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Why NOBODY is the best hope for the 2016 election

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posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 08:40 PM
Taking a break from the world has given me some perspective. Here's an objective view on the election.

Hillary Clinton feeds hate. If you're not for her, you're antifeminist. Those are the rules attached to that man/woman. Hillary Clinton is as backwards as any politician, and she changes her mind more often than most of us change our clothes.

Bernie Sanders? I don't know much about him. He could very well be the best option out of the three, but we won't know until we see how he acts after, and if, he's elected. Doesn't matter much. Presidents are only the frontmen of decisions made by a secretive few who's faces we never see.

And finally, Donald Trump.

I'm sure we're all very happy with what he's been saying. We finally have someone "up there" who's speaking for us, speaking for the community of patriots who usually have no voice in the game of politics.

That being said, don't you think that's his intention?

To play us up and have us all yelling "YEAH, 'MERICA!" so we get him into the white house?

His charisma is winning him a lot of battles. He knows just how to market controversy. He knows just when to say something edgy that would anger the sheeple, but that would make the rest of us shoot up from our seats and clap.

It would be nice if he meant what he said, but let's not forget that he's a trustfund baby, AND a politician.

He's charismatic, rich, and... a politician.

He's got all the makings for a perfect liar.

All his 'Merica crap is just like the sensationalism caused by Obama's promises for hope and change. He knows how to inspire us with words, but we will see yet again that absolutely no action will back the promises. A president's actions almost always contradict their promises, because more often than not, they're acting on the decisions made by the nameless people who whisper their agendas in their ears. A president is a puppet for a bigger game plan. Have we all forgotten that?

People, do NOT put your faith in Donald Trump.

Not only because he has all the tell-tale signs of a liar, but because he's hoping to get elected for a position that will set him up financially for life, that will grant him a position of power that'll stroke his massive ego. He may even believe half the stuff he says, but that doesn't make it true.

It's sad to see such beautiful passion wasted on him.

So many good, freedom loving people put all their hopes on him like he's a messiah.

He's just a man.

A man who's never seen combat, who's never lived paycheck to paycheck like we all have. How much perspective could he possibly have for people who live the way we do? How much could he possibly care about those of us breaking our backs to keep the tower of the elite standing?

If voting made a difference, do you really think a gaggle of millionaires and billionaires would let us do it? If we changed too much of the world, their lifestyle would be compromised. They wouldn't let that happen, no matter how many of us would have to be crushed under their feet.

I know you want to believe someone is speaking for us.

I do too.

But when you see him rant and you feel yourself fill with that all consuming passion, that motivation, that inspiration, that's how you know you're being manipulated. If it was some regular guy yelling about change, or perhaps a war veteran, who knows, it might be a different story. But when it's a man like Donald Trump, a wealthy smoothtalker who's in the PERFECT position to lie to you, and who has EVERY REASON to do so? Don't be carried away by that sensationalism. Don't let all of that false hope cloud your mind.

Election campaigns are held up by an obscene amount of money. Money that could be used feeding the hungry, or fixing our education system. Why do we put our hopes in fakeness and bloated rambles about political correctness, while turning the other cheek from the problems right in front of us? Do we really think our votes make a difference? No matter WHO is in office, our economy won't change enough to be healed. The damage is done, and the people making the decisions that orchestrate our downfall will still be in the same position of power they were the day before.

I hate hearing about elections for the same reason I hate hearing about the superbowl.

It doesn't matter, it makes no difference, and it's a lot of energy, money, and passion wasted on absolutely nothing.

There we go. End rant.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: XxNightAngelusxX

Something I just discovered is that Trump is a shareholder of Goldman Sachs.

Not just Ted Cruz: Most GOP candidates have financial ties to Goldman Sachs

With all of the attacks on Cruz's relatively mild asset backed loan for his 2012 state campaign amounting to less than what they paid Hillary, does he think that just won't matter?

Why hasn't that been brought up in any debates yet?

In conclusion, good for you for taking a break!

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: XxNightAngelusxX
Claiming "nobody is best" and not knowing Bernie is your mistake right there, fella.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: XxNightAngelusxX

FWIW I posted this in another thread in regards to the cesspool of candidates we got:

The way I see it based on the front runners:

Rubio,cruz,Kasich,Clinton: not worth even showing up to vote. They will all give you the same bigger gov't , more taxes, less privacy and rights, more wars, more debt, more Oligarch friendly laws.

Trump: Only if Hillary is selected.

Sanders: Is the only one that I see some good coming from this election. Our biggest issue is corruption and he is the only one that is really bringing it to the forefront. I'm not worried about his socialist views because we have an Oligarch now and going to socialism is a down grade for the establishment. Plus as president he cant do anything without congress, so I expect a lame duck congress.

Hence the only positive I see out of the 2016 election is:
Bernie as president talking about corruption on the MSM. Its a minuscule step , but a step in the right direction nonetheless.

Plus I like lame-duck congress since congress has a tendencies to only pass things that favor Oligopolies on the back of the regular tax payer.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: XxNightAngelusxX


It would be nice if he meant what he said, but let's not forget that he's a trustfund baby, AND a politician. He's charismatic, rich, and... a politician.

Now your really going to have to back up that statement...cause I think you just pulled that out know where...

In case you didn't know...unless you actually win a campaign and/or have served in some capacity as an elected representative...your not actually a politician...your just some person that is seeking to become ...a politician...
You aren't part of that particular club yet...

He's got all the makings for a perfect liar.

Well that certainly is your opinion...unfortunately for you that's all your opinion is...opining...

Election campaigns are held up by an obscene amount of money. Money that could be used feeding the hungry, or fixing our education system. case you haven't heard...let me share a little tid bit with you...Monies spent by candidate thus far during this election...

As you can see...Donald Trump's expenditures pale in comparison to the other major candidates...And that's the New York if you want to have any credibility you'll have to admit he's simply not taking the PAC and lobbyist/establishment money...

So your long winded diatribe holds water like the federal coffers hold cash...

Kudo's for trying though...


posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 09:54 PM

I mean there are a number of independent parties that are completely ignored by the idea that they're unelectable - which may be true; you'll never convince enough people to vote independent to actually prevent a establishment democrat or republican from winning, but that's a problem with the voters themselves and not the system at large.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: XxNightAngelusxX
To play us up and have us all yelling "YEAH, 'MERICA!" so we get him into the white house?

I think all politicians who run for president are like this. Heck, Obama was even like this.

They persuade you to vote for them, then they do whatever they want as soon as they enter office.

It's not like voting matters anyway, you aren't really voting for president, thanks to the Electoral College.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: ugmold
a reply to: XxNightAngelusxX
Claiming "nobody is best" and not knowing Bernie is your mistake right there, fella.

Presidents don't make enough of a difference for his politics to matter. Read the whole post. Presidents are the face of the decisions of many people.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 10:57 PM

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: XxNightAngelusxX


It would be nice if he meant what he said, but let's not forget that he's a trustfund baby, AND a politician. He's charismatic, rich, and... a politician.

Now your really going to have to back up that statement...cause I think you just pulled that out know where...

In case you didn't know...unless you actually win a campaign and/or have served in some capacity as an elected representative...your not actually a politician...your just some person that is seeking to become ...a politician...
You aren't part of that particular club yet...

He's got all the makings for a perfect liar.

Well that certainly is your opinion...unfortunately for you that's all your opinion is...opining...

Election campaigns are held up by an obscene amount of money. Money that could be used feeding the hungry, or fixing our education system. case you haven't heard...let me share a little tid bit with you...Monies spent by candidate thus far during this election...

As you can see...Donald Trump's expenditures pale in comparison to the other major candidates...And that's the New York if you want to have any credibility you'll have to admit he's simply not taking the PAC and lobbyist/establishment money...

So your long winded diatribe holds water like the federal coffers hold cash...

Kudo's for trying though...


Ha. My opinion on Trump's personality is based on basic psychology I learned in high school. As said, this conclusion doesn't take a formidable amount of thinking to come to. I was talking about the election campaigns on a wider, more general scale than Donald Trump. My points still stand.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: XxNightAngelusxX

Not only because he has all the tell-tale signs of a liar, but because he's hoping to get elected for a position that will set him up financially for life, that will grant him a position of power that'll stroke his massive ego.

Um... I think he's got this one already covered.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: XxNightAngelusxX
There you go finally somebody gets it. You have no great picks, its just different shades and flavors of dipshnizzels. And the whole system was put in place not to effect change, but to make sure change does not happen. Because if that were to happen then a whole lot of people would be set on losing a whole lot of things.

And so you get the dog and pony show. Not to say it is completely without merit as with the resources at your hand while president one could accomplish a great lot. But that's not going to happen because well, just look at all your great candidates, they are far from all that great once you step back and really take a look at it from a broader perspective.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: XxNightAngelusxX
Yup they are an end product of many many people and generations even. How can they change or do anything when they themselves are nothing but products of the past?

Its just a silly idea. Presidents are the face and cumulations of the decisions of many people come to a screen near you for your viewing pleasure for the most part that's all they are, and not the other way around as they are just a product of the people and times.

posted on Feb, 26 2016 @ 11:41 PM
Yea tap out and see where that gets us.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 03:09 AM
The problem with the US Presidential elections, and therefore the problem with the current contenders is this...

It costs billions.

You either have to be fantastically rich, or have to sacrifice your soul to the funders, who will then control you should you win.

To be the President is out of reach to the common man. It's getting worse. You now have dynasties in political life - the Clintons, the Bush's etc... Almost like royalty, the royalty you removed. Very sad for America when I see the Presidential race.

At least in the UK election funding is very low and capped.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: ugmold
a reply to: XxNightAngelusxX
Claiming "nobody is best" and not knowing Bernie is your mistake right there, fella.

Bernie, the anti-establishment career politician who will be able to achieve absolutely zero of his goals? Riiggght.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 07:42 AM
2016- Choose the form of the destructor!

Staying out of it seems to be the least terrible thing to do, but I fear that the tank treads of big government keep moving, and sooner or later they'll squash us all.
I looked into escaping- and it turns out we've already destroyed the rest of the world, too.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: XxNightAngelusxX

Etan Cohen : 'Idiocracy' has become a documentary

Idiocracy was a 2006 cult classic that portrayed America’s future as a world run by idiots. If you think that sounds awfully familiar, you are not alone. Etan Cohen took to Twitter to admit that he saw parallels between his fiction and our reality.

The comedy sci-fi movie followed a hapless Army librarian and a prostitute who agreed to be suspended in frozen animation for 500 years. When they emerge, they discovered that the world is essentially run by cave men named after corporations and products who live in plastic huts. The politics of 2505 depicted in Idiocracy look more like the beginning of a wrestling match than insightful debate and the country is led by a violence loving, foul mouthed, ignoramus of a president.

Screenwriter Etan Cohen tweet out “I never expected #idiocracy to become a documentary.”


posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 10:04 AM
I think the whole thing sucks. Sadly, Bernie is probably the most honest, nicest actually cares about blacks politician. Hilary is going to beat him, basically she already has, I hate to say that but lets be real. That leaves us with Hillary and Trump. Alex Jones disagrees with your take on Trump big time and so do I.

Hilary and Trump both have some negatives, she has more. Being an investor in a bank and taking their money are two completely different things, just like saying "immigrant" and "illegal immigrant" which most like to leave out the illegal part.

I don't think there is a Trump supporter that hasn't been skeptical of his motives. Hilary supporters don't seem to be skeptical of her at all about anything. Hilary is really trying to "be president", Trump is not, yeah he campaigns but he doesn't beg.

I have watched both of their campaigns and speeches, rallies etc. Hillary flat out panders to blacks, women and gays for their vote and that's that. Trump says whatever he wants without even thinking about it first, REGARDLESS OF HOW IT SOUNDS.

That being said, who is more real ? Obviously Trump totally unscripted and off the fly, they all are repeaters, three speeches a day, anyone is bound to burn out and repeat stuff. I dare any of them to stick up for a single white male that is educated, works and bothers no one but gets screwed because he isn't married.
edit on 27-2-2016 by Medicator because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-2-2016 by Medicator because: (no reason given)

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