posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 11:26 PM
You may have clicked on this thread expecting to read some psychotic littoral rampage by a loonie that thinks that he is being listened to by his
cellular device. You would be right.
I do not have very much supporting evidence, nor do plan on providing any sort of links or videos. I am just sick and tired of watching the same
commercial over and over again on YouTube. I, for the past two weeks, have been subjected to watching the same Government of Canada, BC job grant
malarkey every single time I try to watch anything, no matter what the genera.
The commercial is a short one basically talking about how my employer can apply for a grant from the GOC for up to 10 G's to send me to school to.. I
dunno stimulate economic growth in Canada or some such. My problem is that I have been talking about switching jobs and going back to school for
quite some time now and I have been secretly talking with other employers in the same field about job opportunities. This grant could be just what I
The fact that I am the "victim" of targeted advertising is not what freaks me out it is the fact that I do not take part in any form of social media
what so ever except for ATS, which to the best of my understanding is anonymous... (Now you may be thinking to yourselves "Oh their just observing
your search history and key words through your IP address and directing the ads that way" but my wife and step sons don't get anything like this
commercial on any devices nor do we get it on our TV when we go on YouTube).
I personally do not like to text message and as I said before do not have a twit book or a flicker or anything like that but I have discussed my
feelings about my current job situation on many occasions over the phone and in person with my phone in my pocket. I also have a fairly good
understanding of how modern day advertising works and have done my best to fool and/or avoid being targeted accurately simply because I don't like to
feel like I'm being surveilled constantly. However my efforts have been apparently in vain.
No matter how many videos I click on in quick succession I keep getting the same thing. Call me paranoid but this #it is getting to me. Everywhere I
turn or look there is a camera and/or a microphone.. CUZ THEY'RE IN MY POCKET!!!!
Forgive me for going off the deep end, I know I haven't posted I a while but I am getting WAY too creeped out by technology..
PS. My wife gets the same sort of thing.. Except its for All Bran..