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UFO Hysteria In Iran

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posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 01:17 PM
Although the news source for this is Pravda, it still bears worth mentioning.

Over the past year, reports of UFOs in Iran have continued to increase at almost an exponential rate until the subject has captivated the Irani media. Now it is being reported that Iran has teamed up with Russia to begin to develop a method to shoot down the unidentified flying objects, whether they are extraterrestrial in nature or not.

Unidentified flying objects continue terrorizing the Eastern hemisphere of planet Earth. No one knows what to do with them, although it is obvious that something has to be done with the problem. Russia and Iran agreed to join efforts to study the mysterious phenomenon. The news may seem to be ridiculous at first sight, but it is actually a rather serious matter: UFOs pose a big threat to Iran in connection with its growing nuclear potential.

The UFO mania has gripped Iran. The Air Force command of Teheran has recently been given an order to down any unknown or suspicious object seen in the air space of Iran. If a UFO appears in the sky above Iran, anti-aircraft systems will most likely down it.

Iranian mass media, meanwhile, are distributing more and more information about extraterrestrial threats to the nation's nuclear objects. The flights of unknown objects in the air space of the country have become much more frequent lately, the Resalat Daily wrote. According to the newspaper, unusual luminous objects were spotted above Busher and Natanza, where nuclear facilities are located. One of the objects exploded in the sky, eyewitnesses said.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I personally believe it is classified US surveillance equipment that is busy planning for an upcoming war in Iran but maybe it is really extraterrestrial craft. Whatever the truth is behind this story, we can be sure that we will hear more about it in the next year.

[edit on 1/12/2005 by lockheed]

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by lockheed
Who knows, maybe it is just really classified US surveillance equipment that is busy planning for an upcoming war in Iran

I think it is probably just american surveillance.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 01:38 PM
Here's the thing I don't get. If UFOs are popping up like crazy around Iran, you'd think there'd be a whole lot of coverage of them. Cameras aren't exactly first-world technology, and you'd think that at least a few people in Iran would have posted some good, clear photos up on a site by now, or that some news reporters would've captured them.

My money is on American spy planes.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 02:17 PM
Isnt it rather simple?

If they crash or get shot down: Its alien UFO's.
If they dont crash and dont get detected: Its US spyplanes.


posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 02:28 PM
Somehow, the idea of an Iranian goat herder seeing a surveillance drone, and not understanding what it is, and then telling the rest of the village he saw a UFO, isn't exactly an unimaginable scenario....

Russia and Iran likely share this idea as well, and are certainly eager to get their hands on some of these drones more likely than not.

Interesting, that they immediately make the leap from UFOs (meaning just an unidentified flying object) to an "extra-terrestrial threat"...without anything to back that, huh?

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by merka
Isnt it rather simple?

If they crash or get shot down: Its alien UFO's.
If they dont crash and dont get detected: Its US spyplanes.


It is not as simple as that.

I don't think anyone would mistake a US spy plane and its reckage would get mistaken for a E.V .

[edit on 12-1-2005 by shorty]

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by merka
Isnt it rather simple?

If they crash or get shot down: Its alien UFO's.
If they dont crash and dont get detected: Its US spyplanes.


you think they couldnt shoot down american spy planes?

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by shorty

Originally posted by merka
Isnt it rather simple?

If they crash or get shot down: Its alien UFO's.
If they dont crash and dont get detected: Its US spyplanes.


It is not as simple as that.

I don't think anyone would mistake a US spy plane and its reckage would get mistaken for a E.V .

[edit on 12-1-2005 by shorty]

Haha ,thats wherere you wrong!

Do you really think the US nower days has traditional spy plaines??
They are using technology that way above what we have seen.
Backengineerd ET technology is now for the first time being deployed for miltary purposes.This is only the beginning of americas superiour technology muscleflexing.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 03:42 PM
I believe ya'll may be misunderstanding Merka, he's in effect saying:

Those are US Spyplanes flying around in Iran.

A bunch of commotion over them will make one of two actions occur:

1. If a US Spyplane is shot down, it'll be a crashed UFO.

2. If a US Spyplane isn't shot down, it'll be a US Spyplane.

I believe it was said in jest.

I laughed.

Others didn't.

Boy, I'm bored today.


posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by merka
Isnt it rather simple?

If they crash or get shot down: Its alien UFO's.
If they dont crash and dont get detected: Its US spyplanes.


You mean us crafts are better than alien ? lol i really don't think so

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Musclor
You mean us crafts are better than alien ? lol i really don't think so

Well then I hope that you think there are about 10,000 UFO's constantly in flight in our skies or you would be wrong, considering the amount of reported UFO crashes.

Then again considering all the sightings, that may not be so odd.

[edit on 12-1-2005 by merka]

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 05:27 PM
Why would the US send Global Hawks, U-2's and Top-Secret Spyplanes if they had satelite surveilence?

Perhaps the ET's are attracted by their nuclear experiments!

Well isn't it true that aliens meet with everyone how has nuclear bombs in their possesion?

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 06:44 PM
I dont really know how to take this. Im sure its also spy planes, but Iran really isnt that far from india, and india has been seeing a lot of ufos and what not... So, you never know. It kinda pisses me off that they will try to shoot it down though. I think thats one of the main reasons that the aliens havent made their existance known to the general public. Because a humans first reaction is aggression. They dont know what it is, so they kill it to find out... I dont like that. Maybe if humans stop being so harsh to the unknown, the unknown will become known. Just a thought.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 07:04 PM
hadnt thought of that IRAN an its nuke program and UFO observing it interesting point as UFO are interested in OUR nukes......

Also what about any UFO over N.Korea???????????

[edit on 12-1-2005 by Blobby 2]

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 07:23 PM
Why would aliens/ufo's fly over Iran?there's nothing of importance there.
It's just to coincidental that the ufo's started showing up after reports of Iran making nuclear weapons.Also why would Russia want to study them unless the craft are flying over russia as well and i have no doubt that there flying over china and north korea as well.I would bet a million dollars that these craft are some type of American technology.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by thecry
Why would aliens/ufo's fly over Iran?there's nothing of importance there.
It's just to coincidental that the ufo's started showing up after reports of Iran making nuclear weapons.Also why would Russia want to study them unless the craft are flying over russia as well and i have no doubt that there flying over china and north korea as well.I would bet a million dollars that these craft are some type of American technology.

I agree,i also believe these flying objects are American.There are many new fighterjets and spyplanes being built without us knowing.Many of these objects look out of this world due to their technical advances.The american military does surprise us with thier random release of hightech fighterjets and spyplanes.The shapes usually appear more round then the ones before making it easily mistaken for UFO`s.Also many of the Iranians only know of military jets that came out back in the 70`s/80`s.

Theres also many rumors about Bush wanting to invade Iran because of its missiles.So maby his preparing the world by flying over it and mapping out bases and where to attack in future wars.Those objects could be UFO`s but the whole thing seems to random to be conclusive.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by thecry
Why would aliens/ufo's fly over Iran?there's nothing of importance there.
It's just to coincidental that the ufo's started showing up after reports of Iran making nuclear weapons.Also why would Russia want to study them unless the craft are flying over russia as well and i have no doubt that there flying over china and north korea as well.I would bet a million dollars that these craft are some type of American technology.

Coincidental? Do you also think it was a coincidence that UFO's started showing up in great numbers after the first tests of atomic bombs were going off? How about all of the reports of ufo's flying over top secret U.S Nuclear facilities in the 70's and 80's ? Do you think that was U.S.A spying on themselves? Traditionally ufo's show up over nuclear sites this is nothing new.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by thecry
Why would aliens/ufo's fly over Iran?there's nothing of importance there.
It's just to coincidental that the ufo's started showing up after reports of Iran making nuclear weapons.Also why would Russia want to study them unless the craft are flying over russia as well and i have no doubt that there flying over china and north korea as well.I would bet a million dollars that these craft are some type of American technology.

Coincidental? Do you also think it was a coincidence that UFO's started showing up in great numbers after the first tests of atomic bombs were going off? How about all of the reports of ufo's flying over top secret U.S Nuclear facilities in the 70's and 80's ? Do you think that was U.S.A spying on themselves? Traditionally ufo's show up over nuclear sites this is nothing new.

posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 10:41 PM
Coincidental? Do you also think it was a coincidence that UFO's started showing up in great numbers after the first tests of atomic bombs were going off? How about all of the reports of ufo's flying over top secret U.S Nuclear facilities in the 70's and 80's ? Do you think that was U.S.A spying on themselves? Traditionally ufo's show up over nuclear sites this is nothing new.

Swordfish,the point been made here is that these are US planes spying on Iran,we didnt mean that all UFO encounters over all nuclear facilities were US spy planes.If we did dont you think we would of mentioned it?Sure there are UFO`s flying over nuclear facilities around the world but due to the bad relationship between the US and Iran we think otherwise.Not all UFO sightings are neccessarly real.Out of all the sightings been made in the world on UFO`s,95% accounts as everyday things or from earth,to speak.But its total your choice of what to believe.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by blackSt33L

Coincidental? Do you also think it was a coincidence that UFO's started showing up in great numbers after the first tests of atomic bombs were going off? How about all of the reports of ufo's flying over top secret U.S Nuclear facilities in the 70's and 80's ? Do you think that was U.S.A spying on themselves? Traditionally ufo's show up over nuclear sites this is nothing new.

Swordfish,the point been made here is that these are US planes spying on Iran,we didnt mean that all UFO encounters over all nuclear facilities were US spy planes.If we did dont you think we would of mentioned it?Sure there are UFO`s flying over nuclear facilities around the world but due to the bad relationship between the US and Iran we think otherwise.Not all UFO sightings are neccessarly real.Out of all the sightings been made in the world on UFO`s,95% accounts as everyday things or from earth,to speak.But its total your choice of what to believe.

I didn't say that UFO's don't fly over Nuclear facilities did I?? ALL I said was I found it odd that the UFO's showed up after the U.S made claims that Iran was developing nuclear weapons, now to me it seems like these things are trying to gather information on Iran's military capabilities.These UFO's might just be natural phonomena,I don't know? but if they are real and I had a choice between Alien space craft or American craft ,I would choose American craft because to me It just seems to make more sense!

But like you said you can believe what you want to believe.

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