posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 09:00 PM
There's about 1,000,000 reasons to be suspicious of HRC, if not outright put her on trial and likely send her to jail. There's been voter
fraud,intimidation,and just many sketchy situations in every primary/caucus so far. She's the elites favorite - Look at the DNC favoritism, look at
media favorite, just connect the dots, people.. she's suspected in crimes against our nation, she's proven to mishandle top secret information, and
overall just supports and is a part of the incompetent people of DC we've had for some years now. She's bought by media corps like Time Warner, and by
Wall-street bankers and other corrupt entities. She's a super-pac funded, anti-american feminazi who is getting a lot of votes from females because
she's apparently one herself, and from older democrats.
Her two main groups voting for her are girls that believe she will prop up females around the nation - When her record does NOT show this, and old
people who have no other choice and are too oldschool to consider socialism.
I just think she's the worst of the worst. I'd rather have Trump as president and Algore as his vice president, I'd rather have another damn bush
rather than this criminal psychopathic war-mongering, wall-street funded bitch.
That is all. Have a great day.
edit on 28-2-2016 by deadlyhope because: (no reason given)