posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 07:58 PM
"God" means completion. Wholeness in balance. Which is why it is linked to the cycles which are necessary for time to exist.
"Tower" is a figure. Body.
"Temple" is the mind.
"Come, let us name our own completion".
It was a attempt by 're-legion' to dictate the terms of the cycles in their favour.
They thought that if they could mask the "personal empowerment" of the cycles true intended 'completion', they could will it to themselves.
To make themselves God.
Whether or not Judaism stole their claim before Christianity is a pointless arguement. They both stole it, and raped it of all its true meaning.
Neither shall ever know 'completion' (God), because neither are OF GOD! Their composition is intended to DIVIDE from the true nature of 'God'
(Completion) IN SELF! And can therefore never be anything more than a hurdle on the path towards true completion.
Therefore, anyone who subscribes to religion, has lost without a fight.
That's why they refer to you all as sheep. And not the shepherd.
The lost. Who are happy to stay lost.
Samual Sabbas.