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Evidence That Government Programs Work (ongoing list)

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posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 11:34 AM
This thread is a collection of all evidence that government programs are a net benefit (or not). It contains mostly studies with statistics, but also individual stories, to which you should add in your own of studies showing a net benefit (or loss). Government has multiplied in size by many times since social programs have been introduced. In the US this started to be substantial under FDR in the 1930's with the introduction of Social Security.

Here is an incomplete list of the areas I've heard mentioned in my personal experience as considered most beneficial:
1. Roads
2. Schools
3. Food
4. Shelter
5. Medical Care
6. Retirement Funding

Evidence Guide:
Certainly one good way of evidence is to group countries by policy and look at how well off each group is. So, you could for example present a list of countries (or at least one country) in a single region with larger government medical care programs, and then compare it to countries (or perhaps just one) with a weak or non-existent government medical care program with similar geography and national resources. You could then present statistics summarizing how well those countries are doing in various ways as a result. If the countries with the program are faring better in the expected area or overall, that would be evidence of a working policy. Of course evidence can consist of personal stories when the net effect on society is considered with the story.

So, with that as a guideline, here is the evidence of a government program being a net benefit (or drawback) to society:

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: centarix

The only one on that list I agree with is #1 or Roads. After that everything on your list would be better in the private sector or not at all. It should be noted that Government involvement in interstate commerce...for the only thing on your list they are supposed to be involved in anyway based on the original model created by our founding fathers.

Also, income tax was not supposed to exist and didn't until the 16th amendment. The Government was never intended to have the power and financial clout it does today. I don't want the Fed's involved in my life. I don't want them to "take care of me". I am an adult now.

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: centarix

A well-done government program study was done in Portugul on the criminalization of drugs. In 2001, Portugal decriminalized absolutely all drugs. Annual illicit drug deaths went from 78 in 2001, to about 35 the next year, to about 20 the next year, and settled at roughly 15.

So, it would appear that the criminalization of drugs would in Portugul lead to roughly 60 deaths per year in Portugul. Therefore there was a net drawback to that government program and not a net benefit of 60 lives lost per year.

Furthermore, a country-by-country comparison can be seen here that compares Portugal with other countries in Europe:

This is what makes this such a nice study. Portugal was compared to neighbor countries to get a good handle on what rendering illicit drugs illegal may have on a population.


This would have been an even better study if it had been done over decades, so it will be even better to be able to see this data in 2050. However, by that time Portugal will likely have economically collapsed due to their national debt load being high, so I do expect an increase in drug usage after that point.

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: centarix

The only one on that list I agree with is #1 or Roads. After that everything on your list would be better in the private sector or not at all. It should be noted that Government involvement in interstate commerce...for the only thing on your list they are supposed to be involved in anyway based on the original model created by our founding fathers.

Also, income tax was not supposed to exist and didn't until the 16th amendment. The Government was never intended to have the power and financial clout it does today. I don't want the Fed's involved in my life. I don't want them to "take care of me". I am an adult now.
List a single piece of evidence of a government roadway program being a net benefit to society. Can I go out and develop an interstate highway as a private enterprise, or does the government have a monopoly on that?

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: centarix

All of the benefits of civil services are local.

It isn't necessary to argue against any government services. Only to handle them at the closet level to their demand and utility. Better yet, leave them private.

The interstate highway system should fall under the Department of Defense and ordinary infrastructure can be funded by the same dollars that flow up into the federal coffers by simply leaving them in state.

Most services (such as dog catcher) are best managed at the local level. Some might make them municipal or county. Maybe Delaware could have a state dogcatcher. Should there be a federal dog catcher? A centralized waste management service? National water?

Why not?

It's the same argument as every other centralization justification but the absurdity of it is too obvious even to the most devout statists. That's how we can convince even them that not grabbing for control of all of it is really best for everybody. When we all try different ways to solve problems, we can apply the 'best practices' as we see fit. That is what is meant by "state and local laboratories".

There are very few (and clearly enumerated) responsibilities allocated to the federal government in our constitution, everything else is to be left to the states or the people.

edit on 28-2-2016 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: greencmp
A federal dogcatcher.... eek.
Sounds like a plan to have the US overrun by rabid dogs!

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: greencmp

A federal dogcatcher.... eek.
Sounds like a plan to have the US overrun by rabid dogs!

They will have a plan to release packs of wild dogs.

Problems and threatening situations will rise up.

Then the magical solution will come.


posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: centarix

1. Roads
2. Schools
3. Food
4. Shelter
5. Medical Care
6. Retirement Funding

Roads: I'm not sure what yoy're smoking but the infrastructure of the United States are abhorrent.

Schools: like Common Core, do you? Welcome to the minority.

Food: GMO

Shelter: look up how many displaced people there are in this cou try then off your sofa to one of them. Be sure to sare your food!

Medical Care: are you aware that hospitals only need to stablize you? So if you've lost 4 pints of blood, you get 2 pints. Also, know how many doctors are cash only now?

Retirement Funding: LMAO! I have worked my entire life, over 40 years, and eve I know I don't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting back the money EXTORTED from me.

We have big hearted, kind, caring people. Men and women who put their lives on the line for your freedoms forgot them.

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: greencmp
a reply to: centarix

All of the benefits of civil services are local.
I imagine you must be right, that there must be a local civil service with a net benefit. So, where is the evidence of this? Please present evidence.

posted on Mar, 1 2016 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: NewzNose

Do you know of any studies that back up your claims on any of these assertions?

posted on Mar, 1 2016 @ 12:28 PM
How many lives has the National Weather Service and NOAA saved?

Don't forget them.

posted on Mar, 1 2016 @ 12:38 PM
3. Food

You listed food as a govt program.


Don't forget to add "water".

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