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Superdelegates vow to back Hillary Clinton anyway

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posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

I hear you. I remember the PUMA's. They were awfully hard to shake free last time Hillary ran.

posted on Mar, 31 2016 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: Terminal1

I mean I've been saying for a long time that I didn't think Bernie would win the nomination. I'm actually surprised he got THIS far to be honest, but that still doesn't mean that it is over for him. Crazier things have happened. Just look at the GOP race.

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: Terminal1

I mean I've been saying for a long time that I didn't think Bernie would win the nomination. I'm actually surprised he got THIS far to be honest, but that still doesn't mean that it is over for him. Crazier things have happened. Just look at the GOP race.

Ya... I hear you loud and clear. Pulling for Bernie over Hillary myself. I am also shocked he stirred up as much as he has. Not too long ago the media was portraying him like a mad scientist. It is slim but he stands a better chance now than when he first began I believe, so there is that.

Of course I didn't think Trump would make it this far either. If there is a God, he or she has one sick sense of humor.

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

There are no "super delegates" on the Republican side. And it's a MSM lie that the Dem supers will stand behind the Hillster..... it's just the Capitol Hill Establishment collective monster trying to keep her afloat. She will, eventually, sink. They won't continue to support her as she treads water. (Remember how the GOP contenders all 'pledged' to support whichever of them gets nominated? They've ALL back-pedaled, retracted, and withdrawn that "pledge.")

And whether she sinks or swims now or not - the Bernie supporters will still be swimming either way.......

don't care what she (or the establishment or banksters or lobbyists or the Pentagon) thinks she is "owed."

Lies, corruption, etc. Whatever - that's the status quo. It's all Berning to the ground. If not this year, then in the next few years.
Ha!!! The Millennials are not stupid - they are more informed (via the webz) than any other generation now living. They are paying attention, and realize they have bleak prospects if the nation doesn't move forward. The "American Dream" (which I was raised with - i.e. 'you'll be better off than your parents', 'starter homes,' assured increase in income, job security, etc.) is DEAD. Dead.

You actually think the millennials are not acutely aware of that? Of course they are!!! They are watching their parents' expectations dashed on the rocks. They realize they are the heirs of the funeral of the American Dream. You can diss them all you want......but they are far more aware than you die-hard "status-quo" supporters give them credit for. And many many many of them have been getting college educations (which does make a difference in a young adult's worldview.)

So - deal with it. Only a fool would underestimate their savvy. You can call college "liberal brainwashing" if you want - but our species will progress with or without you. Don't be left behind.

edit on 4/2/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

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