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Jesse Ventura just solidified my position AGAINST Bernie Sanders

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posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 11:36 AM
Oh, and of course Bernie would say this...


He has a good percentage of people willing to vote 3rd party or not at all if he's not running. This fact alone could tip the election. The Democratic leadership needs to maintain solidarity to win. They've got a win in the bag if the party stays united, but fractured?

By saying he'd support Hillary, he's essentially saying that he's willing to sink the Democrat party. It's a threatening move, a strategic one. He knows a good chunk of his supporters would rather not even vote than vote for Hillary. It's a form of political blackmail to get the Democratic party to take him seriously and stop playing the "super delegate" game.

If Trump goes third party, we might see Sanders go third party. Then, we'd have Cruz, Trump, Sanders and Hillary in a 4-way battle royale during the general election.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: Ohanka

SJWs, Feminism and making outrageously racist statements.

Social Justice Warriors - hm. He IS ONE.
Feminism - you have a problem with that? Why?
And show me his "outrageously racist statements" please. Hadn't heard any of those.

Outrageously racist statement:

Maybe not racist on second examination, but profoundly ignorant and stupid.

and yes, I do have a serious problem with Third wave feminism, and it's cult-like ability to control the media and enforce censorship. Derailing all progress to address fictional ideas like the "Patriarchy"

Shame what Feminism used to be and what it devolved into.
edit on -050011am3kam by Ohanka because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: Ohanka

He said that white people aren't subject to being pulled out of cars for no reason, and that "we will end institutional racism." They aren't targeted and followed around shops simply because they are there...
How is that "outrageous"?

I'm a white woman, btw, homemaker, with a husband who is our sole provider and I'm happy about that. I was able to stay at home with my kids while they were very young, and I'm happy about that, too.

Racial Profiling is real. You're just now knowing this?
Anyway, I'm done trying to talk sense to you all. Have your opinion, and sleep well tonight and every night! Everyone deserves exactly what they get, right?

edit on 3/29/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

If Trump goes third party, we might see Sanders go third party. Then, we'd have Cruz, Trump, Sanders and Hillary in a 4-way battle royale during the general election.

Now THAT would be progress. More than 2 parties for a change.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

A viable, true 3rd party will take a lot of work...but I think America is primed and nearly ready for it to happen.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

At least a yuuge majority of our youth are. My kids are Millennials. They ARE paying attention. I guess we have to leave it up to them to keep the wagons rolling now.
I'm exhausted. I mean, I'm totally behind them, but the wear and tear of adulting is wearisome.

edit on 3/29/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: amazing

Trump hands down. I don't even have to think about it.

Even though he and Clinton are close friends, he has mob ties and he's a wall street insider?

I mean, maybe. But you see why, I would need to think hard on that. Is there a difference between Trump and Clinton?

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Hahahahahaha bro, you are my hero.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: Puppylove
a reply to: DAVID64

I'd consider them traitors to the cause who never understood what we were fighting for in the first place.

Which will help no one if Clinton is elected.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:15 PM

I have lost all respect for Bernie if true.

How is this surprising?
Almost all claim they'll support who gets the nomination.

He's even said he would, but with conditions, before.

Not hard to imagine those conditions evaporating come election time (when he may try for a cabinet position).....

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 06:22 PM
originally posted by: MystikMushroom
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

MystikMushroom: A viable, true 3rd party will take a lot of work...but I think America is primed and nearly ready for it to happen.

It will not happen anytime soon; as the current two party political system is so polarized into distinct factions of belief there is no room for another to emerge. US vs THEM! does not allow for (others in disagreement of both). What about those of us that registered as Independents; must vote either party in the general election or abstain/or write in). How to organize into another third party fitting into a system that has always been of two parties. The Libertarian Party tried (perhaps sounded too much like 'Librarian').

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 07:07 PM
Alex Jones is a disgrace to alternative media.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 08:52 PM
I hate socialism. Bernie Sanders will cost each tax payer $3,000 extra in pay out each year. This is to pay for free state college. Donald Trump will cause a tax refund check for some of us. We lost $3,000 a year to cover Obama Care our company health care. We took a pay cut there. I am so sick of the last eight years! The middle class has paid for all the free programs people are abusing the system to get.

I watch a socialist get free health care, free Obama phones, free braces, free lunches, free food stamps for her three kids. She did buy steak and wine while on food stamps. She also had a horse, which costs $5,000 a year to support. Horses are for the wealthy and the farmers. So instead of working she was horse back riding. Now she has two men paying her bills. My relative and her live in boyfriend. She legally changed her last name to match this boyfriends so she could be put on his health care. It disgusts me. She didn't want to marry him because she would loose her government support. And what kind of man doesn't marry a woman and pay the bills like that? My relative should put those kids on his companies health care but instead he gave up custody so he doesn't pay their health care. Just awful! I have had renters who are African American and they move in unmarried, and the man/boyfriend usually moves out and takes off. These women have multiple kids on government programs, and can't afford to live in a place without the man. They tear up the property and leave unpaid bills. Society is a mess and Democratic Socialism is not fixing the moochers. They should at least have to pick up roadside trash daily.
edit on 30-3-2016 by frugal because: sp

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: frugal

Bernie Sanders will cost each tax payer $3,000 extra in pay out each year. This is to pay for free state college.

Nope! Incorrect.

You're thinking of the Universal Health Care proposal:

what taxpayers might pay in additional taxes is more than offset by what they'll save, because they will then pay NOTHING IN INSURANCE PREMIUMS.

The "education" part is paid for by a tiny, eeny-weeny fraction of a percent on WALL STREET SPECULATION. And as far as I can tell, it would only be "free" for those under a certain income level. It would be low-cost for the uber-rich, but not necessarily free.

Bernie is NOT GOING TO GOUGE the middle class. Why do you still not understand this?
It's been explained and gone over time and time again, with a fine-tooth isn't hard to wrap one's brain around his platform. If you never even try, though - of course, you'll be wrong every time.

posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 09:55 PM

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