posted on Mar, 1 2016 @ 08:19 AM
Well, I wanted to post a thread ranting about advertising, not advertising here on ATS, but advertising in general. I wanted to rant about
advertisements taking over TV programs, product placement even within TV programs, crawlers, insets, embedded and the 10 billion other tactics
advertisers use out of desperation to get their sacred product endorsement drilled into your skull. I wanted to post about advertisements one-upping
each other, getting brighter, louder, more inescapable until they become a blinding, deafening, multi-media prison of hellish proportion. But alas, I
I wanted to waive my arms, jump up and down, about advertisements on every park bench, on every city bus, on every building, on every flat surface. I
wanted to rant about advertisements on my phone, about flyers in my mailbox and about irregular sized advertising inserts in papers. I wanted to
SCREAM about spam, flashing billboards, about how every Bowl game is now an advertisement, every sports venue/stadium is now a living breathing
advertisement. But alas, I cannot.
I wanted to post about the future and where all this advertising is headed. I wanted to rant about the fact that certain advertisers have actively
pursued using lasers to post advertisements on the Moon (to be seen from Earth), investigated placing advertisements on clouds in the sky. I wanted
to rant about how in the future the human mind's bandwidth will be all but consumed by advertising, visual, aural, oral, psychological, subliminal,
physical. About how every single human sense will be completely saturated and destroyed by advertising. About how there is no escape from it, about
how you cannot turn it matter how hard you try. But alas, I cannot.
I wanted to post a rant about all of these things, but alas, I cannot. I cannot because after some brief searches I find the topic has been covered
So, in the end, my rant is about the fact I can't rant about something, a rant about not being able to rant about a subject so offensive it is
genuinely "rant-able", and there should be no boundaries limiting the amount of ranting this topic deserves. About how the simple fact this topic
has already been ranted upon is upsetting...and worthy of a rant itself.