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Alien Languages?

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posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 10:20 AM
I dont know how true some of this is, but I thought it was a pretty cool website. It contains examples of what are purported to be written alien languages.

The problem with translating 'alien' writing is that we can only decode it using our Earthly intelligence. This means the glyphs, patterns and construction must fit into what we know as "language". If it doesn't fit , we won't understand. That's why we had no idea how to read Egyptian hieroglyphic until the Rosette Stone was found and we saw how they translated into known Greek, giving us a key.

Languages fall into four types:

Alphabetic - consisting of 20-30 symbols where each is a consonant or vowel

Syllabic - usually 50-60 symbols where each represents a consonant/vowel combination

Ideographic - usually 500-600 symbols where each represents an idea or word

Symbols - consisting of single and complex insignia types (like Semaphore)

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 11:40 AM
Satans Handwriting:

I've seen something very similar before in one of my Occult books, will have a look to see if I can find it Dragonrider?


posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 05:16 PM
Nice site.

Must resist temptation to spam with klingon language sites. (Look at my sig. It says. Do you speak klingong?)

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 06:18 PM
Not that I know Klingon, but I seem to remember the standard greeting in Klingon translated to something like "What the hell do you want?"

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 06:19 PM
At the very least, these are some really cool designs... am considering incorporating them into some future tattoos...

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 06:52 PM
The Roswell Glyphs are interesting...

...I know of similar 'glyphs' that have been found in various places deep in the NZ bush...on rock formations, structures etc...


posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 06:55 PM
Do you happen to have any links to pics showing what you describe? Would be very interested in seeing that.

posted on Jun, 14 2003 @ 07:04 PM
Nope...all I have is evidence of seeing one such structure with my own well as local knowledge of them. Like most ethnic cultures, these things are quite protected amongst the people...not something we'd go setting up Guided Tours around or letting the whole world know where they are.

Investigation into something called the Atiamuri Stones will give indications as to why their locations are kept secret/ similar sites, when discovered have been descecrated or removed altogether.


posted on Jun, 15 2003 @ 01:50 AM
cool website...

I was especially intrigued by that scroll from Mongolia (or wherever?).

Just one quick thought: Must the writing on the Roswell I-Beams be written langauge? If you look on the sides of human aircraft, you see all sorts of pictographic symbols (especially warnings) but very little written text.

I've always wondered why aliens, who supposedly use a telepathic interface for ship control, would put writing on the inside of a structural part...? The conclusion I've reached is that this *may* be some sort of brand marking, or even a nameplate of sort... or even the signature of the alien who built that part of the ship (if that sounds absurd, look within famous aircraft built on earth. many factory workers sign parts they're to install on planes they know will be famous). Who knows, one day we may find that it means "I, Zorkon, built this ship!"

I doubt the writing has any inflight uses.


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