ummm...sorry there's quite evident which side of the political divide you hang out in...we have all of your comments over the years from your keyboard clicks to our eyes...just as we have the comments of the usual suspects as well...all provided by post response and post history...Your more than welcome to read my post history if you like...

You also know that it's disingenuous for you to claim that leftists don't have a nagging habit of not championing the plight of those not wearing their particular stripe...Why were seeing evidence of that daily by the non tolerance of the ever so tolerant...From sign waving lemmings holding up signs reading "STOP THE HATE"...all while practicing that form of negativity as they castigate and label and hurl the feminists who so selectively champion women...with the exception of the truly oppressed some of those that Mystic Pearl was nauseam...

All because the left is trapped by it's own's own politically correct double speak...they have only tricked themselves...and exposed themselves as the invective's they project...

For the life of me I can't comprehend why you leftists still cling to moral or ethical or intellectual superiority...when clearly you illustrate so wonderfully that you are the reflection and the very originator of everything you rail, spit and sputter against...

To leftists in general...the cameras and recordings don't's refreshing to finally see you basking in your adrenal fever sweat....all while unmasking the festering simmering hate that lives at your core...Feel that you feed your rush...

Thank's good to see you all come out of your closet...out into the shining light of day...

Everybody knows where everyone else stands by now don't you think...?...With the exception of course of the newbs and the lurkers...but it only takes a very few posts to figure where someone hangs their hat...if one pays attention that is...

Also...please don't off-topic my response to your off-topic...

edit on 1-4-2016 by YouSir because: I felt the bern...

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 10:01 AM
I can't understand with so many allied troops fighting they still didn't siege Raqqa ?

And they think they can turn Europe into an Islamic state or whatever their motives are ?

I'm not even impressed by their actions here in Europe, bunch of cowards to use innocent people as human shields.

Let's, hope those christians see a moment to overthrow leadership in Raqqa and retaliate those mf. .

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: MysticPearl
How come there's no uproar from the left about this sort of thing?

They'll carry on and on about everything Trump, Islam being peaceful, don't offend, racism, religious hate, etc, but nary a peep when it's something like this.

Holy crap can we have at least one thread without that knobhead trump being mentioned. Or the # show that is "Americas next top president". Ffs this place is getting unbearable.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

Ummm...please explain to me how one evolves beyond their own nature...I'd really like to hear your solution to that particular conundrum...

When will you people get it...?

I can't remember how many times I've stated on this site that human beings are territorial...lactating...tribal...mammals... our husband...protect...and defend...

I do share your particular dream of Utopic vision...However...I'm realistic enough to understand that that's all it is...a dream...

I can no more remove my inherent penchant to safeguard and the death...than I can clip from my DNA the entirety of precedent code that eventually culminated in the form I wear and the ability to question or perceive...

This evolution your speaking to would take literally millions of years of genetic editing...turning the thinker into the programmed drone...OR maybe just a few odd more generations of reality TV...I also suppose you could Oculus rift your way into benevolence over a number of generations...But that's merely conditioning...which tends to fade in the face of fight or flight...survival of the fittest...

edit on 1-4-2016 by YouSir because: two to's do not a sentence make...

edit on 1-4-2016 by YouSir because: too many of's spoil the broth...

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

The Christans have been systematically killed or displaced. ISIS does not want any Christians at all in its territory of the false caliphate.

It says that they are now banned from leaving because before they were encouraged to flee. They won't let anyone else leave because they want the Muslim population to stay and fight to the end.

I feel bad for any Muslim family caught up in this that isn't and ISIS sympathiser too. Same goes for anyone else like those poor Yazidi women .

My problem is not with all of Islam, just the radical Wahhabi ones and Sharia law.
edit on 1-4-2016 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

Seems like some sound ideas but as to number 3 "No school on this Earth should be permitted to teach any specific religious ideology to anyone". I really dont see that working considering some people in my own nation simply would not be willing to send there children to anything but a Catholic school and vice versa.

Same in the US, especially the bible belt, you try telling those poor deluded sods that they cannot teach there children about religion in school and you are liable to get shot.

Suppose some schools my own included, back in the day, do teach the history of all religions in the form of the religious education class. Which in my opinion is where the study of religion should remain.

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: YouSir
Ummm...please explain to me how one evolves beyond their own nature...I'd really like to hear your solution to that particular conundrum...

When will you people get it...?

I can't remember how many times I've stated on this site that human beings are territorial...lactating...tribal...mammals... our husband...protect...and defend...

You'll get no argument from a fan of psychology and sociology that we act on instinctual impulses in almost every facet of our being. I entirely "get it", when you talk about how Humans are inherently tribal people and are driven by primal desires of survival and genetic propagation.
However, that is clearly not as absolute as you claim, otherwise our societies wouldn't exist.

The fact is, we're not murdering each other over an ideology, these people are. That's not a genetic difference, it's a sociological one.

Clearly, while it's absolutely true that we all have the same instinctual engine, how we drive the vehicle has a lot to do with what roads we're driving on and who taught us to drive it.

originally posted by: YouSir
I do share your particular dream of Utopic vision...However...I'm realistic enough to understand that that's all it is...a dream...

Was it a dream when it happened to us?
You understand I take it that all our nations have experienced the same thing throughout history, the only thing which has changed is the weapons we use to kill each other.
Thousands of years ago we were defending our tribal lands against our invading neighbours using stones, or invading their lands.

So, why do you think it's possible for us as societies to move on and not be acting on raw and basic primordial instincts, but for others it's just not possible?

If anything, the mere fact that we're having this conversation here is proof that your pessimism is unfounded.

originally posted by: YouSir

This evolution your speaking to would take literally millions of years of genetic editing...

I'm not talking about evolution, this is not a chasm of genetic disparity. You seem to think we're fighting against Neanderthals, we're not. They are just as physically evolved as we are.

The evolution these people need to take is a sociological one. The actions of these people are based purely on brainwashing, on religious delusion. Someone can be raised without that extremism, you do understand this, right?

There is nothing here to do with "genetics" or evolution in the physical sense. This is all about stopping the seed of extremism from being sewn in the young members of a society - the same way we stop that from happening in our own countries wherever possible.

originally posted by: YouSir
turning the thinker into the programmed drone...OR maybe just a few odd more generations of reality TV...I also suppose you could Oculus rift your way into benevolence over a number of generations...But that's merely conditioning...which tends to fade in the face of fight or flight...survival of the fittest...

I have no idea what this nonsense is all about, you should see a specialist about that rambling.

edit on 3-4-2016 by Rocker2013 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-4-2016 by Rocker2013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
Seems like some sound ideas but as to number 3 "No school on this Earth should be permitted to teach any specific religious ideology to anyone". I really dont see that working considering some people in my own nation simply would not be willing to send there children to anything but a Catholic school and vice versa.

Same in the US, especially the bible belt, you try telling those poor deluded sods that they cannot teach there children about religion in school and you are liable to get shot.

I'm the first to admit that it's a stretch, but I'm not suggesting blunt force should be used here. There is a middle path we could take to properly challenge this method of brainwashing.

We could start by ending funding for these indoctrination schools. No religious school should receive any support from the regional or central government, but they should absolutely be monitored.

This is already changing though. In places where these schools are being supported by government there is a movement to remove that funding and support. Not that it's going to be needed in our countries, enrolment of these schools is falling, many are closing, just as many churches are.

In June, school officials announced that the academy would be closing its doors, making it one of hundreds of private Christian schools nationwide that fell casualty this summer to a struggling economy and dwindling enrollment.

Christianity Today

Christianity is on the decline in America, not just among younger generations or in certain regions of the country but across race, gender, education and geographic barriers

Washington Post

Many Christian publications use flawed polling to suggest that attendance has stopped falling, that it's levelled out, but even some Christian publications are calling this false and pointing out the flaw in the methodology:

His findings reveal that the actual rate of church attendance from head counts is less than half of the 40 percent the pollsters report. Numbers from actual counts of people in Orthodox Christian churches (Catholic, mainline and evangelical) show that in 2004, 17.7 percent of the population attended a Christian church on any given weekend.

Church Leaders

We've achieved this change in societal thinking without even trying. This is true evolution of our societies probably brought about by education and freedom of information. This has all coincided with use of the Internet. Kids are no longer growing up in closed small communities where everything they know is told to them by the local religious leader or their Christian-led school or their Christian parents. Kids these days can get on the Internet almost any time they like and see that the world is not what these people claim it is, that opinions, freedoms and rights are not afforded to them by their religious overlords, that they can believe in science and reality rather than be force-fed a religious delusion.

I absolutely believe that the Internet has caused a global revolution in thinking. We've seen this in the physical revolutions of the Arab Spring. These are undoubtedly caused by young people who know what the rest of the world is like thanks to the Internet, which allowed them to finally wake up from the funk they would have been educated into by their elders.

When you look at any of these revolutions, you'll see it being led by young people in their teens and 20's. The older generations are sitting on the sidelines in most respects, or even wanting things to stay the same. The biggest difference in these people is their access and use of the Internet and the freedom and knowledge it has given them about how the rest of the world lives.

These young people knew how good it was in the rest of the world, and they demanded that for themselves. This is what led to the Arab Spring.

originally posted by: andy06shake
Suppose some schools my own included, back in the day, do teach the history of all religions in the form of the religious education class. Which in my opinion is where the study of religion should remain.

I agree of course.
Even when I was young I was quite defiant and would remain silent in assembly when the Christian hymns were sung. I remember that pretty clearly. I wasn't even ten and yet I knew that I didn't believe in an imaginary sky wizard and refused to play along.
I have no problem with educating kids about religions and the histories of them all, there is a lot of beauty in religion. While religion has absolutely brought plenty of death and destruction to our world it's also contributed in architecture, art, civilization as we know it. It would be insane to remove it from education when it's such a fundamental part of the Human story.
In fact, I would encourage education in this regard, far more than is done currently. But, that should be all religions, and how all these religions have impacted on societal evolution over those thousands of years. It should not be about any specific religion as a "preference".
edit on 3-4-2016 by Rocker2013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2016 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: Rocker2013


However, that is clearly not as absolute as you claim, otherwise our societies wouldn't exist. The fact is, we're not murdering each other over an ideology, these people are.

Our societies only function for relatively short periods of time...Every society extant today is merely a repeat of what has gone before...Please insert..."history tends to repeat itself"

The fact is, we're not murdering each other over an ideology

If you consider the penchant for criminal enterprise...especially when societies cluster...the murder rates tend to escalate...simply because you think that conditioning removes that aspect from human interaction...doesn't make your claim truth...Also we are indeed murdering one another over ideologies...It's ideology that insures the inner cities remain much as they are...Conditioning to that end is what keeps those locked in battles over turf...It's the same thin veil of civilization being stripped you see in those other societies you spoke of...

Was it a dream when it happened to us

So, why do you think it's possible for us as societies to move on and not be acting on raw and basic primordial instincts

So your claiming that utopia happened to us...?
That we have moved on...?
Try visiting Detroit...or Chicago...try walking at night deep in the inner city unarmed and alone...Any inner city in this country...Please tell us all how you fare...Explain again how it's only a societal evolution...when it's obvious that our societies always fail...If it weren't so then people wouldn't be "feeling the Bern"...or...clambering aboard the "Trump train"...

The evolution these people need to take is a sociological one. The actions of these people are based purely on brainwashing

I'm really beginning to think that your the one that's been brainwashed...Which wonderful societal model should we hold up to them...Certainly not our failing system...Suppression of human nature always creates and finds an outlet...Society even provides one for our boys and girls march off to another war in an endless line of wars...

But we will hail you Rocker 2013...the penultimate of human evolution...the enlightened one...the one who stepped beyond the thin skin of society over his human nature...

Lets see if you can reply this time without the smug superiority and insult...

Yes...hold up your collegiality high above that pedestal you occupy...This mere high school grad trembles in the shadow of one such as you...


posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: markosity1973
My heart goes out to my brothers and sisters in Christ. We must pray for their safe delivery, for them and the rest of the ones who ISIS is persecuting

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 10:01 PM
...Because they want to express their EVIL on the internet?

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Those enlightened souls who banned religion exterminated between 85 million to 100 million, statistics found in the Black Book of Communism by Martin Malia. Education against religion did not improve the inate selfish, egocentricity of mankind. True Christian teaching by Jesus as taught in the parables, and not by some religious dictator, is a way of peacefulness and non-violence. But some mega religious institutions for hundreds of years have hijacked his teachings under a strong delusion. This is why the gigantic organizations have persecuted the humble disciples throughout history who did not want to bow down to their false doctrines.
edit on 16-4-2016 by Seahawk68 because: (no reason given)

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