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It's completely pointless and we're all doomed... Enjoy the apocalypse, folks...

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posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 07:42 AM
You guys do realize that the debt is inherently unpayable, right? It was never meant to be repayed. The system was never meant to last in the first place.

In a handful of generations the banks have claimed ownership of nation, and none of us even seem to get it. A hundred years ago, people owned land.
Today, people don't own anything but the clothes on their backs- and widespread misuse of credit cards is seeing to them financing their next meals.

It was not built to be sustainable, it was built to steal everything- and it worked perfectly. Took about a hundred years from establishment to deprive us of everything, and now it's just winding down.

All that's left in fiat currency is faith- and that's not long for this world, since it's so obviously falling apart at the seams.

Grab some beers, it doesn't matter who wins- and hasn't for at least thirty years.

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 09:08 AM
I'm with you on this one. Total dog and pony act. All I have to say is...

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: CaptainBeno

I am happy to admit to being an idiot. So with that Aside, the only thing I can say about Trump is that our government, (all the people currently in power) really don't like Trump. Knowing that, and knowing how much the American people are sick and tired of the way things are, and see no way to change it, I can fully see why Trump would be elected.

Now that this has been said, If and when Trump is president, I can only hope that his campaign rhetoric was a joke and he won't be this much of a douche in office. The US is already seen as kind of a wold wide joke due to Obama's ineptitude, should Trump be the instigating, loudmouth, blowhard he appears to be, our reputation (What's left) will be like when Carter was in office.

So the OP is sadly, likely more correct than not.

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: Mak Manto

I agree with you overall, but it is silly to look at the debt as a number, unless you can still buy a fully-loaded, brand-new Corvette for under $5,000. Debt to GDP is what matters. It's kind of like, if I have $100,000 in credit card debt, I'm totally screwed, but if Donald Trump has $100k in credit card debt, it's no big deal (and if it was, he could just declare bankruptcy for the 5th time.)

The world, and our economy is different now than it was in previous decades, so this chart doesn't mean things will necessarily improve, nor does it mean things will necessarily get worse. What it does is to put the debt into real perspective. Yes, it has risen like crazy since 1980, both in meaningless dollars and meaningful Debt:GDP ratio, but Debt:GDP has leveled off in recent years, and is also far lower than it was in the aftermath of WW2.

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: lordcomac

The debt isn't unpayable. Clinton managed to balance the budget, and suggested a budget outlay that would have fully paid our debt off in 2012 (I think that was the year). His successors didn't hold to it though.

We could do something similar today. In fact, if we kept tax revenues as they are right now (plus medical insurance costs) and moved health care to single payer we would save enough money from just that change, that we could balance the budget and have a small surplus to pay down the debt. There's other things we could do too, but the point is the debt even at 20 trillion or even 50 trillion isn't unmanageable. Between inflation, some smarter spending, and some needed tax increases we could handle the debt problem easily enough but no one wants to actually do it.

That said, even though we could fully pay off the debt if we wanted to, it's actually a bad idea. We should pay it down but foreign owned debt represents foreign faith in our currency, if we eliminated that debt no one would be invested in using/accepting the dollar anymore.

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: Aazadan

Thank God...I've been starting to think I'm the only one who can see the truth through the lies regarding the debt. It's frustrating that people are so panicky and wrong about our debt.

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: Aazadan

There is no way we will EVER pay off our national debt, and the reasoning may surprise you
U.S. Treasury Bonds are the MOST secure investment in the world. Every major country invests heavily in them. Many of the wealthiest people in the world invest in them. Why?

They are issued against the U.S. national debt. During the Clinton administration, the world got very nervous about the reduction in national debt (I'm not giving credit to Clinton or anyone else) because we began to reduce that national debt, which was worrisome to the world, as those Treasury Bonds would have to be cashed in early with no new bonds available to purchase, if the U.S. national debt were to be paid off entirely.

Continued increases in the national debt equals more available Treasury Bonds, again, the most secure investment in the world.

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: usernameconspiracy

I said as much. We can pay off a portion of our debt, and if we really wanted to we could pay off the entire thing. It would be a bad idea though. It's a balancing act between supporting our currency and keeping our debt:GDP ratio low.

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: pirhanna
a reply to: Mak Manto

Theres only one way to fix the debt problem. Cancel it and remove the fed as the source of money. Basically a huge reset. Its not payable.

OP is right. It probably doesnt matter at this point. We are going to crash and burn as a nation. We hate each other and the general population is too,dumbed down to understand basic liberty.

Y aknow whats funny? The debt would be gone over night IF we forced payment from all countries we have helped in one way or another for services rendered and charged interest.

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: Aazadan
a reply to: usernameconspiracy

I said as much. We can pay off a portion of our debt, and if we really wanted to we could pay off the entire thing. It would be a bad idea though. It's a balancing act between supporting our currency and keeping our debt:GDP ratio low.

Yeah it looks like your post appeared while I was typing mine.

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: usernameconspiracy

Hi..I'm new here. I'm supposed to reply several times before I can post. It appears I am being censored in many places by the gov.mafia. Esp.on You Tube. Where you post something, but only you see it, and agents respond to make you think your post got through. They call it: PHANTOM CENSORING.

I wanted to say...all is not lost. If they plan to kill us east we went out exposing their lies.

Please...take this...and use it::::

So just after Eagles of Death Metal alleged that Paris attack was an Inside Job, the cops in Belgium have a gun fight with Paris 'mastermind' or his minions. How timely! Just to ensure you ignore the INSIDE JOB allegations from the man whose band member died in the attack.
Not to mention that the Bataclan owners (who owned it for over 40 years) conveniently sold it weeks before the attack.......funny that!.......Just like Larry Silverstein bought the wtc complex months before and insured it to specifically cover attacks using pl anes...............Oh and they were Jewish ( Anglo German Jews) in case people didn't know.

Available THE Irish writer Gearoid O'Coleman, who gives his views on the situation in Paris, as being false flag propaganda involving a "White , cleanly shaven male shooter." 

If that were not enough, a video:
Juan Hernandez about the 3 athletic white shooters in the San Bernardino shooting

Then if you Google images: SAN BERNADINO CRAFT, you can see the white mercenaries running to hide.

So...when you wake up know who to blame. Unless you love lies..then blame some innocent person, and have the patsy take the fall. I feel so sorry for the people these white terrorists have murdered so never ends with these cowards...THE ANGLO GERMAN NAZI. Just look at NSA headquarters..two SS lightning bolts. Need one say more as to who is destroying this world? And they are here also..hiding behind the net..posting disinfo to influence publ
ic opinion.

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: Mak Manto

The only way for the US to get "healthy" again is a total reset. That si if those in power will stay in power...

I"ll join you at the bar...

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: Mak Manto

At least Trump has the most experience with bankruptcy proceedings. He is most qualified to handle our current situation.

Now I'll drink to that. or a case.
edit on 15-3-2016 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac
You guys do realize that the debt is inherently unpayable, right? It was never meant to be repayed. The system was never meant to last in the first place.

In a handful of generations the banks have claimed ownership of nation, and none of us even seem to get it. A hundred years ago, people owned land.
Today, people don't own anything but the clothes on their backs- and widespread misuse of credit cards is seeing to them financing their next meals.

It was not built to be sustainable, it was built to steal everything- and it worked perfectly. Took about a hundred years from establishment to deprive us of everything, and now it's just winding down.

All that's left in fiat currency is faith- and that's not long for this world, since it's so obviously falling apart at the seams.

Grab some beers, it doesn't matter who wins- and hasn't for at least thirty years.

I'm actually in a room where people get it.

posted on Mar, 15 2016 @ 04:49 PM
Wonder what that's like.

As for paying it off and keeping the existing stable... a big fat nope.

the currency is doomed- the fed has been keeping interest rates (to the banks) at 0 for so long just to keep loan interest rates low enough that people keep borrowing more.

The only thing left to do is negative interest rates- the fed "pays" banks to borrow money (which they print both out of thin air anyway) so the banks can keep lowering our interest rates for mortgages and car loans, which allows them to raise the prices on homes, cars, and goods since we can finance them longer.

In the end, inflation hits a peak rate where people simply can't earn enough money year over year to keep up with the cost of living increase, and people lose faith in the currency. It's already happening. Our own government tried to stop borrowing so much money and shut down for a few days because they know damn well this can't be stopped.

Nobody bats an eye, though. It will be very similar to the housing bubble when it goes down- we'll reach some critical percentage of people who can't keep up and suddenly everything will go south in a real hurry. One system will fail and the others won't keep up. Banks start going under en mass, corporations can't pay employees. Truck drivers won't drive trucks for free, the food stops showing up. Power plants will be shut down, they can't operate without staff. Public 'protectors' will go home to protect their own families, and every major city will down within a few weeks.

This happens every now and then. Why do you think jeebus went around flipping tables? Usury is notably bad in almost every religion- something left behind from the 'governments' of old. It only leads to one place- a few people wind up owning everything, and then it all goes sideways. It just gets a little more impressive each time around.

Now we've got a central bank scheme brought over from the country we fled (specifically to escape said money system) that has grown so powerful it's come to be one with every other fiat currency system in the world. When people lose faith in the US dollar, many of the other currencies will likely fail too.

But go on- keep voting for whichever puppet you think will solve the problem, ignoring the fact that they've all got the hands of central banking up their backside, making your saviors mouth move.

(hint: this is why the NSA has been given the greenlight to keep track of everything about you, and that information is now available to even lowly citizen harassment squads. They know what's coming- and they want the tower to fall in their favor. To do that, they need to know who is in a position to cause trouble for them, and silence those individuals beforehand.)

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."

posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: benahaya
a reply to: usernameconspiracy

Hi..I'm new here. I'm supposed to reply several times before I can post. It appears I am being censored in many places by the gov.mafia. Esp.on You Tube. Where you post something, but only you see it, and agents respond to make you think your post got through. They call it: PHANTOM CENSORING.

You lost me at the first paragraph. Don't freak out, but I' employee of the federal government

posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 12:38 PM
Are you in debt OP? Aren't most of us in debt in this country? Bet a lot of people posting doom & gloom about the economy are often in debt themselves owning houses & cars they should have never bought and useless junk to entertain themselves. Personal responsibility is the most important thing in society and if Americans stopped buying into "I deserve this"mentality we would live in a more responsible society and with a more responsible government. Banks have a lot of their power because the normal good ole American loves going in debt for stuff they don't need. Stop buying into the American Dream and the banks would have to change their ways.
edit on 16-3-2016 by blujack21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: blujack21

Actually, no, I'm not in debt. I own a small home, perhaps not what many people would like because it's not in the suburbs or big or has a large front yard, but I love it...

I own my car, and while it may be a clunker, it's mine...

However, if you think that just because I'm not in debt or you're not in debt means anything, you're wrong.

Sooner or later, the house of cards will fall. This entire country will be going down the drain and whether you're in debt or not will not be a question, because this will affect everyone and everything.

*Downs his beers.*

It's over...

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 12:12 PM
What many others have said in this thread is correct, NO MATTER WHAT THE DEBT CAN NEVER BE REPAID. Every dollar printed in existence is a dollar, that we the people get charged interest on. SO IF YOU PAY OFF EVERY DOLLAR IN EXISTENCE. You still OWE (interest) that never existed in the first place. It's the biggest ponzi scheme of all time. And people must understand, keeping this same system is only putting the shackles on ourselves. Trying to pay off the debt is nothing more than hot air from politicians who have no clue how the system works

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: network dude
Being an outsider (not American) I can tell you that we perceived the US as a joke under Bush Jr. We all sighed of relief we you elected Obama.

Most folks I know who do not follow thoroughly US politics, view Obama in a generally good fashion (not my personal opinion though).

But these folks are also scared sh*tless of Trump. They say the US will be perceived again as a joke if he gets elected.
Mind you this seems to be the general opinion of my surrounding.

I personally have no idea what the Trump game is and how to feel about him.
Is he dumb ? I don't think so.
Is he a Clown ? He sure is.
Is he a plant ? Most likely.
A plant for whom ? Not sure.

His anti-establishment stands sounds very establishment-esque.
I mean by this that with him, we are witnessing a more extreme form of polarization of the American populace.
You see where this is going. Divided you fall.

And I thought that the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections were entertaining.
These were peanuts compared to this one.

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