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UFO Hysteria In Iran

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posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:37 AM

Coincidental? Do you also think it was a coincidence that UFO's started showing up in great numbers after the first tests of atomic bombs were going off? How about all of the reports of ufo's flying over top secret U.S Nuclear facilities in the 70's and 80's ? Do you think that was U.S.A spying on themselves? Traditionally ufo's show up over nuclear sites this is nothing new.

I didn't say that UFO's don't fly over Nuclear facilities did I?? ALL I said was I found it odd that the UFO's showed up after the U.S made claims that Iran was developing nuclear weapons, now to me it seems like these things are trying to gather information on Iran's military capabilities.These UFO's might just be natural phonomena,I don't know? but if they are real and I had a choice between Alien space craft or American craft ,I would choose American craft because to me It just seems to make more sense!

But like you said you can believe what you want to believe.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 06:11 AM
Perhaps the reason why UFO activity seems to increase in scenarios where nuclear testing or the build up of weapons occurs is because they want to see one go off?

Whoever is visiting us is from a civilisation that is far beyond ours in terms of technology. Think about all the obsolete tech they have discarded along the way. Perhaps nuclear technology or weapons were something they long since discarded on their own world for whatever reason, be it for peace, the medical dangers involved with radiation, or whatever. You can say what you like about how about the horrific effects nuclear weapons have on life and the environment, I will agree with you. However those aerial films showing the detonation, blast pressure wave, fireball and mushroom cloud that are produced look pretty impressive.

Perhaps some of the aliens visiting us are nothing more than tourists, they've come to watch us for a little bit in the hopes that they can catch us letting one off so they can enjoy the fireworks display? Sure if they wanted to they could build their own and fire it at whatever took their fancy, but maybe they are peaceful by nature so this is the only way they can observe the effects of some antique technology without meddling in interstellar affairs.

Just my two cents on the matter.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Terminal Velocity
Whoever is visiting us is from a civilisation that is far beyond ours in terms of technology. Think about all the obsolete tech they have discarded along the way. Perhaps nuclear technology or weapons were something they long since discarded on their own world for whatever reason, be it for peace, the medical dangers involved with radiation, or whatever. You can say what you like about how about the horrific effects nuclear weapons have on life and the environment, I will agree with you. However those aerial films showing the detonation, blast pressure wave, fireball and mushroom cloud that are produced look pretty impressive.

Or what if splitting the atom is something that simply hasnt occured to them, and that its actually *NEW* technology? Maybe they are interested in this "dirty" weapon just because it is that.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 07:35 AM
Haha.That's an odd article man.

UFO over Iran when Iran is busying progressing with its nuclear ambition and US is against it.What can we conclude here?well,I don't know.There are many possibilites as to what those UFOs are really are.

Here's my opinions:
1)The UFOs could be spyplanes.
2)They could really be UFOs because they're probably pissed off with Iran.
3)Or maybe its just a cover-up to distract the world and Iranians while they put their final touches on the nuclear thinggy.
4)UFOs attract people.People travel to Iran.More people travel to Iran means more money.Could be a way to attract tourist.

Or I am I just exaggerating?You decide.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 09:09 AM
I think that if it really is extraterrestrial craft one of two theories on why they are watching nuclear facilities might explain their presence.

1) Aliens are the sole source of the nuclear technology and are simply watching their technology being put to use. This would most likely be the case if the aliens were malevolent.


2) Aliens have not yet developed nuclear technology because of several factors, including risk, lack of need (I mean if you are a peace loving civilization do you really need nuclear bombs?), or different elements being present here on our planet than on their home planet.

Those are just my own personal theories.

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