posted on Jan, 12 2005 @ 07:07 AM
Another thread gone mad with rhetoric. Go figure.
As far as why go after America, that is easy, Brit. Going after America is nothing new, as I stated two days ago, TWA jokingly stood for Travelling
With Arabs because of the numerous hijackings. Remember the SEAL who was murdered enboard one of the hijacked planes?
Carter's weakness made us the primo target. The Ayatollah braced for a stomping when the students took the embassy hostage. He was certain that
America was going to come over and lay waste to Iran for such an insult, but as time passed and nothing happened, and then Carter started the "Oh, we
are sorry for whatever we've done to offend you and your oppressed students" junk, the Ayatollah realized he was dealing with one big and powerful
country that was yellow in its leadership. Even during the Reagan years, when the Marine barracks were blown up, what did we do? Tucked tail and
ran. See? Clinton wasn't the first to let American kids die in vain.
We are not viewed as powerful by the folks over there. Spoiled, and sometimes prone to throwing dangerous temper tantrums, but not of staunch
backbone. Historically speaking, they have every right to believe we will crumble under spressure or a protracted campaign.