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Thinking about this infuriated me....

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posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 04:36 AM
I felt this same anger many years ago, and still do to this day. Mine resulted from being called a racist for making accurate observations of real life. If white people act like incompetent idiots in a Spike Lee movie,well thats just real life. But if a white person pulls his pants half way down he is, "perpetuating a harmful stereotype" or "enacting a racial slur". No, its just observation. If you don't want people to see you as fools with your pants half way down - pull them up and wear them properly.

I am tired of being called a racist because of the color of my skin by people who claim they want to put an end to racism.

And no, I wont apologize for slavery. I didn't do it. On the other hand, you could say thank you to the 630,000 white men who gave their lives fighting to free the slaves.

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 10:39 AM
All of this PC crap has made whites look weak in the eyes of others. They smell blood, and Caucasians are under attack now. People want to make us pay for their riddled history. Black people are doing it, Feminists are doing it, Gays are doing it...and the hits just keep on coming. People today feel entitled and feel like white people owe them reparations for acts against their color or creeds, in a time in which they didn't even live. White people have guilty hearts and that is our first mistake. We don't owe anyone living today JACK s###!

If you want to reward those who were treated harshly in the past, and you feel so bad about it. Either directly help their descendants (the family your family did something to)...or go dig up some bodies....but I will NOT bow to this PC crap today..none of it. Everyone who thinks I am guilty for their life ending up in shambles, simply because I'm white? YOU are my enemy, and I will not feel guilty for making you feel like crap. If I am to be blamed for doing nothing anyway, I will then do "something", to make it legit. You will have a real reason for hating me, not just my race.

I know some are going to say "sure, make it all better by giving them a reason". (sarchasm, of course) Well, even without a reason we get the blame, so...whatever. Make it stick!
edit on 6-3-2016 by IlluminatiTechnician because: Grammar

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 12:04 PM
The notion that you have to respect someone's opinion or belief is stupid. Because people have a lot of stupid opinions and beliefs. I don't have to respect people who believe in Scientology because that # is crazy. I don't have to respect people who believe their God impregnated a woman with himself to kill himself to save his followers from himself because that is insane. I don't have to respect the beliefs of racists or homophobes or bigots. Because they are racists, homophobes, and bigots.

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: AbbaCabba
I said something as an answer in another post. I have been thinking about my answer, and the more I think about it, the more angry I become. Here is what I said...

"Why is it that when a Caucasian person speaks out against ideology they disagree with. Take action against behaviors they see as detrimental and destructive, generally they are labeled racist. If a non Caucasian person uses their same constitutionally protected rights in the exact same manner, they are referred to as an activist".

The the rights in the constitution are color blind. What happened to respecting someone else and their opinion even though you may not agree with it? Is this really what out society has been reduced to? Is the best way to change a perceived double standard to create another one and justify it based on racial bias?

Tell me what you think, I am very interested in hearing other points of view.

Cut a long story short, what you said is fine and correct originally. Your questioning against what you said, shows that even now you question your own nature to protect yourself.

How is it ok for one specific background to live day by day asking and getting anything they please in a society that they was not welcome in, yet those that lived in that society originally feel they are at some point in debt.

You protect yourself and your point to the end of days friend, aslong as you are not like some backgrounds that demand change just because of your origins then you are merly asking to be left alone and have the ability to speak freely.

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 02:38 PM
I still don't get why it's wise to take medicine which lowers ones chances of death or severe bodily harm by 20%, but it's racist to not want to be around blacks.

Blacks are 13% the population but commit 47% of violent crime btw.

Trust me, majority of whites with anything to lose are racist, and for good reason.
edit on 6-3-2016 by Natenato because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: openminded2011

Everyone is hyper sensitive to everything in this age. I grew up in a predominantly black area, and to this day some of my best friends are black. I can definitely see the negative impact the hip-hop/thug culture has had in the black community. It does not stop there though. It has affected all cultures and races. The lack of respect for others and break down of the family unit is staggering. Unfortunately as you stated, if something is said people become offended. The most expensive thing you can own in life is a closed mind.

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: jimbo999

Very sad times we are living in. It feels like over the last 20 or so years we as a society have regressed immensely. So many decades of hard work flushed down the drain. Tolerance has been replaced with selfishness and hatred.

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

I have never understood the thought process of creating a double standard to stop a double standard. It literally baffles my mind. I feel the exact same way you do too. I have never done anything to anyone and I do not harbor any guilt. Everyone has the same opportunity today, and being a "minority" is usually an advantage professionally.

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 01:07 AM

originally posted by: AbbaCabba
I said something as an answer in another post. I have been thinking about my answer, and the more I think about it, the more angry I become. Here is what I said...

"Why is it that when a Caucasian person speaks out against ideology they disagree with. Take action against behaviors they see as detrimental and destructive, generally they are labeled racist. If a non Caucasian person uses their same constitutionally protected rights in the exact same manner, they are referred to as an activist".

The the rights in the constitution are color blind. What happened to respecting someone else and their opinion even though you may not agree with it? Is this really what out society has been reduced to? Is the best way to change a perceived double standard to create another one and justify it based on racial bias?

Tell me what you think, I am very interested in hearing other points of view.

America has been under assault since the end of WWII. Cultural Marxism has invaded and ripped apart the very fabric of our society. Most of us are too blind to see an enemy which is staring us right in the face. History shows us where we are headed and if we do not pull our collective heads out of our asses, like yesterday! If we do not, then the reality when it hits us will be such a shock to most that I expect that half of the many millions doomed to die will be by their own hand. Think Stalinist Soviet Union. What do you think the FEMA camps were built for?

We are being divided and ultimately (very soon) conquered.

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: AbbaCabba

I am reluctantly going to have to agree to this due to knowing a white friend who was being racially abused at work by asian colleges. When he complained to his boss about the fact that some of the comments made were racially motivated he was told he was over thinking it and it was all just a laugh (you cant be racist to a white guy right?). he later left the job due to depression from being racially bullied at work.

Now change the roles around and what do you think would happen!!!

The other side of the coin is I still see many younger black guys getting "stop & search" on the street, and even security guards in super markets picking up on and following black guys.

I guess its easy for society, government etc to label people to one group or another due to skin colour. Its all to easy to forget that colour does not define the man (or woman).

My own point of view, I have black, white and asian friends all of whom I could count on in any situation and im honestly at the point where I don't see skin colour or ethnicity we are all just friends and equals.

A c**t is a c**t no matter who you are or where your from or what label you give yourself or are given.
edit on 7-3-2016 by lucagt1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: lucagt1

Why if the issue at hand is so blatantly in your face would you agree reluctantly? There is nothing wrong with pointing out the truth. To me that reluctance you feel is a socially programmed reflex. It is the voice of a double standard staring you in the face. That voice, that reluctance is the entire basis of my OP. This is how ridiculous things have become.

posted on Mar, 8 2016 @ 04:50 AM
Reluctant because I don't like to believe this stuff goes on, clearly it always has and probably always will. It seems plain human nature to put an adverse/misconstrued label on things we don't necessarily understand or agree with.

posted on Mar, 9 2016 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: AbbaCabba

Again my point exactly. For some odd reason it is justifiable to be racist against whitey WTF? You seriously can't see the double standard you are accepting? Racism against anyone is not ok.

I think you misunderstood what I meant by 'justified racism' in the case of the black panthers. Many of the black panthers were racist in the sense that they held the black race above others,so no they weren't racists just towards "whitey". What we have today exists a double standard that I think frankly is absurd...I'm not denying that this is a problem.

posted on Mar, 9 2016 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: AbbaCabba

"Why is it that when a Caucasian person speaks out against ideology they disagree with. Take action against behaviors they see as detrimental and destructive, generally they are labeled racist. If a non Caucasian person uses their same constitutionally protected rights in the exact same manner, they are referred to as an activist".

That's the double standard of Political Correctness, part of the Revenge Against White People. Anything with a double standard really stands for nothing at all.

"He who stands for nothing, will fall for anything."

posted on Mar, 9 2016 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: lucagt1

I feel that it is cowardly and or complacent to feel reluctance when something is so blatant. This is clearly the offspring of a double standard and the ridiculousness of the P.C. Movement. Let's just call it what it is, B.S.

posted on Mar, 9 2016 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: bulrush
That is too true. That's why the education system has dumbed down the heard over the last 30 or 40 years. Dumb people are easier to control and ask less questions.

posted on Mar, 10 2016 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: AbbaCabba
I said something as an answer in another post. I have been thinking about my answer, and the more I think about it, the more angry I become. Here is what I said...

"Why is it that when a Caucasian person speaks out against ideology they disagree with. Take action against behaviors they see as detrimental and destructive, generally they are labeled racist. If a non Caucasian person uses their same constitutionally protected rights in the exact same manner, they are referred to as an activist".

The the rights in the constitution are color blind. What happened to respecting someone else and their opinion even though you may not agree with it? Is this really what out society has been reduced to? Is the best way to change a perceived double standard to create another one and justify it based on racial bias?

Tell me what you think, I am very interested in hearing other points of view.

Thinking infuriates you? Then stop it... stop what? the ideas of bias spouted to sprout the same flower of crap youre so angry about. the stop it is the pruning it will cease that anger from the conceptual.

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