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USA: This is a HUGE PROBLEM! Young Hillary Clinton Supporters Struggle to Name Her Accomplishments

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posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 03:28 AM

Hope this is in correct place and ok to share, wrote it on May 18th 2014
My Blog

I don’t know whether to cry, laugh or be REAL embarrassed for you USA! The kids coming through want to vote for Hilary but have NO IDEA WHY! This is pathetic and a reason you get stuck with crap presidents America! Watch the video, one kid says “We had an African American President, a Woman would be a good step forward” When asked about Hillary’s accomplishments, not one of these kids, one doing a study on her he says, could name one thing she did. America this is a HUGE problem. Why do your kids not know about politics? What is the age to vote in the USA? Here in Europe kids have a good grasp of politics, where I am in Scotland kids as young as 18 know why or why not they will vote for Scottish independence, the kids actually have a good argument on the issue. These kids are your future America, your scientists, politicians, the list is endless. As usual I mean to offend NOBODY. I am sharing American news. I posted a video MANY times by an American man who tried to warn you America, and, well, this video below sends chills down my neck. How can they be supporters if they don’t know what they are voting for? Did American vote for America because he was African American? Are you all going to vote for Hillary because she is a Woman. I can’t say how much of a worry this is for the future of the USA! Video at the bottom, you were warned!

America, THIS IS YOUR FUTURE!! I would start to worry. This is embarrassing America, Video below….

PJTV -- Young Hillary Clinton Supporters Struggle to Name Her Achievements



edit on 24/3/2016 by shauny because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 03:35 AM
To be honest this is not an accurate representation of Clinton supporters..
This is just more MSM bs.. It could be a handful of interviews selected from hundreds.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: shauny

Hope this is in correct place and ok to share, wrote it on May 18th 2014
My Blog

I don’t know whether to cry, laugh or be REAL embarrassed for you USA! The kids coming through want to vote for Hilary but have NO IDEA WHY! This is pathetic and a reason you get stuck with crap presidents America! Watch the video, one kid says “We had an African American President, a Woman would be a good step forward” When asked about Hillary’s accomplishments, not one of these kids, one doing a study on her he says, could name one thing she did. America this is a HUGE problem. Why do your kids not know about politics? What is the age to vote in the USA? Here in Europe kids have a good grasp of politics, where I am in Scotland kids as young as 18 know why or why not they will vote for Scottish independence, the kids actually have a good argument on the issue. These kids are your future America, your scientists, politicians, the list is endless. As usual I mean to offend NOBODY. I am sharing American news. I posted a video MANY times by an American man who tried to warn you America, and, well, this video below sends chills down my neck. How can they be supporters if they don’t know what they are voting for? Did American vote for America because he was African American? Are you all going to vote for Hillary because she is a Woman. I can’t say how much of a worry this is for the future of the USA! Video at the bottom, you were warned!

America, THIS IS YOUR FUTURE!! I would start to worry. This is embarrassing America, Video below….

PJTV -- Young Hillary Clinton Supporters Struggle to Name Her Achievements



I agree, Bernie started out saying all the right things now he seems to be deliberately sabotaging his own chances.

Clinton bothers me big time as from what I understand regarding Benghazi she should be goal. The fact that she is not goal indicates to me rather strongly she is "the powers that should not be" girl. Keeping her out goal and making her president is what they will use over her to get her 100% obedience to their wishes.

Now Trump who does not need donations comes out implies his support for Israel is almost greater than his support for the US.

A stat from something I read on ATS some time ago "- Jews who are 2% of the (US) population make 60% of donations to presidential campaigns.

I've now joined the "US is screwed" club.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: shauny



And George Carlin said it like it is like Trump does.

Thankyou for posting!

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: Misterlondon
To be honest this is not an accurate representation of Clinton supporters..
This is just more MSM bs.. It could be a handful of interviews selected from hundreds.

Thanks for being honest, now back to cucking up your own country and leaving us alone.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: shauny

That's because she doesn't have many...

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: sjake111

Do you think the American Gov gives a sh't about you at all? They Don't, they just want your F'ing Vote.

And You along with others just want a free Phone and Welfare.

Have some f'ing pride.
edit on 3/24/2016 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: awareness10
a reply to: sjake111

Do you think the American Gov gives a sh't about you at all? The Don't, they just want your F'ing Vote.

And You along with others just want a free Phone and Welfare.

Have some f'ing pride.

leak week?? im under no delusion what the government wants of me..i dont want, need, or advocate free anything..speak when spoken to next time

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: Azureblue

Why do people quote the whole openingspost, now we have to scroll and scroll for no reason. Just hit the reply button please...

But OT. What's new, they voted 2 times Bush which seemed impossible but the choice today is so laughable. I mean this is the best people they have in the US from which you can choose your next president.
So by the looks from it its between Clinton and Trump.... a big (sad) joke.

There should be a big media campaign funded by the people that says; nobody votes, you would be crazy and responsible for the mess they create in our names!

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 04:24 AM
I think it's time to start vetting voters before they are allowed to vote... Androids like these should not be involved in serious Humanoid affairs.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 04:32 AM

originally posted by: shauny

Did American vote for America because he was African American?


posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 04:32 AM
I doubt this is confined to just democrats.

Bet not many can think of accomplishments for Bush,s or Cruz either.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 04:42 AM

originally posted by: sjake111

originally posted by: Misterlondon
To be honest this is not an accurate representation of Clinton supporters..
This is just more MSM bs.. It could be a handful of interviews selected from hundreds.

Thanks for being honest, now back to cucking up your own country and leaving us alone.

This website prides itself on having a world wide audience..
Just because this is related to America does not mean any non americans cant participate in the discusions..
edit on 24/3/16 by Misterlondon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: sjake111

Piss off Jerk

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 05:08 AM

originally posted by: Misterlondon

originally posted by: sjake111

originally posted by: Misterlondon
To be honest this is not an accurate representation of Clinton supporters..
This is just more MSM bs.. It could be a handful of interviews selected from hundreds.

Thanks for being honest, now back to cucking up your own country and leaving us alone.

This website prides itself on having a world wide audience..
Just because this is related to America does not mean any non americans cant participate in the discusions..

Do you man, just know not many Americans take skinny jeaned muslim apologists seriously.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: shauny

1. Democracy doesn't require that voters memorize the achievements of a candidate. We can vote for whoever we want and for whatever reason we want. That's why fearmongering and pandering work so well; neither of which has to rely on a candidate's past achievements or failures.

2. If Hillary's supporters are voting for her simply because she's a woman, then what about Carly Fiorina? You know, the other woman who was trying to become President this election cycle, but received virtually no support so she had to drop out. Or what about Dr. Jill Stein, a woman who is likely to become the Green Party's Presidential candidate? Maybe they just like her speeches, personality, or pandering.

3. If voters supported President Obama just because he's an African American, then what about Herman Cain in 2012? He was also an African American male who was trying to become President in 2012 and he didn't even make it to become his party's nominee. Surely there had to be other reasons for Pres Obama's success, right?

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: shauny

There is some truth to this, and the cause is sad.

More and more our kids are indoctrinated in public schools and colleges. They are trained from little on up that the liberal way is the only good way. Then they are pulled in to the Facebook cult where the mob mentality rules to reinforce the indoctrination. People are not taught to think for themselves.

A college administrator (liberal college) told me that she would vote for Hillary because she "would like to see a woman break through to that position". When I told her that was not a good reason to vote for a president, she just got huffy. So, I'm sure she is not the only woman with that position.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 05:51 AM
Secretary of state
First lady of the United States
U.S senator from the state of New York

Anyone that cannot name a Hillary Clinton accomplishment must be either living under a rock or mentally challenged, this goes for the OP as well

edit on 24-3-2016 by muse7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: shauny

They 'like' Hillary for the very same reason they are addicted to Disney, Ronald McDonald and the Kardashians… they've been conditioned to it by brainwashing they get all day from mass media.

As far as Carlin, he also addresses this. Language warning…

edit on 24-3-2016 by intrptr because: youtube

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

You must be joking to not be able to find the accomplishments of Cruz...

Probably one of his biggest is winning as a prosecutor in the world court.. No biggey right? That was him going against president Bush et al. And winning

He has many more if you just ya know... Look

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