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Is motion time travel?

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posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 05:32 AM
If an equalateral triangle expands in all directions, then it remains an equalateral triangle, with the correct proportions to be described as such, but it's bigger. If the observer also expanded at the same rate as the triangle, then it would look to them as though nothing had changed.

Where gravity is more intense, time moves more slowly, pulling against the expansion event and retarding it's rate of change... [Gravitational Time Dilation - Time moves faster in space between gravitational fields so long as velocity is constant.] 

I wonder how gravity relates to time. Could gravity be considered another dimension?

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: f4andHALFtoads

Time is really just particle decay. As gravity attempts to rectify everything into a balance of charge in a mass into an equilibrium. This is why near and at zero charge particles appear to move faster and some such as the tachyon appear to time travel backwards in time. It's a particle faster than any with a rate of decay and the speed of photons used to detect it... the particles ending in "on" are a very powerful thing to harness as things with great potential.

Our bodies are a conglomerate of particles and life forms, some pull us towards the dynamo our gravity wave on earth than others. This is why time is relative to the observer when memory is not used as an example of it and no frame of reference allows stasis.

Speaking of which? Cryogenics is only works when the individual is acclimated in liquid oxygen then frozen... to remove the oxygen bubbles that rapidly expand and explode if frozen any other way.

Liquid oxygen is a great example of how far, government science is ahead of the masses... It has been around since the late 40s early 50s and only formally announced in the mid 80s.

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: onequestion

read the thread in my signature

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: f4andHALFtoads

I don't think gravity is another dimension. it may come from/go to another dimension, however. But that really get cloudy due to what is meant by the term "dimension". Its a loosely applied/poorly defined word.

But time seems to be the result of our lack of interaction with a fourth dimension. It might seem logical to say that time is, itself, a 4th dimension. But from our 3d perspective I don't think we can ever know for sure.

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: onequestion

Hmmm, spidey senses tingling from the wonders of what you ask friend....
wouldn't almost anything we do be considered time travel though? I mean what about when we travel....and keep bouncing between time zones....? aint it about the same thing....ish...kinda?

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 11:25 AM
Time is measured by movement.


posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

But that really get cloudy due to what is meant by the term "dimension". Its a loosely applied/poorly defined word.

In popular usage, perhaps. In physics the term is quite clear. A dimension is an element of a coordinate system.

But no, gravity is not a dimension. It is a field, a property of spacetime. It exists within the three spatial and single temporal coordinates.
edit on 2/28/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 03:29 PM
Apparently at the speed of light, time actually stops.

For a photon emitted by the sun, the moment of emission and the moment of absorption are the same event, no matter how far apart, which would mean that the space it traversed didn't exist to it either.

So the photon exists in spacetime only to the sun and to my skin, but not to itself. There is no conciousness for the photon in space time, yet it existed for 8 minutes and 20 srconds and traveled 149.6 million killometeres... The photon is time travelling.

Motion at the speed of light is time travel.

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: f4andHALFtoads
Apparently at the speed of light, time actually stops.

For a photon emitted by the sun, the moment of emission and the moment of absorption are the same event, no matter how far apart, which would mean that the space it traversed didn't exist to it either.

So the photon exists in spacetime only to the sun and to my skin, but not to itself. There is no conciousness for the photon in space time, yet it existed for 8 minutes and 20 srconds and traveled 149.6 million killometeres... The photon is time travelling.

Motion at the speed of light is time travel.

That's actually not true time never stops.You can't assign a frame of refrence to photon. There is no way for a photon to be an observer, It is impossible for Matter can't travel the speed if light meaning that nowhere in the universe does time stop. It can slow but never stop. From our frame of refrence a photon has a speed and travels through time this occurs in every frame of refrence in the universe.

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: onequestion

Very possibly... some people teach that time is three dimensional just like space.

posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 06:42 PM
Please forgive my ignorance on some concepts as I'm no scientist, but what I have put here is my understanding of time and how I've been experiencing it and what came to mind while reading the thread, I hope it makes some sense.
You can never stop time but you can slow it down, you could never go back in time either. Time or our measurement of time is directly related to memory, if we absorb more memory points we effectively slow down time but that is relative to the individual as time is constant. This means that you could be with someone else doing exactly the same thing but you both experience it differently based on how you remember it (memory points), if you think back to your childhood when everything used to take forever, that is because as a child we are creating more memory points, the world is new and fresh and we are observing it heavily - we watch the clock essentially and every time we do we create a memory point. As we get older and aren't constantly watching the more mundane tasks we do day to day time seems to go faster. Our minds are the key to experiencing a longer life, even if it is the same length in years as someone else.
So to answer the question are we time traveling through motion, well yes I think we are, we are always traveling in time. It's our observation of it that makes it seem longer or shorter. Maybe if we are traveling at the speed of light we slow time because we are able to take many memory points along the way, effectively our mind and our observations are key to how we experience that speed. If we are unable to observe at that speed then it will still be over in a blink of an eye and we may not experience the slowing of time as theorized. I think its locked into the speed at which we are able to make memory points more so than how fast we travel. Not sure, but it definitely stretches the mind contemplating the what if's, thanks for the thread.

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 12:21 AM
Well, Einstein theorized space and time were really one unit, spacetime. It's impossible to move in one and not the other.

I'll take his answer ftw.
edit on 29-2-2016 by Tempter because: Sp

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: onequestion
Ha! No not really, kind of, who know eh?

Think of it like a video game. A FPS to be more exact, first the world around you is created and then a focus point is set in it, that focus point being you, your body, your mind, your soul, whatever you want to call it so you move around that created world in a first person perspective. Time is nothing more then a measuring device and concept from focus point to focus point in relation with a specific conscious that operates under that said paradigm that its under and understands.

Its all relative, oh and also motion does not really exist either, that is an illusion in said construct of conscious, your not really going anywhere your just building or stuck in worlds or consciousness both yours or others around you that your conscious either interpreters or creates or a bit of both, as it changes things around you or as things around change due to outside forces. ie the whole mind body soul thing.

It does not necessarily move more as it expands or contracts based a gazilian factors one of which being that your a physical body made of atoms in a world and existence based on rules outside of your control and so on etc. For instance the more you would understand said rules outside of your making your conscious would expand enabling you to move to different levels or paradigms, and it can also go backwards as well.

But not to sure that movement is wholly and illusion not of physics, but of consciousness. As for movement based on physics, well there is this vid, its pretty cool as well, and even it says your not necessarily going anywhere but in perspective hindsight.

Action is time travel as action is the act of said focus point being and expressing itself its defining moment or moments, but movement and what it all entails is merely a point of reference ie its all relative like Einstein said, same as somebody waking up in the morning in Europe, is equal to somebody going to sleep in the US at the same time on different time schedules, its all relative.

What I am saying is the rules are changing all the time, you do things, and then much later you have to come with a reason and excuse for doing them. Like say for instance what your talking about now.

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: Phage
Everything that can be quantified is a dimension. So ya gravity is a dimension, just not one in and of itself.

Everything can pretty much be in many ways considered dimensions because they can be quantified and measured and defined and all of that, so yes there is a dimension of sound ie vibrations your ear can hear to those it cant, to a dimension of sight ie light that your eye can pick up to those it cant, ergo the light spectrum, even a dimension of taste and even to the more esoteric things such as fashion tastes.

It is quite literally the meaning of the word, taken not only to the far out there, but that right in your face every single day to know something or what it is, is to know its dimensions for that particular thing, even for things such as fashion sense or fashion tastes, those to exist within a dimension and can be quantified.

There is a dimension of computing hence you can talk through signals going through wire and space/air on your comp or smartphone, but all of those are just minute dimension and can be measured and quantified in a much larger over all dimension. Its pretty much just how things are.

But it does not end at 3 spatial and temporal coordinates that's for sure, though those would be the easiest to quantify. To quote some guy I read a second ago.

A dimension is an element of a coordinate system.

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: onequestion
He not necessarily because science is nothing more then the act of understanding dimensions and quantifying them.

Basically science didn't create the cellphones computers and the internet, science created and quantified the dimensions which allowed those things to come into being, or to being discovered and invented. In fact for the most part it did not create them per say, that is just a misnomer in the English language and other human languages, you could say.

Or look at it this way, science did not create radiowaves, but it did create a device capable of receiving and sending them once it was known they exist and quantified and studied and things were created and devices were conceived of channeling them to a specific purposes by many peoples involved in that particular field of understanding. With or without the radio, radio waves would still be out there.

Science is a broad term to many things and applications all of which are brought to one package. Its all about dimensions duh! The meaning and definition on the word is as follows.

1: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment

2: a particular area of this, ie sciences.

3: a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.

To say science brought on all those things such as TV and the internet is just a more quantified saying of saying that the trial and error of many peoples and generations over many many years brought you the TV and internet as you see today, the total package and cumulation the vehicle by which it came to be is called science.

They are basically saying the same thing. I think people get it a bit mixed up were the word "science" becomes like a whole thing unto itself. When that happens, eventually it just may become a religion. When really all "science" means is trial and error by way of observable and quantifiable experimentation. Nothing more nothing less.

So ya science is a manifestation of conscious observers. It is quite possible that if other focus point or bodies or whatever existed out there on some other planet there conscious observers could have manifested a different sort of science then us which would reach and achieve the same ends.

After all science its just a tool, the metric system and English system use different things, numbers symbology etc, but both do and achieve the same thing and ends, ie 1 inch and 2.5 centimeters are the same exact thing only expressed differently.

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

well... part of growth is not simply just serving a meal, but showing others how to cook. so let me take you on a thought experiment the same as einstein and everyone else has used in the kitchen when cooking from scratch until they applied the math to see if the ingredients were pleasing to the taste of all other scientists at the table.

have to ever dragged something from one space to another... and then assemble it at the desired location? did you travel to another dimension or just through time relative to you? now once there the box held a diffrent shape yet contained all the components needed unless packed improperly yes? so when the item was assembled, its form occupied the expected form unless asembled incorrectly, beyond emotional attachments did it not?

further the place it now occupies was once empty... the sehlf it resided on from whence it came however was not though until retrieved... but you on removing it from the shelf it occupied all the same space required during the entire trip to fill the space that was once void, where did the void go? through the wormhole of spacetime you created in its transport correct? form is emptiness and emptyness is form because the two occupy the same space but not the same time... so relatively speaking that sh|t is now yours by the way of your action causing displacment... or gravity the envelope called a car to travel through this 3 dimensional space was all on your time which unlike space is universal... although space is found between the matter occupying it.

apply that to math... and if it works eat, some may not like the flavor but it still fills a void for a moment before the response that wants to spit something else out... that someting else is either positive, negative, or shh too busy being in the moment enjoying the present or gift of life to allow such things we call passions beyond eating just to fill a void.

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

heres what i like most about this... so many stick to scientific law... well what makes science science? the repeatable nature of it. put physics in a vaccum and physic law does not operate the same outside of that condition... so a law is only good for the condition in which it applies. some have been fearing science has hit a dead end... when we've only invented the wheel, hope this renews passion and invigorates those limited by science taken as always fact when just a little is known as a religion the same as well religious believers do... one and the same extreme are they not when objectively looking without bias?

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 05:02 AM

originally posted by: Nochzwei
a reply to: onequestion

read the thread in my signature

I read ATS on a mobile device for now so can you link it?

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: onequestion

if you look at a line, at its end point at an angle perpendicular and parallel in 3d space? it looks like this . or what appears a 1 point from the side like this _________ but both representations of the third dimension of matter that occupies space... now imagine the energy trails of particles that appear as this . but in actuality this __________ but when entangled by charge swaps and the effects there of? well hell, just look around and quantum entanglement or string theory is right in front of you seen and unseen. the swaps etc are all just states of decay we call the atomic clock... gold eventually becomes lead through its rate of decay or over time.

put lead and gold layered together and what do you think happens? as theres only 1 particle swap difference in both elements. what about changing polarity of each layer mechanically so entangled? lol dont ask me ive no laboratory

posted on Feb, 29 2016 @ 09:36 AM
There are actually 11 dimensions as far as we know

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