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Bill Clintons Mistress(es): Hillary's a Lesbian, Chelsea a Political Tool

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posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 11:54 AM
Apparently Hillary is a lesbian according to two of Bill's mistresses. Further they both say that Chelsea was only a tool for her to gain momentum politically. And to further create more drama, Gennifer says that she sleeps with a semiautomatic and is in fear for her life as Hillary doesn't want any 'loose ends'. She also claims to being stalked and spied on.

When rumours surfaced recently of an affair between Hillary Clinton and her transition office chief, Huma Abedin, 37, Gennifer was not surprised.

The rumours concerning Huma, wife of disgraced former Mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner, 49, emerged as she stood by her husband in the wake of his recent 'sexting' scandal.

......Gennifer (Flowers) said: ‘I don’t know Huma or the Weiners. I just know what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexual and he didn’t care. He should know.

'He said Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had.’


In an interview with The Daily Mail, Miller, a former singer and radio host known as Sally Perdue, said that, “Bill didn’t mind telling me that Hillary doesn’t like sex.”

While Miller and Bill had an affair in 1983, she claims that she now sleeps with loaded semi-automatic.

Commenting on the 2016 election, Miller, who is now 77-years old said she fears for her life, because she says she has been stalked and spied upon, said, “With the election coming up [Hillary] can’t afford any sort of loose end.”

The former secretary of state is “the closest thing you can imagine to Al Capone,” Miller alleged. “I don’t think she is going to rest until she puts me to rest.”


“She can’t put on her black nightie and run around and she can’t play the sax,” Miller says, referring to her previous claim that, during their trysts, Bill Clinton would wear Miller’s nightie and play his instrument.

“I’m sure if she is a lesbian it’s not fun,” Miller says frankly.

When she was asked about where she heard Hillary Clinton was a lesbian, she responded, “Bill told me!

“Because I said why do you think she is so cold?” recalling her conversation with Bill. “Why do you think she is so uninterested in kissing and holding and just being close physically?

“He said that when she was in college that she and some girls experimented and she liked it. And that’s when the big feminist movement was moving forward and lesbianism was hot.

American Mirror

Granted, they probably just want the attention. But would anyone be the least bit surprised if all this were true?

edit on 29-3-2016 by ghostrager because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 11:59 AM
We all know she is an evil witch, but its stories like these that make me semi wish that she wins, just to see the propaganda machine work in overtime.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:02 PM
This sounds fake to me. The only reason it's talked about is because it's about the Clinton family. Unless she presents proof I'm not buying what she's selling.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:05 PM
I just naturally assume that our dear leaders are perverted in serious ways...especially after years of being in office....

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:05 PM

Now all-of-a-sudden abortion will be a bad thing.

+3 more 
posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: Teddy916

The person with the Hillary logo for an avatar thinks it's fake, who'd thunk :p

There's plenty of other rumors out there, I just didn't post them all. A quick Google search pulls up a LOT more

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: ghostrager
a reply to: Teddy916

The person with the Hillary logo for an avatar thinks it's fake, who'd thunk :p

There's plenty of other rumors out there, I just didn't post them all. A quick Google search pulls up a LOT more

I cant stand the lady, but your using the daily fail for a smear story, and you wonder if its true.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

It's not the avatar. It's more skepticism. To be honest I don't like her just as much as the others. I just want to see a woman in the White House. See how the whole world reacts to her as President.

But when it comes to articles like the one OP posted. I can't help but feel I'm being lied too. Regardless if like the Clintons or not, I would like to know what people say about them is the truth. And it has to be backed up with evidence.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

If true, then so what? What does being a lesbian have to do with her being president?

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

Who cares,,,if anything this will work to get her more votes...and who didn't realize that Chelsea was part of the machine...makes sense..

I would have my kids help me with my campaign if I was running for president or in some type of office..

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Teddy916

I don't know about Hillary's sexual proclivities, but as far as some evidence, here you go:

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

"Clinton is the closest thing you can imagine to Al Capone"

So Hillary contracted Syphilis and got busted for tax evasion?

Sure she committed dubious acts-but she is not Al Capone. It appears these 'journalists' are willing to roll in the stye when an election is near.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

This is confirmation for a very disturbing account of an MK Ultra victim named Cathy O'Brien who claims the same. She claims to have been a victim of old Hillary, the book is worth the read.

Tranceformation of America

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 01:10 PM
I've always considered the relationship between Bill and Hillary to be basically a behind the doors kinkfest, and I am fine with that.
If they want 3somes, 4somes, moresomes, whatever..not my business unless people start dying (or they decide they want to legislate morality).

I..dont believe in the conspiracy theories behind the dying and forcing people to shut up, doubt the clintons (lets say its true and Hillary loves the ladies more than Bill) have asked, perhaps even tried to pay off, the former partners to keep it on the down low simply because of the puritans worried about anything outside the norm.

Is Hillary a lesbian?...Bill wasn't a big shot when they met/got married and you can see videos and pics of them seemingly quite happy with one gonna go with no..they are just a very long term couple that probably have grown a bit apart at best like many couple do.

Thing is, sex scandals when its mostly just discussing peoples bedroom habits have a opposite effect on people today than it did in say, the 50s. now when you dig into someones past and point out a couple had a 3some..disgust isn't the reaction..not to them anyhow, its not caring, perhaps even a slight wish that they too can have a fun and experimental home life...disgust comes in the person making a big deal out of it.

I still dont support Hillary for POTUS for many reasons...none of them involve her sex life, genitals, or appearance.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 01:37 PM

edit on 1201631010320161 by Gothmog because: out of character, or maybe not

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:53 PM
As much as I don't like Hillary and think she is pretty damned evil, whether or not she is bi or full on lesbian is only important if she hides it. If she keeps it secret then she is blackmailable and therefore can be compromised and is a security risk. At this point a person in power may be cornered into having people, i.e. The blackmailers, "Arkansided".

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

So ATS is the National Enquirer now?

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 03:03 PM
I think i remember that after the Lewinsky scandal Hillary was living for several years with a woman.
If memory does not fail me she was a lawyer.

Back in the days the story was a bit hush hush, prolly because she was not in office and after Bills behaviour she is sort of entitled to have her own affair.

I have to search that story again.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 03:03 PM
The country's first female/bisexual President. What's wrong with that?
Oh, I guess you meant this to be a bashing thread, well you've got it then, huh?
I've heard these rumours for years. Saying she doesn't enjoy sex, and think jumping to lesbianism seems to be a leap, but if it makes you feel better to thrive on rumor, go for it.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 03:06 PM
Ok, so this is important why? I'm not particularly interested in a politician's orientation one way or the other, that's not even on the ladder of importance. Does one have to be strictly a Hillary backer to say "Why is this news?" or am I allowed to say that, too? (pick one, Ghostrager)

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