I think Trump is out there, being the way he is, to appeal to the somewhat more ignorant of the group, the same way Obama was put out there to get the
blacks to go out and vote.
I think Trump is out there with some "Trojan horse" intentions the same way Obama was the "Trojan horse" for Hillarycare.
What I wonder about, is what Trump promised to do if he gets elected.
He speaks of rounding up the immigrants, but fails to mention that in order to do that he will have to go house to house and collect them, or get
everyone ratting each other out, or a combination of those things and others to accomplish the things he promises.
Doesn't sound like he's for freedom to me.
He claims he is going to build a wall, completely failing to make clear to his supporters that the constitution is for the government and protects the
people's natural born rights, that's anyone here's rights, not just naturalized or native born american's.
He claims he's going to build a wall to keep the people from immigrating from mexico, at mexico's expense. This would really have a negative effect on
the corporations which relocated to mexico by making them have to pay more taxes to build that wall if mexico were actually to build it. In a way this
may work to bring some of those corporations back to the U.S. potentially.
Aside from walls keeping the good or bad, in or out.....
He claims he wants to keep closer track of those of the Muslim faith coming and going from the U.S., and track them down in the U.S. which would have
to be done the same way as with illegal immigrants from mexico which would once again be an issue with the constitutionality of what he claims he
wants to do, and again be a house to house thing and a situation where neighbor would be reporting neighbor.
He is either a straight up liar, as most business-people tend to be in the pursuit of profit, or he is just that stupid, or a combination of both,
along with other things.
I think he is just a distraction to deflect vote from others the established managers do not want to see elected.
Who do the votes he gets go to if he does not get elected. Does it simply cost votes to the others if he simply fades away?.
I really don't know what to think of this whole mess, but Trump is just creepy with his repetitious 4th grade vocabulary and temper tantrums and what
looks like harassment and bullying, to me.
Not the kind of person you would want running one of the most powerful countries in the world.
But then, the government doesn't really do anything at all.
We do all the work and pay all the bills.
I tend not to think of things in a leftist or rightist way because I don't like walls, barriers or "ists" "isms" or "ologies", etc., which is exactly
what these ways of thinking are.
edit on 30-3-2016 by MyHappyDogShiner because: scary