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Breaking: Guard at ‘terror target’ Belgian nuclear site killed, access badge stolen

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posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: burgerbuddy

originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: Chadwickus

That makes sense mate

Old-school style of situation with a hostage.

A nuke plant?

That doesn't even work in the movies with a bank!

Not saying it'd work. They could have been after schematics, security info or access to other facilities. Or they may have had the notion of using him as a key to get on-site and force him to tell them how to do a Hollywood kaboom scenario.

The quality of the plans are reliant on how smart the organisers are. Personally I don't rate the intelligence of anyone who blows themselves up for a religion. The ones giving them the suicide vests are smarter by a factor of 10 lol.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: projectvxn

According to the article above the military sent 140 soldiers to guard 5 facilities..

But the government soon changed its mind and on March 4 approved the deployment of 140 soldiers to guard five nuclear facilities.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 07:34 AM
Im the only one hearing the "Mission Impossible theme song"

edit on 26-3-2016 by AldarKose because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

Personally I don't rate the intelligence of anyone who blows themselves up for a religion. The ones giving them the suicide vests are smarter by a factor of 10 lol.

The problem is, that there's virtually an endless supply of numpties willing to carry a backpack for them.

The trick is to get all the smart manipulative ones to carry the packs, then the problem would be solved all by itself.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: MysterX

Yeah, the image of the two idiots in the airport gave me the creeps. Two normal-looking guys walking to their deaths and dreaming of how many they'd take with them. They don't have the basic intelligence to ask their team-leaders why they don't do it themselves. Not even the native sense to ask themselves "What if...?"

...and shame on the Sun for faking up an idea that tens of thousands of domestic Muslims support these jackasses.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 08:04 AM
Those belgium nuclear power plants, as the ones in france, are that insecure, that there maybe something might happen without terrorists involvement.

Isn´t it better then, if something happens, they can say it was terrorists? Just a thought, living nearby those ruins, knowing what they are!

On the other side, "they" use everything to scare the people, so that they can play the hero that saves all of us(by stealing "only" our freedoms). What´s better than to name nuclear power plants together with terrorism attacks, to create fear?

There are soccer matches this night, and guess what they only talk about, not sports, but: security, security, security. It´s so dangerous to live right now again, suddenly, as if the threat wasn´t there before the belgium attacks, which are again more than suspicious.

Because they use everytime the same script. The reactions after every terror attack since 9/11 are the same, the same things happen again and again, to prove that terrorists did it. Terrorists, the "security" agencies somehow never could stop, even if they all were well known by the agencies. They have been on the terror list. Authorities were searching for them. But "mistakes" and "failures" the authorities made, made those terror attacks possible, Every time, since 9/11.

The terrorists leave passports and scream in arabic, and sure Allahu Akbar while the attacks. Nowadays they go away from leaving passports but leave "IS" flags and qurans, leave everytime plans of their terror attacks, gather heavy weapons and high explosive chemicals at the place where they live/hide, in huge masses, in every terrorists appartment the "officials" raid after such an attack.

Yesterday they found the, long awaited xD, testament of one of those terrorists, on his desktop pc... Come on, who needs a testament when 72 virgins wait, and what does such a testament on a desktop pc do, what should it be good for, except to be the evidence that "terrorists did it". Sure did terrorists the attacks, but who are their puppetmasters?

Now we know that again, coincidentally, too much mistakes and failures were made by the "security" forces, that they couldn´t prevent anything because BigBrother has too less powers, yet. Even if our "protectors" are rewarded for their failures after every attack they couldn´t prevent us from, with more power to steal our freedoms. Which, coincidentally, can´t help to prevent the next terror attack, which will happen and then again being used as excuse to steal more of our freedoms, but without serving that promised security.

How much freedom do we have left, for how much coming terror attacks it will be enough, so that we, again and again, can give away a bit more of it? For 10, 15 coming attacks? And then? If we gave all of our freedoms away to gain some "security" that was never served, what then? How do we pay BigBrother then, for his "security"?

It´s too much coincidences that come up with every terror attack(in the western world), it´s the same knee jerk reactions from the same "security" gurus everytime, the only ones that profit from such attacks. Because without attacks those "security" forces wouldn´t have a reason for their claims(to steal our freedoms). They are reliant on terror attacks, to have a reason to be.

If our "protectors" really are worried about our all security, why are cars sold anymore, everday more than 100 people die by car accidents on europes streets, every day! How much by terror attacks? People die from heartattacks because of stress, who changes the working situations? People die from air pollution, who forces the industries to not destroy our environment? If they wanna save us "from all evil"(by laws, by restrictions), why isn´t there everyday a mass media campaign like after every terror attack, that warns us from Monsanto, Nestlé and Co? From cars, from wrong medications, from....?

Why does this only happen after terror attacks? And why is all that is needed "only" our all freedoms, to protect us from terror attacks, that raise in numbers(in the western world), the more "security is installed and "needs to be installed"?

Today we know that obvisiously the whole western security world was aware about the brussels attackers, now everybody wants to have warned the belgians, again and again, even the turkeys and israelis. Now it is said that a belgian cop withheld informations about the attackers, one "mistake" after another...

It´s harder and harder to believe the official conspiray theory, but if you do, you come to the conclusion that "our" protectors are complete idiots, till terror attacks happened. Because then suddenly they know names, spots, hideouts, find heavy weapon storages almost every day(by accident, or because of taxidrivers remembering names and faces, or pizza orders...), can prevent us in "the last second" from terror attacks, because they raided hideouts and busted terrorists.

Somehow it seems to be that they never knew anything before any attacks, but then, in minutes after attacks, they send pictures, videos(if they show the right events, not any bombings in kiev or wherever, shown as the bombing in the brussels airport, as seen in belgian mass media) around the world. Didn`they know all that before something happened?

So, why did they let happen anything first then, before they started their actions "against terrorism"???
Because BigBrother only lives from actual happening terror attacks, as vampires live from blood?
edit on 26 3 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

edit on 26 3 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

edit on 26 3 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: MysterX

you do know that these rods are in huge Pools of water , surrounded by huge containment vessels.?
they would need a truckload of high explosives parked kissing said containment vessel, and still that would damage it bu sure as hell wont breach it.

its all nothing but fear mongering .

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: TheBwaap

Yes, i do know that.

We usually think about such things with an eye firmly on protection and safety for the HUmans working in or around these facilities...if those Humans are not in the least bit concerned with their own safety, things become MUCH simpler to achieve.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: asen_y2k

I'm one for common sense and Occam's Razor, and that's why I do not believe for one second that this is not related to the terrorist attacks.

Look at the stats:
There were just 0.33 gun related homicides in the whole of Belgium per 100.000 citizens in 2010 (only stats I could find)
That's 33 in total, for a year, unless my math is way off (population of 10 million).

The majority of those gun related deaths would be a combination of drug related, organized crime or robbery. We know that this would make up potentially 90% or more of those shooting incidents. Robbery is always the leading cause of gun deaths.

So, we're being expected to believe that a NUCLEAR employee, being shot multiple times, and his dog too, during a massive terror event, in a country where only 33 people are shot dead a year, almost exclusively in robberies or organized crime, has NOTHING to do with terrorism?

I'm sorry, but this BS stinks to high heaven.

The mathematics and probability alone should have everyone thinking that this man's murder was related to these attacks.

We know they were watching at least one Nuclear plant employee/researcher, they filmed the guy from across his street, we know they had hours of recorded footage of him.

We know that they have suspended numerous employees of those facilities too.

It's absolutely clear to me that this mans murder was related to these attacks, the authorities are either lying about it to prevent panic, or they're seriously moronic and need the CIA and MI5 to go and do their jobs for them for the sake of all of us.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this man was either murdered by terrorists, or killed by an agency who knew he was working with those terrorists. There is simply no other rational explanation for his death. The man was not living in a dodgy part of town, he was not a late night cashier at a gas station, he was not an arms dealer, or a drug dealer meeting other dealers in abandoned warehouses.

His murder was absolutely related to this event, and they are either lying about it or ignorant to the reality of what's going on in their own country. I sincerely hope it's the former.

Edited to add: I believe they know that this was related, and this is why news about this killing has been seriously suppressed. I only found out about this today, and it happened on Thursday. There's been only one mention of him in a bigger piece on the BBC, and seemingly only about 3 other articles about this from other news sites. That's unfathomable. This suggests that they were trying to keep this out of the public gaze, and now that it's out there they're trying to claim that it has nothing to do with it.
edit on 26-3-2016 by Rocker2013 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-3-2016 by Rocker2013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: TheBwaap
to get such a plant to go critical one must target several critical systems, and even than it won't go boom anytime soon after that.

I disagree.
Most of these sites were built in the 80's and 90's, they had little or no understanding of the risks from terrorism back then. These places were not built with that in mind.

An attack of any kind on such a facility, with specific locations across the site targeted, could result in a massive catastrophe.

All it would need is one explosion at a critical point, not even within any high-security control or operations area, and we could see another Chernobyl.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: laurentius
They already deactivated that security-pass, but who knows what hackers can do with it...

They cannot use it, at least not in any system.
It contains magnetic data, connected to his internal identity on the secure system. He would likely be limited to access within certain working hours too.
All they need to do is deactivate his access card on the system and that piece of plastic becomes completely useless.

The only way they could use it would be if they somehow managed to remove his photo and replace it with another, and then use it only for visual checks, like showing a guard to get past a specific check point.

They cannot replace any data on it. Even if they could, they would need to write data to it which properly corresponded to an employee account on the reading system. That's mathematically impossible.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

They cannot replace any data on it. Even if they could, they would need to write data to it which properly corresponded to an employee account on the reading system. That's mathematically impossible.

They were surveilling another employee too...what if they have been watching multiple other employees too?

They can break into an employee's home, steal their ID card, duplicate the data on a simple swipe card reader and then use the stolen card from the murdered guy to build a new ID with the picture of the infiltrator on it, but the data of the burgled employee magnetically written to the new stripe.

They do this with bank ATM cards all the time, so it's a common thing with mag data ID cards.

I would have thought an ID card was the lowest form of security there could be at a nuke site though? Retinal scanners, fingerprint scanners and voice print analysers would be something i'd expect to find in a high security facility...if they rely on a plastic ID card as ultimate security, as shockingly incompetent as that would be, then it's only a matter of time before one of these nuke sites goes pop.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: asen_y2k

I guess someone in IS is watching to much 24 i suspect!

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:48 AM
Okay, after reading a little more about this incident there are a few things to clarify:

His ID card was not stolen, at least that's what they're stating on record (it's unlikely they would lie about this because they can't backtrack later if they do, unlike their suggestion that it's not terror related).

He was murdered in his home. In my opinion, this makes it MORE likely that this was related to the incidents than if he were shot walking his dog.

He was head of security at a research facility, not at a power plant, and not any kind of scientist or person who would have direct access to dangerous materials as a part of his work.

Even with all of this, there is no doubt in my mind that he was either murdered by a terrorist cell or taken out by a security service.

The mathematics and probability of this just doesn't add up to this being anything other than related.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: combatmaster
a reply to: asen_y2k

I guess someone in IS is watching to much 24 i suspect!

You might be closer to the truth than you think.
These are mostly young people in their 20's and 30's, the actions they carry out are not dissimilar to the extremes of fantasy.
Then again, life imitates art all the time. We're always hearing that immortal line "it was just like a movie!" when things like this happen.

I do think people are underestimating these freaks. I really think people need to stop assuming these crazies think like normal people. We need to stop trying to understand them from our own rational perspective because these people are entirely irrational, while being pretty organized and methodical.

Abdeslam and others have managed to hide in plain sight for months, hiding from all the security services around the world, even while moving back and forth. This is not just a failure of the Belgian security forces, no one else was watching them either. The US, UK, France... all three have wide and impressive monitoring of thousands of threats, and these freaks managed to hide from all of them.

Abdeslam went right back to his local streets after Paris, he was reportedly seen by numerous people. It was a massive double-bluff. Security agencies were thinking there was no way he would go back there, and yet he knew they would think that and the last place they would look for him is right back where he was before.

Ultimately, these people have proven to be cleverer than anyone dares to admit. They're also more brutal than people seem to be able to comprehend.

We need to stop thinking that these people are scared of handcuffs, soldiers or bullets.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 11:12 AM
I just can't believe these almost underage amateurs are capable of organising these events and even more unbelievable is that the secret services are 'oblivious' to them.

I do however think something effed up is going to happen since they are already preparing us with news about stolen nuclear acces badges and it's making me extremely nervous. Thinking about my kid going to class and me not being able to pick him up if something nuclear takes place.

I already fled a war once and this is exactly what used to go down before the real deal, about a year before any bullet was fired we would get these 'warnings' in the media that 'somebody' hated us and was going to hurt us.

divide et impera guys, stay safe everybody

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 11:14 AM
You know we are getting played when the money trail ends up at the CIA.
edit on 26-3-2016 by beijingyank because: preposition

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: johnb

Might get called back urgently at any time?

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: TheBwaap

more than enough time to set up a disaster plan
Which is why they want to target the response team leaders first. Security updates needed.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: Exitt
I just can't believe these almost underage amateurs are capable of organising these events and even more unbelievable is that the secret services are 'oblivious' to them.

They are in their 20's and 30's, they're not 15.
These attacks are not miraculous in their planning, they're just brutal. These are not special agents, they're fearless deluded fools who have no qualms about blowing themselves to pieces. It's no secret that this kind of total fearlessness is what even our own militaries try to induce in soldiers.

What our security services are doing is open to debate. I do however think that there is a valid argument which suggests they are far too busy wading through massive amounts of dragnet data and missing the REAL threats.

While the CIA, GCHQ and other European agencies are busy using their limited staff to sift through billions of pieces of random data every month from entirely innocent people being spied on, they're not able to put those resources into watching the REAL terrorists.

originally posted by: Exitt
I do however think something effed up is going to happen since they are already preparing us with news about stolen nuclear acces badges and it's making me extremely nervous. Thinking about my kid going to class and me not being able to pick him up if something nuclear takes place.

There is no evidence that any access was gained by any terrorist.
There is no evidence that any card was stolen.
The man murdered was not working at a nuclear power facility, he was working at a research facility.
The most they would have (if they had actually gained access to steal anything) would be the material for a dirty bomb. That's nothing like a nuclear weapon, although could be damaging to a significant area.

originally posted by: Exitt
I already fled a war once and this is exactly what used to go down before the real deal, about a year before any bullet was fired we would get these 'warnings' in the media that 'somebody' hated us and was going to hurt us.

It's natural to be fearful of what might happen, but it's not rational to let that control you. The chances of anything happening to you or those you love are still extremely small.

We know there's more to come, but just remember that these cells are currently being dismantled. We are winning. They have been prevented from carrying out several atrocities in the last few months and they will be stopped from carrying out plenty more.

It is a threat we're going to be dealing with for years to come, but even if they succeed in some respects and in some attacks their ideology is already dead. Daesh is currently being destroyed in both Syria and Iraq, they have lost masses of territory. They are on the run.

If we want to get positive without becoming complacent, we can be confident that the tide has now turned and within the next few months this will go from the threat we've known to a mopping up operation as we shut down cells across the world.

Remember too that the Brussels attacks only happened because they knew they were about to get caught. It could have been much worse.

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