Graphs of Obamas so called great recovery
A few comments when I look at these charts
Student Loans - there is an easy fix for this. Make student loans dischargable in bankruptcy. Will immediately cause tuition costs to nosedive, as
lenders will only take a risk on people who can repay, and schools will have to lower prices to keep enrolled numbers up. The change in law to not
make student loans dischargable is the whole reason prices have skyrocketed the last decade.
Bernie sanders instead wants the government to pay the outrageous tuition rates where colleges are making a fortune instead of trying to understand
why the costs have gone up so much.
Food Stamps, Labor Force Participation, and Median Family Income all show the economy is not improving no matter what the democrats try to say.
Labor force participation is the real unemployment rate that should be followed, not the phony unemployment number the media spews. Participation
rate is down to the same level it was in the early 70s, when the number of women trying to find work was much lower.
With that said, it is true that some of this is inevitable with technology dispensing with more and more jobs as time goes on. None of the candidates
are talking about half the jobs being gone in 20 to 30 years - and they very much should be, although they probably aren't because they have no idea
how to handle it.
Federal Debt - Obamas reckless spending increases in healthcare costs, and unwillingness to cut anything is to blame here. This is not remotely
Money printing is the fed printing money to buy our bonds and bad loans itself. It's a con game that is a desperate move to try and hide the real
state of our economy. It is doomed to fail, if there is any good news, Europe, china, and japan all have the same issues. Well that isn't really
good news but we may come out better than them just by comparison.
Healthcare costs - these can be driven down significantly with two changes.
1. Require hospitals, and clinics to show their procedure and testing costs. This will cause real competition and allow people to actually shop
around for the best price. As always completion will drive costs down.
2. Allow drugs to be imported from anywhere in the world. There is no reason the US should be forced to pay by far the highest prices for drugs of
any nation in the world - again open up competition and make everyone world wide pay their fair share of drug development costs.
I am very pleased to see Trump has listed both of these on his
website. Now if he
could just mention these in the debate maybe we could actually make some progress on getting healthcare costs reduced.
Trump is a flawed candidate, but we cannot take another 4 years of the Obama economy as these charts clearly show.