a reply to:
Good find. Thanks for posting this. My take on this is doomy. The general attitude today is if anyone wants quality they have to pay for it. So that
really makes me wonder about the human organs being grown and the price that comes with it. I'm drawing a few wild comparisons right now thinking
about it. First one that comes to mind is all in the smile...
Want your front teeth to look white and even? Cover up that middle aged wear and tear? One pays big bucks for that. This attitude will present itself
with those who grow and transplant human organs. New hearts for those that pay big bucks and those living with bad hearts who can't afford it. The
attitude today is: It's their fault being born with bad teeth or their fault they didn't take care of them, or their fault they got old or their fault
they got a disease or in an accident having existed, so only those who make big money get the nice bonded teeth and new heart if they want one.
Want great smelling high lather shampoo? You'll have to pay a lot more for it; although there's a watered down version that smells like plastic for a
buck at the Dollar Store. This attitude will present itself for those that grow and transplant human organs with producing a varity of longevity
hearts. The high quality built to last heart and the cheap plastic heart that will give the user one extra year of life. Then a few other versions in
Want a well built big house? You'll have to pay for it. Same applies. Can't afford the built to last big heart, then the cheapest version available
is the STT model. That's the Super Tiny Ticker model, as big as a lima bean, available to full grown adults only. In addition, 30 year heart mortgage
payments are available but only for the built to last heart. If one can't make the payment then they have to give their transplanted heart back.
Now I would like to think that the rise of growing human organs is due to the expectation of the future that all people will be seen as equal, all
human life is valuable and the misplaced money reward system is going to be changed into a reward system that can't be massively hoarded by people
making it unavailable to others. But I am unsure that is the case.
This feels more like changing hearts of flesh into hearts of stone.
I swear, it really is starting to feel like the people on earth are being kept alive to study in order for a replacement to fully take them over. If
organs are being replaced because they are bad, as already mentioned by other posters, then brains will be next. Obedient brains that know their
place and stick to the job given with no complaints who do nothing but serve. That is AI. And at this point in time with so much opression occuring
where so many people are unable to experience full quality lives because of it, and just as many people are ok with that happening, makes AI and all
these advancements more of something to dread and not cool and exciting.
Wish I could share in the excitement but it makes me feel sad. I hope God force that created human beings is going to step in because God loves what
God made and God is love. God knows we have all been misled and that so many believe in God. God being love would have all God's believers washing
their hair with the most wholesome and luxurious shampoo AND make perfect hearts for those who believe. Great smells and environments, good wholesome
delicious food, compassion, and so on, give rise to generations of healthy hearts, with them being grown to transplant in other people means people do
not expect to share in that as a collective whole and that the ones who had the power to move people's attitudes to really see that good environments
with healthy minded and compassionate role models and leadership being main keys in preventing heart disease in people, have given up.
edit on 18-3-2016 by WhiteWingedMonolith because: (no reason given)