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With all due respect, I'll have to disagree with you on that one. There are a lot of very specific techniques that have to be employed to effectively use hypnotherapy. That's the reason I would only recommend that someone who is certified in hypnotherapy be used in that capacity.
As it stands today any Psychologist or Psychiatrist knows how to preform hypnosis.
And unfortunately because the complex interactions of these psychotropics with brain chemistry is not completely understood, the possibility of adverse reactions is higher than in other medications.
I admit that psychotropic meds do have adverse side effects.
Sometimes they do. Once the proper medication, or combination of medications, is found this may be the case. However, the prescribing physician has to guess as to which set of medications may be effective. Then, based on subjective feedback from the patient, the treatment may be altered until an acceptable level of relief is reported. Unfortunately, based on the level of "thought malfunction" an acceptable level of relief might consist of turning the patient into a drooling pile of flesh content with the intellectual stimulation of a Bugs Bunny cartoon.
But they help people stop thinking about killing other people or killing themselves because of something they believe.
Go back about 100 years and you would find that "Hospitals" as defined at the time did not treat diseases considered terminal. You will also find for that matter psychosis in that same regard.
originally posted by: sociolpath
a reply to: Kashai
I didnt say I enttertain them, I .mentioned that these technologies broadcast these sorts of thoughts. I am warning the members here of this harmful technology before I leave the site.
Your response is exactly what I'd expect from a mind controlled slave. I'm not saying you are one of their plants here but you definitively eat their fruit.
I'm not sick and going to the hospital is the only thing that made me sick.
originally posted by: sociolpath
They have been doing this to me for several years. This is what I mentioned in my introdrucry post but until now found it best not to explain here.
They have devices or weaponry that can insert thoughts into the mind. With me the thoughts have ranged from killing people, myself, or doing vandalism. I am not A violent person nor do i intend to be. I wish all livinh creatures no harm. The intention is to get me into the evil prison system where I'm no longer a threat to them.
All of this started when I chose not to take their ssri medication anymore 2.6 years ago. My current lifestyle makes it difficult for them to get a fix on my location but when I was in a stable job the attacks were unbearable as I could not leave the location. At my house along with the evil thoughts, they also broadcast a fear of leaving the house so I'll.stat in the effected areas.
I thought I had gotten away but as I'm always raising awareness of the dangers of SSRIs they have found me again.
Why SSRIs you might ask? Do your research between psychotic breaks, gun violence, and SSRIs. The FDA knows that these drugs are hurting people but they don't care as long as they keep a patient on them for over a year their job us done. The SSRI creates a neural subnetwork that picks up the frequencies. Once a patient has the subneural network installed, a targeted stream of RF frequencies can insert any thoughts they want.I'm starting to think that brain surgery is the only way to remove the network but I'm not a brain scientist and don't know the full extent of how it works or how far accross the brain it spreads.
I know the community here hasn't understood me or much of my posts in the past and that okay I don't hold it against you I was just hoping that some people could understand my thoughts and I enjoy reading the philosophy and metaphysics section.
It's gotten to the point I don't think I can be on this site anymore. They are tracking me here. If I read a page here, it doesn't matter where I'm at they begin transmitting. So also as a warning when I leave, the beings/ people you are worried are pulling the strings behind the NWO are closely monitoring this site.