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Oh I wish I was a BILLIONAIRE the 9/11 Challenge

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posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 12:19 AM
a reply to: MALBOSIA

EXCEPT the South Tower collapsed first

The truthers would be there 24/7 during construction to make sure I did say they could monitor construction.

YOU guys just don't read or observe. very well do you.

Oh and look at VIDEO of the SOUTH Tower. collapse from antther direction and see how STUPID your claim is.

Will be back on later off to work visit ACTUAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS

edit on 1-4-2016 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 06:00 AM

originally posted by: wmd_2008

EXCEPT the South Tower collapsed first

What does that have to do with the outward buldging? Thats obfuscation

The truthers would be there 24/7 during construction to make sure I did say they could monitor construction.

That would be like asking NIST and 9/11 Commission to conduct the the investigation. Whats wrong with city, state or federal LEO?

YOU guys just don't read or observe. very well do you.

Who is "YOU guys"? Who are you lumping me in with. You have not addressed a single part of my post, save the last paragraph. You tuck-tailed and ran.

Oh and look at VIDEO of the SOUTH Tower. collapse from antther direction and see how STUPID your claim is.

Post it. Are you talking about that doctored photo from the hoax site that you posted from. Give me some footage.

Will be back on later off to work visit ACTUAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS

Yes me too. Its my job as construction project manager.

...waiting for some brains to show up here and challange me
Kids are boring.

Quote my post next time. Scared to bring it on to the next page? I posted those photos here before and same as before, nobody could challange them.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA

Here is the North tower a second before collapse initiation

...waiting for some brains to show up here and challange me
Kids are boring.

That is in fact the South Tower.

Here is a gif showing the walls clearly failing inwards on the south tower:

edit on 1-4-2016 by waypastvne because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: waypastvne

Here is a gif showing the walls clearly failing inwards on the south tower:

But wait, I though someone said it was nukes ???
Nukes blow outward so this must be a horizontal black hole !!!

Those dastardly government ops planted a black hole in the twin towers !!
That explains the lack of a debris pile.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: MALBOSIA

I said in my post I was off to work it was not a case of not addressing YOUR post it's
because it probably ins't worth the effort because you don't listen.

It you are a construction manager I feel sorry for your employer because I hate to think your are as shoddy
at your work as your post's, I mean if you DON'T even know at this stage what tower is which that's a joke!

You made a comment re debunking 9/11 and a picture would you like to supply a link or proof to your claim

As for yor still of a video that's another thing that confuses you have a look at the collapse from another side
look at the corner of the structure above the collapse point and you see it stays intact as it drops.

Again if YOU actually put some effort into reading and paying attention I said this in the OP

during construction the members of those groups could monitor the whole process 24 -7 till completion, then when complete the challenge would be issued.

Do you know what the above means or do YOU need help.

The reason YOU wouldn't go in is because YOU doubt the demo theory and are giving a LAME EXCUSE

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: wmd_2008

I said in my post I was off to work it was not a case of not addressing YOUR post it's
because it probably ins't worth the effort because you don't listen.

I would listen if you ever answered what I asked. You never do though. If I I wanted to hear your take on the events I would read the wiki over and over and over again.

It you are a construction manager I feel sorry for your employer because I hate to think your are as shoddy
at your work as your post's, I mean if you DON'T even know at this stage what tower is which that's a joke!

You got me there. My bad but I dont see the relevance. If you believe that the walls buckled inward on the North tower, would it not be same model on the south tower? Wouldnt proving one extend to the other?

Oh, and I net my employer millions every year so I wouldnt feel too bad for them.

You made a comment re debunking 9/11 and a picture would you like to supply a link or proof to your claim

That picture you posted from them has been edited and doctored. In the video sequence my stills was take from the walls were without a doubt blown outward. You have not denied that because you cant. Keep in mind the angle that I posted showed the side of the building that was not effected by the impact. All of the exterior structure was 100% in tack. Same as the exterior structure in the debunking 911 image. Only mine is an uncut video that proves outward bulging and theirs is a still that is superimposed to suggest inward. Was the reason for collapse initiation different for the north and south tower?

As for yor still of a video that's another thing that confuses you have a look at the collapse from another side
look at the corner of the structure above the collapse point and you see it stays intact as it drops.

The buckling inward at the impacted corners does not confuse me. The exterior structure was severed from the outside inward by the plane. If it bulged outward at that location, that would seriously confuse me.

I cant assume why one side blew out and the other just fell in terms of the posibility of explosives. I have no idea how the building was rigged, where or what type of explosives. There could be many reasons why the impacted side stayed in tack but very few reasons why the opposite site blew out instantly within 1 second. Play the clip and see how quick that was. Post-tension cables come to mind but if you watch closely the the plumes start shooting out 15 stories up slightly before the impacted corner drops.

Again if YOU actually put some effort into reading and paying attention I said this in the OP

I can not express enough how much effort it takes to tollerate your ignorance and blind faith.

during construction the members of those groups could monitor the whole process 24 -7 till completion, then when complete the challenge would be issued.

Do you know what the above means or do YOU need help.

It means no LEO under oath would be reaponsible for ensuring security. Just like no LEO under oath was responsible for the results of any 9/11 investigstion.

Yes, I need help helping you.

The reason YOU wouldn't go in is because YOU doubt the demo theory and are giving a LAME EXCUSE

When I said you tuck tail and ran (consiquently returning with back-up) it was a clear observation not an assumption on your thougts, just your abilities. For you to say what you said it very strange.

For the record I do not want the truth about 9/11 to come out. I think it would hurt our society irreparably. If you would go away so would I.

One often meets his fate on the path to avoid it.

posted on Apr, 1 2016 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: waypastvne

originally posted by: MALBOSIA

Here is the North tower a second before collapse initiation

...waiting for some brains to show up here and challange me
Kids are boring.

That is in fact the South Tower.

Here is a gif showing the walls clearly failing inwards on the south tower:

That giff is the impacted area. It would be impossible for that cut to blow out cus it was already cut in. The other side blew out and for many floors above the impacted floors.

edit on pFri, 01 Apr 2016 23:57:32 -05002016 132Fri, 01 Apr 2016 23:57:32 -0500pmAmerica/ChicagoFriday by MALBOSIA because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: MALBOSIA

Sorry but YET again you are wrong your still from the video shows the side of the Tower impacted by the plane which is the side it fell towards.

From your video still impact hole

That area is clearly seen in the gif waypastvne posted the walls DON'T buldge out.

Here is another video of the collapse look from 3:08 when the collapse starts look how long the roof drops and stays intact !!!

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: wmd_2008
a reply to: MALBOSIA

Sorry but YET again you are wrong your still from the video shows the side of the Tower impacted by the plane which is the side it fell towards.

From your video still impact hole

That area is clearly seen in the gif waypastvne posted the walls DON'T buldge out.

Here is another video of the collapse look from 3:08 when the collapse starts look how long the roof drops and stays intact !!!

I am not wrong about anything. Your debunking 911 posts edited photos to push a hoax and at least 15 floors above the above the damaged floors, opposite to the impact, blew outwards. That is not a theory, or a judgement call. It is a fact proven by unedited video footage.

You cant tell me why the side of the building opposite to impact was blown out so dramatically?

I acknowleged why the impacted section buckled inward. Why are you skirting around the video and stills I posted. What do you have to gain by being ignorant?

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: MALBOSIA

Why don't YOU post a picture of the 15 floors above the impact on the opposite side that you claim are blown out.

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: wmd_2008
a reply to: MALBOSIA

Why don't YOU post a picture of the 15 floors above the impact on the opposite side that you claim are blown out.

I did. In the video the stills are from. The ones you keep ignoring.

Giving yourself time to think? Good. I want you to look at it objectively. Watch the video around the 50min mark

It is hard to do in touch screen but if you have a mouse, pause the video a couple seconds before the the innitiation. Do really fast double clicks on the play button so that you can see each split second as it occures in a still screen.

Now analys that. The plumes start punching out 15 or so stories above and a split second before the building tilts (thats when your holy giff starts) so what initiated what? There was an explosion (doeant necessarily mean explosives) and its realation in sequence to the corner collapsing is almost too close to tell but impossible to ignore. So tell me which page on the NIST report addresses this? If the corner collapsing is what caused the oposite wall to blow out so far above the impacted floors, then how. Its difficult to imagine but surely NIST would give an explination if they could. Why would they ignore it? Why are you ignoring it?

What I see. Is the plumes started first. The explosion (not necessarly explosives) that encompassed many floors is the initiation from what have taken from this video. Not the collapsed collumns on the impacted floors.

BTW. are you going to provide us with under oath LEO for to secure your building? As well, why do you think that nobody under oath was ever responsible for the outcome of any investigation into 9/11.?

edit on pSat, 02 Apr 2016 17:44:27 -05002016 127Sat, 02 Apr 2016 17:44:27 -0500pmAmerica/ChicagoSaturday by MALBOSIA because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2016 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: wmd_2008
a reply to: MALBOSIA

Why don't YOU post a picture of the 15 floors above the impact on the opposite side that you claim are blown out.

If you dont give me something that I dont have the energy to counter, I am going to take this out of this BS thread with 1 flag that nobody is paying attention to and start a new thread. I hate starting threads so I will give you some time but so far everything you have given so far is weak sauce. I need the real investigative members to look at this and none of them are following this silly thread.
edit on pSat, 02 Apr 2016 17:57:40 -05002016 140Sat, 02 Apr 2016 17:57:40 -0500pmAmerica/ChicagoSaturday by MALBOSIA because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2016 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to: MALBOSIA

You claim a 15 storey hole so show a picture or video that shows it.

There are videos showing the SOUTH Tower (so you dont get mixed up) collapes from other directions so find the hole and the claimed buldge.

posted on Apr, 4 2016 @ 03:19 AM
a reply to: wmd_2008

Perhaps you might like to watch two vides that were on here recently. One was about Silverstien planning for a replacement of the tower/s a year or so before 911.

The other is called Experiments The Force Behind the Motion. I have no doubt many will rubbish this video because it done on the cheap but the key is to know that none of the relevant organisations with their billions of budgets chose to conduct the same experiments using all their resources at their disposal and prove the towers collapsed as they claimed

Look in the list posts in the 911 forum and I'm sure you will find them they are only a few weeks or a month or so ago.

What I do agree with you about though is that your suggestion is about the only thing that will prove the claims either way but I have every confidence it will never get govt funding.

There is no reason NISE or whatever ther called, could not build a skeptic peer reviewed scale model and run that experiment though for a fraction of the cost of a full scale one as you suggest. Why was this not done at the time and why has it still not been done to this day?

posted on Apr, 4 2016 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: imjack
If you were a billionaire, you would be simulating put off options on American Airlines, prior to a plane crash you 'knew nothing about'.

Who gives a # about the buildings? Billionaires care least of all, especially about the people. That's why they're billionaires.

And then it occurs to you: ignoring structure information completely is the easiest way to prove it.

When an investor purchases a put, he or she expects the underlying asset will decline in price.

The amount of put options on September 10th for America Airlines was 4,516. This is completely indicative of insider trading. To give some perspevtive, generally before that the standard put options were between 25-75.

Morgan Stanley(Located in WTC) had 2,157 puts three days before, compared to an average of 27 prior to Sept. 6th.

Merrill Lynch(Located in WTC) had 12,215 puts four days before, compared to an average of 252 prior to Sept. 6th.

The CBOE(Chicago Board Options Exchange) promptly decided on their own these numbers were worthy of investigation, and then, you know, the Goverment told them to stop and then they were instructed to erase all data, something that they wouldn't normally even do, regardless of investigation.

I mean for CRYING OUT LOUD even snopes claims this myth is false, but the article on their own website is BAFFLING how they come to this conclusion, even stating "Some unusual trading did in fact occur,".

Essentially the dribble that we're really supposed to buy, is that you know, when people see a stock go down, other people freak out and follow suit. It was most likely that!

The hilarity in this, is put options aren't merely selling your stocks, it's the most profitable way to sell your stocks. There were PLENTY of people just generally "cashing out" without exploiting derivative option bets.

Ps. Something about Jet fuel and Steel Beams, Yada Yada Yada, but honestly, does that even matter? Do you understand how many investors would have been PISSED if anything short of the buildings exploding didn't happen?
edit on 4-4-2016 by imjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2016 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: Azureblue

Scale midels have problems due to the sq cube law.

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 12:12 PM
Before anyone gets into any name calling or
character bashing, can someone please
give me some kind of info as to EXACTLY
what changes one would make to a building
so that it could be claimed to be able to
withstand a direct airliner hit?


posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 12:21 PM
sick puppy, the force would flow down the voids , shafts and wells
edit on 10-4-2016 by GBP/JPY because: our new King.....He comes right after a nicely done fake one

edit on 10-4-2016 by GBP/JPY because: last minute thought there....yezz

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