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A dog man that isn't a "dogman"

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posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 08:30 PM
So, stories of a Michigan dogman are well known. Typically, these experiences describe a bipedal/upright humanoid body with the head of a canine. This is not what was experienced in this case.

Long before the Internet, my mother had an experience with a mystery creature. Now that it is easier to research this type of thing, I have been looking into it. No luck so far, so I decided to post here about it now that I have been posting on ATS.

In the late 1970's, my mother and 2 sleeping siblings were going down a somewhat secluded/wooded road. It was around 9PM. This particular experience happened in Pegram, Tennessee.

As she was driving, there was enough natural light to see some kind of animal up ahead in a big clearing by the road. As she neared the area of road by the creature, it started to run to the road. She thought it was a big dog, and she thought it was going to run across the road.

Instead, the creature ended up running beside the car on the driver's side. She does not remember how fast she was going, but it was fairly fast. As the creature came up, still running by the car, she looked over and got the fright of her life.

This creature did indeed have a dog-like body, but it had the face of a human.

It kept pace with the car for 1/4 of a mile or more. She says it was shaggy and light brown or tan..fur similar to a long haired Labrador. However, the hair around the head was more human like. It had distinct muscles and haunches, and ran on all fours like a dog. The face was pale skin like Caucasian.

She started to panic because the road ahead was sharply curved, and because it was nearly a 90° degree turn, she would have to stop to turn safely. Because she was scared and had kids in the car, she did NOT want to do this.

Luckily, the creature suddenly darted off the road into an area of trees and brush before she had to stop and turn.

So, I have been trying to find similar experiences in that area, but no luck. Most people seem to report humanoids with dog heads instead of what she saw.

Any stories you know that are similar?
edit on 19-3-2016 by BarefootInWinter because: Fixed details

edit on 19-3-2016 by BarefootInWinter because: Clarification

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: BarefootInWinter

did she ever draw a picture for you of what she saw?? that is cool that you are using the internet to sleuth you mothers experience of long I have not had that kind of experience myself, but, will be interesting to see what turns up in this thread!

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: BarefootInWinter

This creature did indeed have a dog-like body, but it had the face of a human.

So, I have been trying to find similar experiences in that area, but no luck. Most people see, like in mentioned, humanoids with dog heads. Nearly the opposite of what she experienced.
So what's with the discrepancies? Is it a dog with a human head or a humanoid with a dog head?
edit on 19-3-2016 by Conspiratron because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: research100

Not being great at drawing, sadly no. However, she said it reminds her of a sphynx from mythology. Even the back end was lion-like, though definitely more canine than feline. (obviously, without the wings too.)

It still freaks her out to think about it or talk about it. That alone, knowing her, makes me believe it.

I am convinced that she surely is mistaken, and there is a logical explanation... But I do think she believes she saw what she described.

It had paws from what she could see, but doesn't remember if it had a tail.

PS -updated the color of it, I had it wrong

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: BarefootInWinter

Lmfao. Nice.

Just brought up the idea of dogs becoming upright caninoids a couple hours ago to my buddy while i was petting his big ol labrador.

edit on 19-3-2016 by OneGoal because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: Conspiratron

originally posted by: BarefootInWinter

This creature did indeed have a dog-like body, but it had the face of a human.

So, I have been trying to find similar experiences in that area, but no luck. Most people see, like I mentioned, humanoids with dog heads. Nearly the opposite of what she experienced.
So what's with the discrepancies? Is it a dog with a human head or a humanoid with a dog head?

My mother saw a dog body with human face.

The dogmen mentioned in Michigan and others are usually human body with dog heads.

Sorry if my wording was confusing.

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: BarefootInWinter
She probably just saw a Sasquatch, witnesses often describe their faces as very human looking, and running on all fours fairly quickly. I've even heard stories just like hers where the Sasquatch ran next to the car for a short period.
If your interested in info on both dog man and Sasquatch behavior check out

posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 11:23 PM
Was the creature barking like a dog or making some other kind of sound? I would have kept my window closed and stopped to see if it would talk. Unless it was too crazy and violent, then I would have kept speeding past the damned thing!

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 04:40 AM

originally posted by: Quantumgamer1776
a reply to: BarefootInWinter
She probably just saw a Sasquatch, witnesses often describe their faces as very human looking, and running on all fours fairly quickly. I've even heard stories just like hers where the Sasquatch ran next to the car for a short period.

That was my thought too. A large creature covered with hair, running on all fours and with a human-like face sounds like a sasquatch. There are occasional reports of them running on all fours.
edit on 3/20/2016 by trollz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 07:14 AM
From what I remember of the dogman story near Paris Michigan (not that far from me) was that it was described as a large dog among a group of dogs, that stood upright and stared down the witness. It didn't have any humanoid features, nor did it primarily walk upright, it merely stood on it's hind legs and gave the witness a threatening look, as if it had some kind of evil intelligence. That was about it, and the witness never claimed anything more was all that strange about the encounter and never called it a dogman. I believe it was a DJ at a radio station at the time that gave it that name.

The beast of Bray Road was different and from Wisconsin I believe. That was more of your wolf man type of creature with a humanoid type of body and a wolf's head. Two different creatures from two different areas.

ETA: Here is a quote I had in my notes, I don't have a link, but it is from some research I did some years ago.

In 1937 or 1938, on the banks of the Muskegon River, near Paris, Mecosta County Michigan, a Cadillac man named Robert Fortney was attacked by a pack of wild dogs. Here is a quote from the Record-Eagle on April 25, 1987; "Fear gripped Robert Fortney as he shot and killed one of five dogs that lunged at him . . . But fear escalated to cold terror as the only dog that didn't run off reared up on its hind legs and stared at Fortney with slanted, evil eyes and the hint of a grin." Fortney said he wouldn't want to call it a dog-man.

edit on 20-3-2016 by MichiganSwampBuck because: added exta comments

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 07:46 AM
Thanks for sharing the story - very creepy experience!

The only logical explanation I can come up with is that it was a dog, and the lighting was just right that when she looked over at the dog through the window of her car she actually saw her own face reflected and superimposed over the dogs face.

I know that explanation might sound far-fetched (heh... Sorry!) but saying it was a literal dogman is even more so.

Creepy story, though...

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 06:02 PM
Thanks everyone! Just caught up on replies.

I am going to look into a few of the suggestions like Sasquatch reports with quadrupedal running. Things like that.

The story freaked me out as a kid...moreso from knowing my Mom. She might believe in a few things considered paranormal, but she 100% doesn't buy into many of the creature stories.

She is a horror movie buff, and she really does not scare easily if at all in my memory... But this story is different. She doesn't like answering questions about it like some stories. I think it genuinely freaked her out.

posted on Mar, 20 2016 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: BarefootInWinter

Reminds me of south american mythic creatures known as Naguals. Those are sometimes depicted as creatures with animal bodies and human faces or blood-drinking "shapeshifters".

Not to say that I've had any encounters with such things but its maybe a bit of information to chew on.

posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 03:04 AM
Maybe it was a dog but with mange that made it's facial fur fall out

posted on Apr, 9 2016 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: BarefootInWinter
So, stories of a Michigan dogman are well known. Typically, these experiences describe a bipedal/upright humanoid body with the head of a canine. This is not what was experienced in this case.

Long before the Internet, my mother had an experience with a mystery creature. Now that it is easier to research this type of thing, I have been looking into it. No luck so far, so I decided to post here about it now that I have been posting on ATS.

In the late 1970's, my mother and 2 sleeping siblings were going down a somewhat secluded/wooded road. It was around 9PM. This particular experience happened in Pegram, Tennessee.

As she was driving, there was enough natural light to see some kind of animal up ahead in a big clearing by the road. As she neared the area of road by the creature, it started to run to the road. She thought it was a big dog, and she thought it was going to run across the road.

Instead, the creature ended up running beside the car on the driver's side. She does not remember how fast she was going, but it was fairly fast. As the creature came up, still running by the car, she looked over and got the fright of her life.

This creature did indeed have a dog-like body, but it had the face of a human.

It kept pace with the car for 1/4 of a mile or more. She says it was shaggy and light brown or tan..fur similar to a long haired Labrador. However, the hair around the head was more human like. It had distinct muscles and haunches, and ran on all fours like a dog. The face was pale skin like Caucasian.

She started to panic because the road ahead was sharply curved, and because it was nearly a 90° degree turn, she would have to stop to turn safely. Because she was scared and had kids in the car, she did NOT want to do this.

Luckily, the creature suddenly darted off the road into an area of trees and brush before she had to stop and turn.

So, I have been trying to find similar experiences in that area, but no luck. Most people seem to report humanoids with dog heads instead of what she saw.

Any stories you know that are similar?

My Grandpa when he was young, in Gunung Melayu, Sumatera, he walked home in a middle of the night after a meeting. Everywhere around him was palm kernel forest, he heard voices behind some shrubs, when he looked toward it he saw a dog, but when the dog turned its head at him it has human head. My grandpa ran home like crazy, and he had a fever for a few days after that.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 11:10 PM
Were it's back legs markedly longer than its front ones?

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: BarefootInWinter

Just really enjoyed reading about your Moms earth school mystery experience, she must be a great Lady. Tell her I think she was probably a Shaman in past life and the being felt safe to approach her. Out of respect, the being spun off when it realized your Moms shock and surprise rather than ease of non judgement her higher energies exude.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 09:44 AM
My first thought is Japanese spirits, like this one, from Princess Mononoke:

While the concept creeps me the frak out, I can't guarantee it's harmful. Hell, that picture gave me nightmares as a kid, but he's one of many depictions of my own "god," so who knows?

posted on Jul, 21 2016 @ 08:53 PM
You might want to look into the Jinmenken, as it seems to fit your description pretty well.


"Jinmenken are dogs with human faces that supposedly appear at night in Japanese urban areas and run along highways at extremely high speeds."

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