posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 07:26 AM
Maybe it needs more posts?
Would have commented sooner but got sidetracked catching up on season 3. Yep still one season behind, so no spoilers folks!
Was disappointed in what's her face, the puppet queen of mercer, such a weaselly nut job. Floki took some getting used to, but there seems to be a
method to his madness. If Siggy had to die they at least wrote her out a nice ending. I was ok with it. Ragnar getting baptized did not sit right with
Know the show took some flack for being inauthentic, still, it brings a period to life in a graphic way I think we forget. Life was HARD, it sucked
for most people and NONE of us got here the easy way. Romanticizing aside, the fortitude it took to just exist was staggering.
Dunno about anyone else but I'm loving indoor plumbing, grocery stores and of course the internet, and cars. I think we are to an extent squandering
things our predecessors couldn't imagine.