a reply to:
He not necessarily because science is nothing more then the act of understanding dimensions and quantifying them.
Basically science didn't create the cellphones computers and the internet, science created and quantified the dimensions which allowed those things
to come into being, or to being discovered and invented. In fact for the most part it did not create them per say, that is just a misnomer in the
English language and other human languages, you could say.
Or look at it this way, science did not create radiowaves, but it did create a device capable of receiving and sending them once it was known they
exist and quantified and studied and things were created and devices were conceived of channeling them to a specific purposes by many peoples involved
in that particular field of understanding. With or without the radio, radio waves would still be out there.
Science is a broad term to many things and applications all of which are brought to one package. Its all about dimensions duh! The meaning and
definition on the word is as follows.
1: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through
observation and experiment
2: a particular area of this, ie sciences.
3: a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.
To say science brought on all those things such as TV and the internet is just a more quantified saying of saying that the trial and error of many
peoples and generations over many many years brought you the TV and internet as you see today, the total package and cumulation the vehicle by which
it came to be is called science.
They are basically saying the same thing. I think people get it a bit mixed up were the word "science" becomes like a whole thing unto itself. When
that happens, eventually it just may become a religion. When really all "science" means is trial and error by way of observable and quantifiable
experimentation. Nothing more nothing less.
So ya science is a manifestation of conscious observers. It is quite possible that if other focus point or bodies or whatever existed out there on
some other planet there conscious observers could have manifested a different sort of science then us which would reach and achieve the same ends.
After all science its just a tool, the metric system and English system use different things, numbers symbology etc, but both do and achieve the same
thing and ends, ie 1 inch and 2.5 centimeters are the same exact thing only expressed differently.