posted on Mar, 8 2016 @ 03:04 AM
originally posted by: Aazadan
originally posted by: Azureblue
Just imagine how much better the world would likely be if:
Sounds like a pretty horrible world to me. Ordinary citizens have at best an average understanding of a subject, voters seem to have a below average
understanding as herd mentality takes over when party politics come into play.
Do you really want to entrust your nations most important policies to those who consistently make the worst choices?
Not sure what you mean by that but it seems to me that voters have a below average understanding of issues then perhaps whats needed is some education
on the matter at hand but I realise that is unlikely considering the media trains voters up to have a below average understanding of political issues
in the first place.
Who knows, perhaps the politicians want you and I to have the view that most people have a below average understanding of political matters, that way
you and I will agree to their suggestion and plan that people who have a below understanding of political issues should not be allowed to vote in any
election ?? Who knows, the politicians might also put you and I in the same boat as the 'others."
Something to ponder perhaps.
More importantly is this point. Democracy is about a lot more than simply casting a secret or not so secret vote every 4-5 years whenever, and then
being relegated to the sidelines and reduced to being a mere spectator to govt decision making, action and values.
Democracy is about active participation in the ongoing govt decision making process and referendums are, in my view, the best tool there is for this