posted on Mar, 19 2016 @ 05:57 PM
I may get BLASTED for this...but I posted this reply on the comment section of an online news source....
This morning on my walk to the Howard Redline stop in the Rogers Park neighborhood in Chicago, IL.....I was called out to by a black woman: "Hey, F*
YOU, White B#tch!" The sad part, because I had to stop acting and looking scared a few years back when I first MOVED to this hood, (sometime after
Obama became King), is that I am USED to this kind of thing, so I started to giggle after that outburst...yes, the abuse got worse ...but...I get this
at least once a week when I walk to the store, to the the (shrug).
I have never called a black man or woman a 'n-word'...I bet I get blasted or removed or censored for that...but I get called whitey, hillbilly and a
myriad of other race specific names all the time and how is THAT any different then ME using the "N" word, (oh how wimpy)...(Anyways, I'm a
Cracker, let's get THAT straight!).
I have even been assaulted for being white and standing up for myself...(I am a female, by the, I have OTHER stories about my lovely
experiences living in CHICAGO...the next Detroit, in my opinion and the way things are going....)
So please tell me how am I a racist? I grew up in Texas and never had problems or saw violence between different races, religions, political beliefs,
etc...nor had violence perpetrated against me while living there...not even in El Paso, TX!! (well maybe I just didn't understand Spanish racial
slurs because I didn't know Spanish at the time).....Since I came here to the Windy City? Well, you read the above rant....
So tell me again how I am a racist?
My LAST question is: WHEN DID AMERICA come to such a SAD STATE?