posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 04:08 PM
Today was dentist day/check-up and my 6 yr old seems to have a problem...he got a few adult teeth in already but the way they all came in there is NO
room for one adult tooth in front...It hasn't started coming in yet, but x-ray shows he has an adult tooth under the adult tooth and it has no where
to go....SO the dentist says we have 3 options ...DO nothing, start pulling teeth and hope that it doesn't wind up a mess when ALL his adult teeth
come in..OR (last choice..HIS CHOICE, he thinks is best) would be to do orthodontist work-up and "make" a space using braces?? HE's 6 YEARS old!!!
I'm waiting for my exhusband to call tonight and discuss it with him, to see if we should get a second opinion...see what ex thinks (since he is the
dad!!) I kinda expected ds to need braces But when he was 12 not 6!! Its not even the $$ (though it will cost a bunch insuarnce only covers 50%) Its
just a lot of pain for a 6 yr old to go through!! ANYBODY ever hear of a 6 yr old have this done?? ANY experiences with something like this????? Jan
25th I got the appointment for the xrays and casts...I guess I'll be busy between now and then trying to find stuff out!!