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My phone is listening to me!!!

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posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 11:26 PM
You may have clicked on this thread expecting to read some psychotic littoral rampage by a loonie that thinks that he is being listened to by his cellular device. You would be right.

I do not have very much supporting evidence, nor do plan on providing any sort of links or videos. I am just sick and tired of watching the same commercial over and over again on YouTube. I, for the past two weeks, have been subjected to watching the same Government of Canada, BC job grant malarkey every single time I try to watch anything, no matter what the genera.

The commercial is a short one basically talking about how my employer can apply for a grant from the GOC for up to 10 G's to send me to school to.. I dunno stimulate economic growth in Canada or some such. My problem is that I have been talking about switching jobs and going back to school for quite some time now and I have been secretly talking with other employers in the same field about job opportunities. This grant could be just what I need!

The fact that I am the "victim" of targeted advertising is not what freaks me out it is the fact that I do not take part in any form of social media what so ever except for ATS, which to the best of my understanding is anonymous... (Now you may be thinking to yourselves "Oh their just observing your search history and key words through your IP address and directing the ads that way" but my wife and step sons don't get anything like this commercial on any devices nor do we get it on our TV when we go on YouTube).

I personally do not like to text message and as I said before do not have a twit book or a flicker or anything like that but I have discussed my feelings about my current job situation on many occasions over the phone and in person with my phone in my pocket. I also have a fairly good understanding of how modern day advertising works and have done my best to fool and/or avoid being targeted accurately simply because I don't like to feel like I'm being surveilled constantly. However my efforts have been apparently in vain.

No matter how many videos I click on in quick succession I keep getting the same thing. Call me paranoid but this #it is getting to me. Everywhere I turn or look there is a camera and/or a microphone.. CUZ THEY'RE IN MY POCKET!!!!

Forgive me for going off the deep end, I know I haven't posted I a while but I am getting WAY too creeped out by technology..

PS. My wife gets the same sort of thing.. Except its for All Bran..

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: HiMyNameIsCal
You may have clicked on this thread expecting to read some psychotic littoral rampage by a loonie that thinks that he is being listened to by his cellular device. You would be right.

PS. My wife gets the same sort of thing.. Except its for All Bran..

I did click on this for that exact reason. You were right. For all of the above.

P.S. Perhaps your wife is a tad constipated, and the "All Bran" is just a healthy suggestion. Bowel health is very important...

Just sayin...

BTW, if they actually are listening in... try doing Kareoke to Justin Bieber tunes at the top of your lungs. They will stop listening... I would warn the neighbors first, though... lest they call the police to report a domestic violence incident...

I am awarding your OP another star and flag... I was monitoring your phone, and I heard you exclaim that "I need more stars and flags on my thread"... and you thought that Orwellian society is ALL bad... OH, yes, suggest prune juice to your wife with the "All Bran"... we think it should smooth things out for her! Best of luck...
edit on 24-3-2016 by madmac5150 because: Surveillance lag time

edit on 24-3-2016 by madmac5150 because: Sattelite synching... phone capture and locate...

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 11:44 PM
NSA is to blame. i heard on the radio that ISP can sell our data to Corps. They will have access to EVERYTHING you have entered on google, bing, yahoo, or whatever site you visited. We are not free anymore and its obvious. There are two sides in modern America.
Revolutionaries and Conformists.

Those who want litteral change with strict consitutional rights
and those who take useless selfies of the food they just ate, or tweeting the latest fashion wear
that was made very cheap and with the possibility of child labor.

No one cares anymore and i wonder if it has to do with the invention of "smart" phones.

Buddy, as long as we have cash in our ass, we might as well conform.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: HiMyNameIsCal

I believe ya man.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 12:39 AM
I agree. My phone is always listening.. I can talk about a restaurant I'm thinking about going to with my wife and as soon as I search Google for anything, the first advertisement will be for said restaurant. This is just a small sample. Our devices are definitely spying on us.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 12:55 AM
They are, it sounds insane until you see it for yourself and get adverts for something you were just talking about in a face to face convo...not just once or twice but frequently enough for it to not be a coincedence.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 01:36 AM

P.S. Perhaps your wife is a tad constipated, and the "All Bran" is just a healthy suggestion. Bowel health is very important...

That is the creepy thing man, they are right. It just startles me how fast they can catch on to things like that. I mean they know when you have a stomach ache!

a reply to: madmac5150

NSA is to blame. i heard on the radio that ISP can sell our data to Corps. They will have access to EVERYTHING you have entered on google, bing, yahoo, or whatever site you visited. We are not free anymore and its obvious

The messed up thing about that is, I am Canadian. Our previous government (Harper) made it legal for your NSA to operate inside our borders so that American companies (which rule our country as well) can target their products effectively throughout all of first world North America. Eliminating the security of international borders and international privacy laws.

a reply to: luciferslight

edit on 25-3-2016 by HiMyNameIsCal because: edit to add

edit on 25-3-2016 by HiMyNameIsCal because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: HiMyNameIsCal

Perhaps if you peruse, let's say, the Victoria's Secret catalog and do a few word searches there you will see more attractive advertisements...I know that's what I'm going to do if I have to see many more metal detector ads.....aaarg.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 04:54 AM
I Wish we lived in a world without cell phones...

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 06:37 AM
If they listen to my phone, they're going to be really bored. I'm divorced, no girlfriend and the only people I talk to are casual conversations with people I meet in the stores or my pets.
Come to think of it, they way I carry on conversations with my pets may convince them I'm a bit out there.
No, they don't talk back.
edit on 25-3-2016 by DAVID64 because: correction

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 07:35 AM
A colleague and his buddy were chilling, playing xbox sometimes. The headset mic wasn´t turned off while they were chilling and chatting. I don´t remember exactly about what it was, but he told me that he mentioned, the next time he used his xbox, advertisings about exactly what they both talked about before popped up.
And that he didn´t search the web for that ever before.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: HiMyNameIsCal
Yeah, once they start offering a cerebrally implanted chip to Bluetooth your brain to your phone.... well, we will really be screwed then.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:39 AM
A couple months back, I walked into my kitchen, yelled out "seriously" (the kitchen was a disaster from muddy dogs), and then said FFS (in long form)..

From my phone on the table I hear Siri say "your language!" 😳

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: ElOmen
I Wish we lived in a world without cell phones...

To start, give yours up.

If you don't like it that OTHER people have cell phones, please get a life. You don't make decisions for them.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: HiMyNameIsCal

No you're not crazy..

Both Android and apple phones have an always on listening feature.

My wife has also said that she's spoken to people about somehting. Then when she does searches she sees ads on what she spoke about.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 01:43 PM

If you don't like it that OTHER people have cell phones, please get a life. You don't make decisions for them.

I'm pretty sure most people would make the decision for themselves if they were presented with proof that they were being monitored every second they were around their phones.

a reply to: schuyler

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: HiMyNameIsCal

Consider yourself lucky of being aware of this because you can still influence the information flow but this is nothing compared to what`s coming with incoming nano-tech.

edit on 25-3-2016 by Op3nM1nd3d because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 11:38 PM
I think I might live near you so I'm getting the same ads. None of them apply to my life.

However it is listening if you have the mic enabled which is a given you would be. Not really spying on YOU though....

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: snowspirit
Siri is akways saying ' I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that' . She is so nosey! I tell her to shut up, was not talking to you, then we argue. She's fun to disagree with, ' well you're perfectly entitled to that opinion'.

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: HiMyNameIsCal

What carrier have you on your cell and what make of cell do you use - a samsung !

Make it live in a drawer on viberate and not on your person , much like a child picking up things it hears from adults

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