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Sensative Special Snowflakes Cry Foul and "Fat Shaming" at Campus Event

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posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Your micro agression threat violates my safe space.

You are hitler!!

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: introvert
So now we are switching from being whiners about the whiners, to being the victims of the whiners.

Imagine that.

Why are you whining about the whiners whining about the whiners and not whining about the whiners?

That's the most intelligent thing I think you've ever said.

edit on 24-3-2016 by introvert because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 03:08 PM
We have American (U.S.A.) students at our tertiary institution in New Zealand and generally they are a lot less resilient than our 'local' students.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: DBCowboy

Your micro agression threat violates my safe space.

You are hitler!!

I once knew someone that was Jewish.

Your "hitler" reference might have offended him, if he were here.

So by proxy, I will take offense.

(runs off crying)

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: Boscowashisnamo

Oh look at it this way:
If the sheet ever hits the fan-anyone with the faintest trace of a backbone will survive and these feebs won't make it past the first week-maybe not even the first day. Let's face it - if you need a "safe space" because something someone said offended way you're gonna survive the Apocalypse,babycakes

More resources left for the sane ones with even the remotest hint of a

I LOVE reading of pathetic feebs like this,of all races,colours and creeds - it's not just a good giggle,it gives me hope that my dear American friends will survive if TSHTF . I do not make friends with pathetic whackjobs,so i think my friends,who are sane and seem to have some semblance of a backbone,will have enough resources after all,after an apocalyptic scenario.

Here in Africa,people are not that feeble,and used to REAL brutal lives and hardships,so it will be more difficult,but i expect myself and my family will manage

edit on 24-3-2016 by Raxoxane because: spelling

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 05:37 PM
Each new generation brings with it college students that have new terminology and explore new ideas and people older than them who state the students have no backbone and will not make it in the real world.

Yet, somehow....

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: Boscowashisnamo

I don't know about this one. Something doesn't seem quite right. Check out the event page on Facebook here.

Look at the comments to the apology post. I think Phil Jones might just be trolling (reparations? really? and exactly how would a sumo suit be "fat shaming?" that doesn't really make sense). Here's one of his comments:

Phil Jones *TRIGGER WARNING* Bernie Sanders' economic promises are unsustainable and not even the lone economist who wrote them thinks they will work (he defected to Hillary's side)

Also this:

Granted, Huang and Lu are Chinese surnames not Japanese and sumo is a Japanese sport (and an exceptionally crooked one at that).

I'm wondering how many people actually complained? Only the two are mentioned in the original article and one of them is Phil Jones.

Could it be that a single person actually complained? This doesn't even seem like it was a big deal at the school. Campus Reform specializes in sensationalizing these sorts of things. While I agree it's pretty ridiculous if anyone was actually this butthurt over sumo wrestling costumes but I suspect that the actual reaction is being blown way out of proportion in the student paper and even more so by the clickbait factory that is Campus Reform (the author writes for The Daily Caller lol).

At any rate, it's ridiculous that an apology was issued or that an article appeared in the student paper but I don't think this really speaks to mindset of the average UC Davis student.
edit on 2016-3-24 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 07:09 PM
Who cares if someone is offended? Let them be offended.

Why should someone being upset over something you think is stupid upset you?

They are the ones who have a problem, why are you allowing their problem to become a problem of yours?

If we all just ignored these people and stopped giving them the attention they seek, they wouldn't be so eager to scream offense at every thing.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

That's a truly terrifying thought. I hope like hell that those who say "The real world will smack these idiots in the face" are right, but I'm very much afraid that your prediction is the right one.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 03:23 AM

originally posted by: ArchAngel_X
Okay, I'm having a hard time believing this stuff anymore. Seriously. I bit at some of the other posts, such as the one with students "being scared" at pro-Trump chalk graffiti, but I honestly this is so over the edge as to be satire.

I don't think it's real. There is no way young people today can be that overly-sensitive.

It's real. Weep.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: Boscowashisnamo

You seem to think this is something new and bad.
You do realize that social movement and evolution has been pretty much driven by the young, from campuses, in all our societies, for as long as those campuses have existed, right?

This all comes down to the same thing, the older generations being scared of change. Suddenly people are being told that the bigotries and intolerances of their own are no longer acceptable in our modern society, and rather than accept that this is societal evolution they choose to attack those making such changes.

Just why does this matter to you? Why do you care if students on a campus are attempting to stamp out hatred and bigotry? What stake do you have in any of this? How does it affect your life in any way?

Welcome to societal evolution, it's going to continue, people will continue to evolve, and you'll hate it all because you dream of staying in a stagnant society where your own bigotries are permissible.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

Maybe older people like me foresee a world where one cannot open your mouth to say anything except a few approved lines from an approved booklet,because anyone saying anything else may offend someone.And will propably have to pay a hefty fine,plus financial compensation to the poor victim who had to hear a thought or sentiment they didn't much like,plus you will be publicly shamed,villified,lose your job,and being called every kind of -ist and insult these patheticos can think of.No matter the enormity of the mental gymnastics taken to find offence in what you said,and how it could conceivable have been offensive.

Because some little sissyboy and girl somewhere Will do those gymnastics to find offence in what you said-because it's not the approved lines from the approved booklet,dammit,and now they need their safe space!

I'm sure some people thought George Orwell was daft when he wrote his book too.And yet..

Wonder what he would've been called if he wrote and published it today

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: Raxoxane
a reply to: Rocker2013

Maybe older people like me foresee a world where one cannot open your mouth to say anything except a few approved lines from an approved booklet,because anyone saying anything else may offend someone.And will propably have to pay a hefty fine,plus financial compensation to the poor victim who had to hear a thought or sentiment they didn't much like,plus you will be publicly shamed,villified,lose your job,and being called every kind of -ist and insult these patheticos can think of.No matter the enormity of the mental gymnastics taken to find offence in what you said,and how it could conceivable have been offensive.

You see, this is just another example of the kinds of extremes people go to in order to reject the opinions of others. You are NOT being stopped from having an opinion, you are NOT being prevented from expressing your ideas, you are NOT being silenced.

You ARE being told that your ignorances and bigotries will no longer be acceptable as a form of abuse or attack towards others in places of employment or in places of learning.

What is so hard to understand about this?

You do not have the right to verbally assault, abuse or attack others, in places of learning or employment. This is not something new or shocking, this has NEVER been socially acceptable. Welcome to the notion of being a functional and decent member of society.

People have a damn right to work, study and live their lives free from abuse and attack by disgusting ignoramuses who feel they have some kind of "right" to be a c**t toward others.

Seems to me the only people who have a problem with this are not "common sense" people fearful of some imagined dictatorial censorship of free speech, they're people who arrogantly believe that they have a right to abuse others.
edit on 25-3-2016 by Rocker2013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969
Ill take all the educated snowflakes, over keyboard warriors anyday.

Enjoy crying over fake outrage, really proves a point lol.

Pot meet kettle.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

Of course its not acceptable to be verbally abusive to others.What i mean is that literally Anything someone says these days will be construed by some people as bigoted or racist or offensive in some way or the other.Because the "offended"parties hold very different opinions and worldviews and for no other reason.You do realise that such unnecessary baseless offendedness is an insult to people who really were verballly abused and discriminated against?

Idk why you would assume i think it's acceptable for people to act like jerks just because i also think that a lot of people are hopelessly oversensive-and that they claim offence at everything they don't personally agree with by trying to shame others into silence,if the others have opposing viewpoints on politics and various matters.

Its a matter of saying people should stop looking for offence in every slightest thing-not advocating that being an asshole to everyone everywhere you go is ok.

Why is That so hard to understand?
edit on 25-3-2016 by Raxoxane because: Grammar

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: ArchAngel_X
Okay, I'm having a hard time believing this stuff anymore. Seriously. I bit at some of the other posts, such as the one with students "being scared" at pro-Trump chalk graffiti, but I honestly this is so over the edge as to be satire.

I don't think it's real. There is no way young people today can be that overly-sensitive.

Boy (or girl) are you in for a surprise.

I go to college with this generation, and there really are some special snowflakes. Nothing crazy has happened on my campus (smaller community college), but I just wait for it, for the chance to destroy some young soft minds with hard logic and facts.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: chuck258

To me as the mother of an 18 yo and a person who also very much loves my daughter's bestie of the same age,they've been friends since childhood-it is actually a real worry..ok to be honest and fair,South African children seem to be different for the most and major part,and i am confident my daughter and her friend could cope with much and brutal hardship,they have the strength,the character,the good old-fashioned Moxie..but when i look at the American youth of this victim mindset,how they wallow in it-i am actually sometimes ashamed of myself that i cannot help laughing..These are other peoples' CHILDREN,after all. But it's just so..surreal-like aliens from another planet. There's no way to compute that "happy to be a victim" mindset-we in South Africa,of all colours and races and is a Foreign and strange,strange concept-this seeming desperation to be a victim,of anything,as long as for god's sake they can just be a Victim of Something. so eager and desperate to disempower themselves and cower and whine in their safe desperate to be pitied and comforted. Strange and a morbid curiosity,these people make themselves. To us who are hardy and hearty,it's a bit like the equivalent of those old circus sideshow freaks.

posted on Mar, 25 2016 @ 04:37 PM
I once heard a theory that stated the children raised over the last 20 years were setup for defeat. They were told they could accomplish anything and they were special snowflakes that could make the world a better place by simply caring enough.

The theory was that they were setup with such high expectations there was no way real life could compete. They were doomed with good intentions.

The children before that time were told the world didn't owe them anything. They were not special and if they simply wanted a job, food and housing, they were going to need to work their a$$es off for it. No one else was going to help them.

So you have people that were given the harsh truth of this reality from the beginning. They were able to thrive and be happy through sheer self determination. They were self responsible.

The kids that were lied to, that had life expectations set way above what is possible for the majority of our population are now suffering. So through supposedly good intentions, we have made a legion of unhappy people that will suffer a lifetime of pain and learning.

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 02:56 AM
You think these kids learned this at "college" or through the mainstream media? No! They learned it by watching their selfish, intolerant parents expect more than what they deserve.

I work in an industry where I regularly get berated by people in their 40-60's who think that they are being singled out for no apparent reason just because they don't agree with the rules. These are the people that have taught their children and their children's children these attitudes. They whine and they cry and they claim discrimination, when really it is their lack of real world experience beyond their precious little bubbles that really are the cause of their pain.

Stop enabling these little turds by showing a little humility yourself. It's that easy.

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 09:31 AM
Looks to me that the Western World equates "the right to not be offended" right up there with freedom of religion, assembly, and expression to its detriment. Look for thus trend to continue, not because the governments care about us but because it's another nail in the coffin of freedom.reply to: chiefsmom

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