posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 09:28 PM
They are regards to Syria, the town of Aleppo , Syria to be exact. The
Greeks in that town in an uproar over the rape of a young, innocent
Greek girl (under 14). The accused are a group of Sunni Muslims. The
world (and especially Greeks) are truly upset, intense fighting occurs,
accusations, and worse.
This becomes worse because the girl is now pregnant. Her family,
her (Orthodox Catholic) Church and herself refuse to even consider abortion.
She has the child, who is born deformed. Ill and twisted, but alive, the
best care is given to ensure it's life is as comfortable as possible. They blame the
deformities and the act of rape itself upon the Sunnis.
After many accusations it is discovered that after many injuries and deaths
only to find out that it was actually a group of fellow Greeks that actually
committed this offense. Her own friends and family. The world is in awe.
It is at this time that now the Sunni's attack the Greeks--the war ensues,
the same punishment but now the enemies are reversed.
One morning the nurses find the child has been cured. There is no illness,
no deformity, no pain.
Mary, mother of Jesus herself is seen glowing (on hospital) as she leaves
the room then the hallway. Nurses, doctors, patients, staff and visitors witness
this. The world is shown this, no fake cameras. There is NO doubt that this is NO apparition nor
a fraud. People collapse, pray intensely, weep and so on. Wars stop.
Outside the steps of the hospital
The child speaks.
The child speaks to the world.
He whispers one word:
The end of the world ends begins (last sign) as we know it after that (word). For the good of most, not others. ?
All I was told is that this is the last sign, before the signs. The only problem is that (now) rape in Syria is happening daily (supposedly) by ISIS
and within Europe to confuse the issue. But I am under the impression she is the last rape martyr of that time/type/agegroup (because she is the last
to have no sin from parents, friends or other influence (tv, etc). Her name is not Mary though. Her name is Uziel.