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Decline of Church attendance...?

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posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:02 PM
It's safe to say that this thread is largely in relation to Christianity and focuses on Europe and North America. All research I can find concurs that numbers continue to fall and that existing congregations are getting older. So my questions are:

1. Does anyone dispute the declining numbers and if so, why?

2. What does it mean for the religion in these areas and will the lack of attendance eventually lead to the closing of churches?

3. Are Christianity's (relatively) progressive changes of late in recognition of it's dwindling popularity?

4. Will we ever reach a stage where Christianity is all but eradicated in the west?

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:12 PM


posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: 0010110011101
4. Will we ever reach a stage where Christianity is all but eradicated in the west?

Even though Christianity is not the truth the need for it is still very prominent.It compels many that are corrupt to “act” more moral and ethical than their nature and charcther.Unfortunately it is a finely balanced system since it is impossible to change someones nature(religion) by the source.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: 0010110011101

1. Does anyone dispute the declining numbers and if so, why?

2. What does it mean for the religion in these areas and will the lack of attendance eventually lead to the closing of churches?

3. Are Christianity's (relatively) progressive changes of late in recognition of it's dwindling popularity?

4. Will we ever reach a stage where Christianity is all but eradicated in the west?

Most people who attend church nowadays do it for the sake of community. They dont care about the religion or what it has to say. Church is where everyone goes every Sunday to just be social. Well, this is what I observe in the South.

In regards to focusing on Christianity and North America.

1. Nobody is going to dispute in general, maybe certain places based on geography.

2. Weirdly, I havnt heard of many Churches closing. Im sure it happens all the time. Then again I see new churches
sprouting up.

3. Not sure what you mean

4. Yep. Its going to go bye bye. Taking to long...

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Rex282

Even though Christianity is not the truth the need for it is still very prominent.It compels many that are corrupt to “act” more moral and ethical than their nature and charcther.Unfortunately it is a finely balanced system since it is impossible to change someones nature(religion) by the source.

Its funny because every Church I have ever dealt with, is well. Corrupt.

The Bull# politics that exists in Church would give mainstream politics a run for its money.

Organized religion.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: 0010110011101

1. I concur with your observation about dwindling church attendance.

2. It means that Pastors are failing to teach the Bible correctly beyond scratching the surface of the Gospel, and people are failing to seek deeper Biblical wisdom for themselves. So the problem just gets worse.

Some good Churches might close, the rest will probably integrate into some pan-religious theosophy. I've seen a cogregation destroy a good Pastor with slander, simply because he didn't follow un-biblical denominational traditions.

3. I think the more progressive changes in Christianity reflect the spiritual atrophy of the Western Church. More Churches accept women as Pastors, they are marrying homosexuals, and they are distorting/watering down the Gospel; ie Billy Graham's cardiac invitation can't invite Christ into your heart. You simply believe that He died as payment for all sins. Billy Graham confuses spiritual fellowship with salvation.

4. When Christianity is eradicated in the West, the West will fall. But Christianity will likely rise elsewhere as it is in the Middle East in the face of the ISIS persecutions. Persecution unites those with like beliefs. It forces people to sort out their priorities.

edit on 30-3-2016 by BELIEVERpriest because: typos

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:20 PM
In terms of point 3 I was thinking the more accepting stance of women in the church, homosexuality and abortion etc. The general softening of the tone.

a reply to: frostie

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: Rex282

Christianity IS the truth, you may choose another path and think yours is right but we shall have to disagree on that very salient point.

As for eradicated, NO it is a fundemental belief within the christian faith itself that is will diminish on earth in the final days becoming an extremely persecuted minority.

As for falling Attendance do not mix this up with falling belief, most in the UK for example still call themselves christian and those that don't often say they believe in something but can not give it a description.

Part of the problem is Secularist media, information overload and the high pace of modern life in the Work, Work, Work wage slave society the corporate interests are fashioning around us, they do not want sunday's they want Slave's seven twenty four and that is what they want, of course even if they have no spiritual allignement the Corporations are patently EVIL and drive modern wage slave culture.

There is a growing counter clash as many find new and more true to the religion forms of christianity in the vibrant modern christian community's such as the Born again movement's while the Old and lets be fair stale formulae of spouting at the people from the pulpit are fading, there is and always will be a place for house of true worship though and not those carpet munching floor butters that the idiot secularist and athiest movement are inadvertantly boosting.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: 0010110011101

Religion is a funny thing.

A Church is always strict in what its devotional norm is.

You will not see strict Churches (Anti-Gay/Women) start to become more progressive.

What you will see is more Churches that are naturally more accepting.

I was associated with the Boy Scouts for ten years and have a thirdd party view on these Churches. Ive seen a lot and I know how the work.

But again, most of my knowledge is limited to the South.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: 0010110011101

Iam not educated enough in this matter, to answer your questions

But based on the actions of the church, i dont think they have much of a future

The bible tells you not to judge others, yet thats exactly what the church does when they goes after homosexuals, abortions and even movies like the da vinci code and the golden compass.
Jesus tells you the most importen thing is to forgive, yet it seems like the church have a hard time doing that
The bible is filled with inconsistencies

Iam not a believer and have no way of knowing what future the church has, but when the pope/priests tells you to do one thing, and themself behave very differently, i think they gonna have a hard time keeping their followers, people do catch on in time

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:28 PM
I'm not religious never have been. But I do know you can still believe in your own God or goddess and not attend church. The latest census statistics from where I live show people identifying as Christian has dropped by about 10% now showing that less than half of our country identifies as Christian.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:29 PM
"Decline of Church attendance..."

Thank God! There are way too many Religiotards in the world. Get religion. Become an instant idiot..... just saying...

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:42 PM
Seems to me churches aren't going anywhere, at least in my area they're not. I can think of 30+ churches (maybe more) around my local area alone. It's ridiculous how many there are around me, much less the entire country. There are probably 6 or 7 "mega churches" and the rest are smaller ones, but damn I can't go around one corner without seeing one or two of them. I live in the South though so that may be why.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: 0010110011101

I can speak for Orthodoxs as i see it in my country (more than 90% of population)

1) Number of people going to churches are increasing every year

2) This does not happen in Orthodoxy because it has never changed what it has been saying.

3) Nothing has changed as i said to us for the last 1000 years.

4) Catholicism? Sure. Protestantism? Sure. Other Christian beliefs? Sure. Orthodoxy? Certainly not. As i tell you, more and more people are going to churches every Sunday.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: 0010110011101

People realize more and more that belief in God doesn't require religious dogma. That being said there are many people that benefit from the fellowship and security that religion offers and we have no right to deny these things to them. I will defend a persons right to practice a religion even if I don't personally want anything to do with it myself.
edit on 2016/3/30 by Metallicus because: sp

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: 0010110011101

we are fed up with men using us for gain.

we are fed up with baby food teaching of many churches

we are fed up with those who think a pastor is the sole leader of the church

Home church that is what we have and it is far better that traditional organizational church we have had over the last 500 years.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: 0010110011101

I stopped participating in congregationalism in my early teens. My relationship with the "ultimate Creator" is free of drama, hypocrisy, deceipt, and potlucks. I am ok with that.

1. There are online congregations who are happy in their worship. Do you factor these in?

2. Churches will close in their own time as will many physicalities. Welcome to the New World.

3. Dwindling? Please provide both definition of "Christianity" and "progressive" as you see it.

4. No.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Christianity IS the truth, you may choose another path and think yours is right but we shall have to disagree on that very salient point.

No. Christianity is a lie. It has always been a lie, and it will always be a lie, whether or not you accept it as such. It is just like every other religion that claims to be the "truth", and the "only way to god". And it's adherents are often just as arrogant as those other religions Christianity claims are false religions of the devil. The truth is, none of you are right. You are all deceived.

On topic:
1. It would be hard to judge by my area, except that I seem to be noticing more people that are willing to say they are non-religious/agnostic/atheist, etc. the last 5 years or so.

2. I think down the road you will begin to see some churches closing, once the money starts drying up, and the "you're stealing from god, and going to hell for not tithing" sermons don't work any more.

3. I think that's partially true. Fundamentalism has changed its tactics on the outside, but on the inside it's still the same old hypocrisy it has always been. The more liberal sects though, I think are trying to change with the times.

4. Eradicated? Probably not for a very long time. But I do believe it will become a fringe religion, but not until there is a HUGE push for revival from those who run Christianity in the West. After that, I think it will slowly die out over time, but there will likely always be a remnant.
edit on 3/30/2016 by Klassified because: reword

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: LABTECH767

Christianity IS the truth, you may choose another path and think yours is right but we shall have to disagree on that very salient point.

No. Christianity is a lie. It has always been a lie, and it will always be a lie, whether or not you accept it as such. It is just like every other religion that claims to be the "truth", and the "only way to god". And it's adherents are often just as arrogant as those other religions Christianity claims are false religions of the devil. The truth is, none of you are right. You are all deceived.

This is the true crux of the matter.It is not only Christianity but all religions that are not true because it is impossible to know a creator God through belief through faith of "a religion" which is what people really believe in.The "God" the religion-religious believe in is made in their own image through their imagination.That phenomena will never go away as long as humans are alive because religion(belief through faith) is the core of ALL of human nature.True religion has not been corrupted it IS corruption and that is why the religion-religious are the most blind to their own condition.

The religion-religious revel in their own ignorance.They will never try to escape a prison they don't believe they are bound it YET they have built their prison on the sands of their religion.It will fall into the sea and be swept away and then they will build another with higher walls made of more sand until it collapses on them...and they will blame everyone else for it's fall not themselves.

The only rock in religion is the ones in the believers mind.It is impenetrable and lets nothing in nor out.It will not be moved by any force including the being they think they believe in.The only cure is death..the complete annihilation of the persons Belief System religion.Someone once wrote about it and called it the lake of fire.Those that will have their religion annihilated it in believe it is something completely different.That is what happens when you believe in religion and not truth.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: Rex282
True enough.

There are some of us who escape the clutches of religion. It isn't easy, and it takes years of de-programming, but it can and does happen. Many non-religious/agnostics/atheists/ in the west were once Christians.

Personally, I really don't mind people having their religion/faith until they start preaching it at and to others, claiming you must believe like them or else... I don't think anyone must believe like me. Why would anyone want to? Be yourself. Be who YOU are. Don't give away your autonomy and individuality to a collective. Don't be assimilated.

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