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Flat Tax Proposal

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posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 04:20 PM
Federal tax reform; (all for it). Cannot reasonably totally eliminate the IRS with Cruz's plan of sending in a post card "HELLO FROM HAWAII" (enjoying Don Ho hula dancers and the grass skirts; great vacation). Not sure what Sanders reply to tax reform is; I suspect is similar. Cruz suggests that a ten percent flat rate tax to start at the $35,000 per year wage; anything under not taxed. If so, and made 35,000 per year would ask my employer of a wage reduction of ONE DOLLAR *please* to get out of that tax bracket.

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Cruz is also supporting and talking among the Christian pastor who advocates the systematic killing of homosexuals, so I don't think I am going to be listening to anything he has to say; If that's a broad brush so be it. As for sanders I doubt he will win nomination, and I have no clue what his tax plan would be but I would imagine raising taxes and totally reforming the system is apart of it.

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
As for sanders I doubt he will win nomination, and I have no clue what his tax plan would be but I would imagine raising taxes and totally reforming the system is apart of it.

You'd imagine right. Amazingly, Sander's tax plan will even reduce the after-tax income of the 0-10% of tax players making the least money by 6.41%. Most Americans would feel the Bern in the form of an 8-9% reduction in after tax income. But hey, those greedy bastards at the top get hit for 10.56%, so as long as they're hit harder we're supposedly all for the little guys, right? #EconomicIntelligenceMatters

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: TechniXcality
If any 'promises' made during campaigns come to fruition I AM THE Cheshire CAT grinning at a march hare (come hither/closer). Promises are broad brushed (as you point out). Another disingenuous Pastor. Obama was faithful to attending hate monger 'church sermons' when a senator in Illinois. Sanders is going after the super rich and market trading points (other than that NO idea). Would you ask your employer to reduce your wage if at whatever cap point either nominee (if in support of a flat tax) suggests? I see a problem here.
edit on 28-3-2016 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 04:48 PM
Federal tax reform needs to happen, and it has to be a multi step program.

1. The fraud in the Earned Income Tax Credit needs to end. The IRS is taking steps to make this happen.

2. Sch A, itemized deductions need to be reformed. The mortgage interest deduction needs to be removed. We still need charitable contributions, and taxes paid to the states need to be deductible. But why should it make any difference whether I rent or own on my taxes?

3. The standard deduction needs to be looked at, a single person can make 10.3 K and not pay a dime in taxes, outside of SS and medicare. A married couple 20.6K. While most of us would agree, those are not livable wages.

Just some thoughts I will throw out, am brain dead from doing taxes all day, I work for a CPA.

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: BubbaJoe
Federal tax reform needs to happen, and it has to be a multi step program.
Just some thoughts I will throw out, am brain dead from doing taxes all day, I work for a CPA.

Bless you son/servant; YOU ARE OF THE HIGH ELECT! (someone has to do it).
Democratic Socialist Governments such as England tax the super rich (Mick Jagger) but NOT Queen Elizabeth 98% of their income. Do you see this EVER happening here?
edit on 28-3-2016 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: BubbaJoe
Federal tax reform needs to happen, and it has to be a multi step program.
Just some thoughts I will throw out, am brain dead from doing taxes all day, I work for a CPA.

Bless you son/servant; YOU ARE OF THE HIGH ELECT! (someone has to do it).
Democratic Socialist Governments such as England tax the super rich (Mick Jagger) but NOT Queen Elizabeth 98% of their income. Do you see this EVER happening here?

I do not forsee tax rates that high in the USA, I want to see the fraud end, especially in the Disability, Medicaid, and Medicare programs. Hell one of the defendants in one of the largest medicare fraud cases in the country, we elected as governor of Florida, wrap your head around that one.

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Taxes is a moot point. The system will not change as long as the gop or dnc continue to be owned by the oligarch.

You have way too many financial industries and institutions with big lobbying money that is making money of the deceptive tax codes in favor for the extremely wealthy.

I like the flat tax but that simplicity will kill numerous deep pocket industries. even worse a flat tax will make the extremely wealthy not able to get out of paying their fair income to tax ratio like the rest of the working class.

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: BubbaJoe

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: BubbaJoe
Federal tax reform needs to happen, and it has to be a multi step program.
Just some thoughts I will throw out, am brain dead from doing taxes all day, I work for a CPA.

Bless you son/servant; YOU ARE OF THE HIGH ELECT! (someone has to do it).
Democratic Socialist Governments such as England tax the super rich (Mick Jagger) but NOT Queen Elizabeth 98% of their income. Do you see this EVER happening here?

I do not forsee tax rates that high in the USA, I want to see the fraud end, especially in the Disability, Medicaid, and Medicare programs. Hell one of the defendants in one of the largest medicare fraud cases in the country, we elected as governor of Florida, wrap your head around that one.

Defendant; what was the ailment. My mother goes to a Podiatrist and her medicaid account is charged $350.00 for a "Doctor" to look at her feet from five feet away (two *eyes on* minute consultation) and the grave diagnosis is "Yup; you still have two feet and 10 toes'. The fraud is rampant and bilking what used to be a grand system; under Truman? (the intent of at least). You want to be a fast tract Doctor? become a Podiatrist; very little work involved.
edit on 28-3-2016 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 05:55 PM
posted by: interupt42
a reply to: vethumanbeing

interupt42: Taxes is a moot point. The system will not change as long as the gop or dnc continue to be owned by the oligarch. You have way too many financial industries and institutions with big lobbying money that is making money of the deceptive tax codes in favor for the extremely wealthy.

Perhaps why the 'Sheep' now recognize the Wolf in sheep's expensive clothing (despite the designer label). Big lobbyists have been EXPOSED as to what they are and what they do to influence law makers. This is a precedent YELP or HOWL we cry FOUL by the people to demand change this electoral system. This is happening within both the GOP and DNC parties.

interupt42: I like the flat tax but that simplicity will kill numerous deep pocket industries. even worse a flat tax will make the extremely wealthy not able to get out of paying their fair income to tax ratio like the rest of the working class.

I have no idea how a flat tax would affect mega-industries such as Monsanto, DuPont/Dow, the giant agriculture industries; Uni-Cal. Everything else exists somewhere ELSE (as Trump drum beats to that rhythm); remember when we used to manufacture our own products?
edit on 28-3-2016 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

This is happening within both the GOP and DNC parties.

I see progress in the sense that people are actually recognizing something is amiss and are more vocal.

However, the mority are still not focusing on the right thing and are allowing themselves to be distracted with the symptoms of corruption (healtcare,jobs,economy,immigration,sexism,racism,foreign policy,etc) versus concentrating solely on the only issue we should be discussing: corruption (conflict of interest, revolving door policies, lobbying , super pacs, unlimited congressional term limits ,etc in DC)

In addition, besides the majority allowing themselves to be distracted from the real issue they also help the oligarch by keeping themselves (middle-class and the poor) fighting among themselves. The Oligarch effectively manipulates them by using racism,sexism,religion,sexuality, and political party ideals as the catalyst to keep them fighting and not joining forces to address the real issue of corruption.

as Trump drum beats to that rhythm

Sorry but trump beats to his own rhythm , and the enemy of your enemy is not necessary your friend. He horribly failed my political litmus test and demonstrated he is either incompetent as a leader or just as corrupt as the others.

Trump is the other problem. the people are awaking to the system being broken but then falsely and blindly putting their trust on a false messiah. He is not trustworthy

edit on 18331America/ChicagoMon, 28 Mar 2016 18:18:43 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 06:29 PM
originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: vethumanbeing

vhb: This is happening within both the GOP and DNC parties.

interupt42: I see progress in the sense that people are actually recognizing something is amiss and are more vocal.
However, the mority are still not focusing on the right thing and are allowing themselves to be distracted with the symptoms of corruption (healtcare,jobs,economy,immigration,sexism,racism,foreign policy,etc) versus concentrating solely on the only issue we should be discussing: corruption (conflict of interest, revolving door policies, lobbying , super pacs, unlimited congressional term limits ,etc in DC)

All of the Independents Trump and Sanders bring in become "Free for all votes" in the general election. You have no disagreement with me regarding the corruption of Super-Pacs and big money influence.

Interupt42: In addition, besides the majority allowing themselves to be distracted from the real issue they also help the oligarch by keeping themselves (middle-class and the poor) fighting among themselves. The Oligarch effectively manipulates them by using racism,sexism,religion,sexuality, and political party ideals as the catalyst to keep them fighting and not joining forces to address the real issue of corruption.

Its a very old Machiavellian concept that is being utilized very well in this decade (I could not have put it better).

vhbas Trump drum beats to that rhythm

Interupt42: Sorry but trump beats to his own rhythm , and the enemy of your enemy is not necessary your friend. He horribly failed my political litmus test and demonstrated he is either incompetent as a leader or just as corrupt as the others.

It would be interesting to have a mirror (kind of) likeness of a potential candidate (if) Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Morgan, Rockefeller, Guggenheim that never ran for POTUS won. What would this world look like now? The Roosevelt cousins changed everything for the better; one a donkey the other an elephant.

Interupt42: Trump is the other problem. the people are awaking to the system being broken but then falsely and blindly putting their trust on a false messiah. He is not trustworthy

That having been said; *anyone but Hillary* a follower of the false Messiah; has had his run of 7 years and totally failed the 'hopes and good wish tidings' promised to his voting congregation.
edit on 28-3-2016 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 06:31 PM

Sorry but trump beats to his own rhythm , and the enemy of your enemy is not necessary your friend. He horribly failed my political litmus test and demonstrated he is either incompetent as a leader or just as corrupt as the others.

I believe him to be both, and probably more corrupt based on business dealings in the realms that he has played.

Trump is the other problem. the people are awaking to the system being broken but then falsely and blindly putting their trust on a false messiah. He is not trustworthy

In no way, shape or form. All you have to do is to take the words from his own mouth to prove this. Wasn't he talking early on in the campaign, about basically buying support from politicians?

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

I think income tax should be removed altogether.

Sales tax is enough for all government needs, and should a SPECIAL NEED ARISE, a special temporary tax should be put in place across the board to soften the blow.

We are over taxed and under serviced. I dont want more services, I want more of my own money.

If nothing else a tax hike for the upper echelon of society composing of less than 5% as Trump suggests. If not NO INCOME TAX-

edit on 3 28 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 07:10 PM
originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: vethumanbeing

tadaman: I think income tax should be removed altogether. Sales tax is enough for all government needs, and should a SPECIAL NEED ARISE, a special temporary tax should be put in place across the board to soften the blow.

Sales taxes now (state) fund roads, the welfare systems. Federal Taxes pay for Medicare, highway interstate road repair, Border Patrol the Military (there is more HIDDEN) expenditures.

tadaman: We are over taxed and under serviced. I dont want more services, I want more of my own money.
If nothing else a tax hike for the upper echelon of society composing of less than 5% as Trump suggests. If not NO INCOME TAX-

You said it; I as well do not want anymore services; at the end of the day, the working class now is taxed 50% of its wages between Fed and State (a state property tax reminder). This is insane and we remain a debtor/sketchy nation regarding its obligation to its own people expecting a social security check when retired. There is no middle class anymore; its been annihilated.
edit on 28-3-2016 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: BubbaJoe
He knows very well how to influence his bipartisan friends within both parties; donations: (money=favors to be held to). "I scratched your back when you needed me; now you scratch mine" (solve this small zoning problem).

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 07:30 PM
The only 'fair' tax is abolition of the income tax.

I mean people come on.

The state makes enough money off of others.

Abolish the income tax altogether,and make politicians stop using it as blackmail for your votes.

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Can you imagine how much money the government would save if they eliminated the IRS? Filing taxes every year has become a dreaded ritual for all Americans. I'm personally in the 28 percentile bracket, I don't claim any dependents, and give a good chunk of my paycheck to Uncle Same every two weeks. Every year I end up paying an additional 400 - 1,500 dollars to the IRS.

This ritual is so invasive, costly and time consuming! I feel the government taxes too much of our hard earned income than what they should. They can't even manage or balance their own frick'n budgets once they receive it! That's ok, because if they need more money they'll just tell us we can no long deduct certain things or just raise the percentage rate.

There should be a 15% flat tax across the board. Screw the bazillion confusing forms they shove down our throats! They find any way to squeeze more tax dollars out of us! They double and triple tax us, and when you die they still tax the remainder of your assets! It's BULLSH!T!!!

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 08:18 PM
Around here they have a VAT tax. VAT on Cars/motorcycles (big ticket items) and imports support the government, military and other government projects. The county has roads and a military that used be be ranked around the 20th in the world not to mention a strong police force .. No property taxes and supposedly a 2% unemployment rate; probably because of very little welfare ... I also doubt they have more government workers and welfare recipients than people employed like at least 10 states in the USA does.

When the IRS was caught being used as a political enemy harasser there should have been heads lopped and a serious do over of the whole organization ... Yep if you can get a government job and have the tax payers pay your salary good for you... It is the same all over the world with much nepotism..

This just covers welfare not the amount of government workers.. I am all for anything that takes down the present system unless it is to raise taxes and do some socialist program that has failed the world over if given time.

The following 10 states now have more people on welfare than they do employed!!!


New Mexico






New York


South Carolina

Welfare vs. Working

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: neo96
The only 'fair' tax is abolition of the income tax.
I mean people come on.The state makes enough money off of others.
Abolish the income tax altogether,and make politicians stop using it as blackmail for your votes.

No one is obligated to pay income tax; you may be influenced as a fourteen year old working at a Burger joint. All that I had to do was say "NO"; to my first employer; pay me in cash,(I did not know my rights or the lifetime of taxation I unbeknownst of my civil rights agreed to). Once in the system (making a wage reported using my social security card number became obligated to report and pay these taxes every time I held a job and earned a wage. Times may have changed (sneaky pork legislation at the end of an exhaustive bill no one reads because one needs a microscope to see the small print added at the last minute). A Willy Wonka conundrum. This is why barter/trade negotiations are frowned upon by the Fed/State (no money to steal).
edit on 28-3-2016 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

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