So I just watched the newest Bond film, and I have to say I was extremely impressed. Ever since Daniel Craig came on, I've felt a desire to bring
what was otherwise the insanity of Bond through the gadgetry of Q home to a more realistic condition. In deed, I recently read an original Ian
Fleming Bond book and it was very terrestrial, not nearly so Hollywoodized and presented 007 in a very tough but exceeding vulnerable light.
This is not, however, why I've chosen to post this thread today. The reason for my intrusion upon the community is to discuss the scene where Bond
sneaks into the SPECTRE meeting. Does this strike anyone as...maybe? Does it have a feel of realism to it. It did to me. Perhaps I'm merely a
starry eyed fan. Perhaps. snippet I could find on short notice. Start about 1:45
I have it along with all the James Bond movies including the unlicensed one.
I've only watched it twice but I really didn't see that as realistic. It just seemed to happen but there's a lot of scenes like that in other Bond
movies too so it's not surprising.
A lot of the NWO etc. themes in this movie ring true. They are meant to.
The Elephant in the room as it were Mister Bond.
Hey, if it's in a Bond movie it must be a ridiculous and unlikely concept eh? No doubt just some base comic book mentality at best reactionary bull
Go back to your Trump dinners. Nothing to see here.