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It's Bloody Well Back Again.

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posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:30 PM
Last December i posted this thread.

I have just been outside my home and happpened to look up into the perfectly clear night sky and noticed a white light moving across the sky. Again i thought it was a satellite as it was very high.

Suddenly it began zig zagging across the sky. Stopped and then shot off at incredidble speed. Stopped again, zig zagged and shot off at yet more incredible speed.

What is going on in the skies above Earth ? I want answers.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:35 PM
I fully sympathize....facts are undeniable.....somebody is screwing around up there....but WHO ?
I have seen the impossible as well......
And I want to know.....

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:37 PM
Looks like what others said in your other post has come true. They said you would see it again, and now you have. Lucky you

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: onehuman

Let me just explain one other thing.

If you focus your vision on a aircraft flying at 30,000 feet, and you can imagine the speed you would see it cross the sky.
This THING flew at about 50 times the speed of such an aircraft. I am just astounded.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

Get a torch aim north north west and flash it three times in a one second apart sequnce. If it's a real ufo orb it will reply in a same sequence blinking action

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:55 PM
I feel like any fast moving, agile light in the sky could be a drone these days.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

Cool. Having had this experience 4 months ago, and then had that time to ponder your sighting, to go over in your mind the questioning of your own perceptive abilities, did you when seeing it again, take in to account the possibility that it was all in your imagination? Did you attempt to see what was going on this time with a more critical evaluation of the event?

Not saying you did not see what you think you saw, or anyting like that. I am just interested in how you felt about this sighting, how you evaluated it as it was going on. Did you engage in your sighting with a more critical realization?

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

its the last glimmer of the sun setting on the British empire.

That's my bet anyway

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

What is going on in the skies above Earth ? I want answers.

And I want proof. You said you saw it before and were expecting it and shazam you forgot your camera again. Need to see this zigzagging on camera, just once…

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: alldaylong

its the last glimmer of the sun setting on the British empire.

That's my bet anyway

It's the last brain cell of texnicallity celebrating its release from prison brain!

No drones can do that, we still cannot master hypersonic missiles and they don't turn.
edit on 29 3 2016 by Forensick because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: Forensick

no, i think that's a miss identification

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: Tearman
I feel like any fast moving, agile light in the sky could be a drone these days.

That has to be a possible source to consider, they can do all that the OP has described in a flash, including 90° turns at high speed. At low altitude, very hard to follow, at a medium height still very fast to the eye.
I'm not saying it's a drone, I am saying that it fits the bill thus far.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Is that in the Gallactic Federation of social behavior rulebook?

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 07:02 AM
To answer a couple of questions that have been raised.

Why didn't i have a camera or phone camera ? I was actually outside putting the paper recycling into the bin ready for collection . One doesn't normally carry a camera for this exercise.

Was it a a drone? No it wasn't. At one point the object was directly above my head. The height was much to high for a drone.

I know some people are very skeptical in what i am describing, but all i can add is what i saw was very real and how it

maneuverd defies anything that i know off.

I hope one day some on here may have the same privilege as i did.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 07:20 AM
first of all ignore all those that harp on you about not having a camera. they gave me crap for not photographing something I was notified I would see again.

yeah it's something that would be nice to have a photo of, but honestly when watching something like that its pretty divorced from reality and human nature to go "I know I'll stop watching this extremely fascinating display and rummage around for my camera phone fumbling to get a photo and missing everything."

to me, that kinda thinking stems from people who weren't there and don't know what really goes through the mind of a witness, and if they're that obsessed with their camera they are probably the type to take pictures of every meal they eat throughout the day or taking selfies and uploading them onto facebook.

I've seen the same thing on several occasions about a decade ago. heading back n forth from the general area of Edwards afb and China lake going west out over the ocean and then returning several hours later.

they do "jumps" 90 degree turns, slalom etc... very fast and very high up. small and unlikely to be caught on most cameras.

I'm pretty sure they are military platforms for ISR like activities.

also, several members here have seen them too. some even seem to know what they actually are or acknowledge they do exist. they won't tell you any details though. but they are credible people. so know you're not alone, crazy, or making things up. other folks here have seen em too.
edit on 30-3-2016 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: alldaylong

Was it a a drone? No it wasn't. At one point the object was directly above my head. The height was much to high for a drone.

4000 metres is plenty high, and operable at -15°C. At that height or even lower, you won't hear too much, but you will see any bright lights. Saying it was too high is not realistic since there is no marker for a light or lights in a dark sky, one reason so many common aircraft get misidentified.
Just to re-iterate how fast drones can be, here's a video of one climbing from hover to a high altitude in seconds, (seen in the opening moments)

Had that been at night-time for instance, and if you were some distance away, you would not likely know if it was something climbing, or something shooting across the sky. All you see is an 'anomalous' light doing something unusual.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: NewzNose
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Is that in the Gallactic Federation of social behavior rulebook?

Turn your sarcasm off please. I was being deadly serious, that coming from real true life experience with the ufo orbs.

To the OP - Remember the sequence.......................... The three flash is imporatant, don't do one or two or four

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: smurfy

so humans can't often judge distance of an object due to atmospheric conditions. like say the light goes behind clouds that you know only form a certain altutudes.

when you see something really, really high up you are viewing it through miles of atmosphere. the human brain due to a lifetime of experience can often figure out basic things even at night like hey that light in the sky is very close or very far away.

yes things like size may be hard to determin or precise distances are factors. and, I'll admit without objects of known distance and size to compare said object with, it can make the process harder and often foils our ability to judge distance.

but, the brain isnt totally devoid of clues in which to get a general approxination of an objects distance. at least in terms of really far away or really close.

so I say give the OP the benefit of the doubt and consider maybe his eyes due to a host of factors were correct when they came to the conclusion that the object was very high up.
edit on 30-3-2016 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: smurfy

The only drawback in that video of a drone, at not time did it stop perfectly still in an instant. When i say in an instant i mean from traveling at very high speed and then stopping dead. This is what i witnessed.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

To the OP - Remember the sequence.......................... The three flash is imporatant, don't do one or two or four

Thank you for your advice and support.

I have to admit from what i witnessed it has made me feel disturbed. There has to be an answer and the drone theory does not add up.

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