posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:39 PM
I have recently found myself in the position of having to start my own business, as some of you may be aware. This did not come at a time of my
choosing, nor was it in the least bit convenient for me, since there are many things I would rather be doing with my time than anything even remotely
like paperwork, especially since I have been in a somewhat delicate mental state for the last two or three years.
Nonetheless, I can cut keys, fix locks, get people into their locked up houses, and I am still capable of all the engineering tricks that I have
gained over the years to earn my crust with. Assuming work comes in, the important stuff can still be covered. However, I have been very concerned
about my ability to do the banking thing and operate accounts and all that sort of malarkey, because it does not come natural to me, quite the
opposite. I am affronted by every piece of paper, every single little receipt, chit, delivery note, statement, and all other sundry paperwork and form
filling that I ever have to do. None of it makes any blasted sense, and there will always be something better to do, like earning more money, or
getting hit repeatedly in the face with a police issue flick baton.
One of the things I have been most concerned about, in terms of management, is all the nonsense you have to remember, like account codes, customer
numbers, and all that other stuff that would be irrelevant in a sane world. One of the things I am worst at, is remembering series of numbers, unless
I use those numbers more than fifty times a day, every day, because numbers particularly may as well be neutrinos for all that I can grab at them and
pin them down worth a crap.
And so today I forgot the pin for my business banking card. I will not go into any detail as to the nature of the trouble that has caused for me,
since that is by the by. What terrifies me is that no matter what those four digits allow me access to, my brain will not keep hold of them, because
quite rightly, it sees numerical data which is not a measurement for a job, or an amount of money I am owed or owe, as totally irrelevant data.
Because things have been slow, and because I have been doing my paying of bills by way of the Internet, I have not had to use my bank card for some
months, and the number is simply gone from my brain.
What really annoys me, is that I did not write the damned number down, because we are told explicitly that we are prohibited from doing so, because
leprechauns will steal our kneecaps and magica unicorns will poke out our eyes if we do!
No matter how good I get at my job, I am going to be dealing with this block where pointless drivel is concerned for the rest of my life, and I am
not looking forward to it.